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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Last night something big made BOOM on territory of Russian military base (488th MRR of 144th MRD) in Klintsy, Briansk oblast (45 km in nearest point to UKR border) Looks like Bulgaria handed over Tochka-U for us.
  2. Mmmm... Good thing, but has weak autoloader. Germany should be pleased we tested this toy in REAL conditions, not in "low-ntensivity warfare". Now engineers can make some changes. SAR-sattelite we also already have About "B-52" wing - thank to US and other Westrern countries, which forced is to scrap our Tu-22M3 and hand over to Russian all Tu-160 and Kh-555 cruise missiles, which they now fire at us. And for this we signed useless Budapest memorandum about "guaranties". You in 90th didn't want to see new strong military force in Europe? So, now time to pay for this mistake. But you pay with money, and we with our blood.
  3. Royal Marines deployed on ‘high-risk covert operations’ in Ukraine Emmm... What? https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/royal-marines-deployed-on-high-risk-covert-operations-in-ukraine-r7b50gv3p Maybe if this is true, Royal Marines were as "vacationers" in Foreign Legion?
  4. Thanks to post this. For those, who lasy to open the thread I briefly tell about article - First batch of Neptune missiles were taken from factory for several days before the war - First usage of Neptune was not in April when "Moskva" has been sunk, but on 26th of Feb. Three missiles were launched at three large landing ships, which sailed toward Mykolaiv. Russians had intentions to make bridgehead near Mykolaiv or between Mykolaiv and Odesa. Missiles route have to be over Odesa, so for safety reasons their route was put on 120 m altitude instead 4-5 m. Russian detected missiles and probably intercepted all (or they missed). Also allegedly they mistakingly shot down own fighter jet, covering the convoy over the sea and hunting for the missiles too. But for Russians appearance of AS-missiles turned out total surprize, so convoy has broken the mission and returned back. - after first launches, battery commander was very dissapointed and ordered to check all missiles, why no one didn't hit a target. Turned out all missiles had defect with the same part, which wouldn't allow to activate warhead. Naval Command claimed this was factory sabotage, but representatives of DB "LUCH" rejected this and soon all parts were repaired - UKR militaries, who were sources of this article, rejected any NATO assistance in Moskva attack. They tell UKR hasn't any problems with detection of so large target, all problems were only with targeting, because Neptune hadn't in that time own over-the-horizon radar (though missiles can be targeted by coordinates). - Bayraktar crews rejected to fly to Moskva, because there were low clouds through which TB2 can't work and to fly lower the clouds would be mean alsmost 100 % loss of valuable equipment. - The weather helped us. Clouds were so low, that usual radar signal, reflecting from the clouds and water, rerached Moskva in 120 km from the shore and showed the thick mark on display. After seconds of hesitation, commander ordered salvo. The lauch was also from Odesa oblast area. - "Moskva" almost didn't activate own AD equipment, because possibly commander was sure in such terrible weather no one jet oe TB2 will not fly to attack them (also here already was posted a document of technical conditions revsion of "Moscva" for January 2022, where many critical radar and AD systems had many malfunctions or were even not in working conditions). - The ship could be rescued, but the evening and night storm didn't allow other vessels to approach. When on next morning the sea was already calm, there was too late. The photo of the same historical launch
  5. This is usual for them, but this never was an obstacle to fight. Even their wives when write angry appeals to aithorities, don't demand to turn them back and stop the war. They demand equipment and good commanders for them.
  6. The ugly fact that Germany long time explained own loyality and appeasment policy to Russia and business-as-usual with them despite growing imperial appetites by "moral obligations because Russian population losses during 1941-1945". But most affected former Soviet republics in WWII were Belarus and Ukraine. But Russia has a gas and oil and it has big market, so "obligations" were only before Russia, not before some "annoying minors". Merkel's vote for no NATO membership of Ukriane also was one of reasons of current war. In 2014 Germany rejected to sold engines for our BTR-4, hypocrytically explaining this decision that "this will more escalate a conflict and will cause new deaths" In 2015 Germany and France pressing of hesitating Poroshenko contributed Minsk-2 agreenemts, laying the slow bomb under Ukriane So, maybe Germany hasn't LEGAL obligations, but now it has MORAL. Yes, Germany give us many of financial support and took in a lot of refugees, but Germany does not enough in military aspect, looking back to previous policy toward Ukraine. Though... PzH2000 and IRIS-T are really good things. But there is imagination,. that Germany to this time scare to loss Russian market and get some political problems with Russia after the war if will give more heavy weapon to us.
  7. Never. Because locals in Donbas and Crimea are not so big Russia-lovers, that to go to death for it, but just conformists. Most of them will flee to Russia, other... "resistance" of other will be mostly in their kitchen talks. Like in times of USSR and Ukraine. Of course, some fanatics can organize some sort of partisanship, but they will be quickly eliminatet. There is an UKR movie "Atlantida", filmed in 2019, which describes possible life on liberated-in-future Donbas
  8. I wouldn't underestimate "mobiks" and consider them as 100 % untrained unmotivated canon fodder. Of course there are many examples when people, not serving in army were conscripted, but still, enough large part of mobilized are either former conscript servicemen or former contractors. And even if this men from Russian deep assholes, they have the same capabilities of survival out of "zone of comfort" like our 40+ mobilized, about which I wrote some time ago. Put him in conditions "win or die" and he will try to survive and win. Many of mobiks have been going at war either in high patriotic mood or just with calm fatalism "authorities ordered, so I must go". All problems of Russian mobilization is not people don't want to go at war, but only in not enough number of training centers, officers and equipment. Most of problem with "mobiks" by words of Russian milbloggers are in Western Military District.
  9. The time of rotation always dangerous. When one unit already in thought in the rear and other is just coming to positions and doedn't fully understand what's goung on here. As examples - in such way DPR captured positions near Opytne and Vodiane near Donetsk airport about month ago and UKR troops made surprise offensive at the beginning of Octoeber in Zolota Balka area in Kherson oblast in the time of Russian units rotation
  10. I can imagine the island, surrounded by not warm sea in winter %) Though, Golfstream maybe makes winter more soft, but anyway wet winter is nastily
  11. Alas, we have the same problem, which already named "trench COVID". About Syberian frosts, I once heard a talks of two men, one told to his friend how his brother from Yakutiya came to visit him to Kyiv and since some time has cought a cold. He told, that winter in Ukraine for him was much more worse, than in Syberia! Because despite -30 is usual for them, and they almost didn't get sick, because their frost has low humidity, but in Ukraine usual -5...-10 with 80...90 % humidity easily can put you to bed
  12. 43rd high-powewr artillery brigade (2S7) got first PzH2000 Now in 43rd. German aid Characteristic: Accurately and significantly faster. Much more work now too It's worth of sepatrate story, how theese guns are saving Bakhmut and our infantry PS. "Pions" havn't dissapeared. We also still have them
  13. City camera fixed explosion sound. Local blogger and collaborationist Rogov, claims this was not HIMARS strike, but diversion - the charge as if was put on bridge support
  14. Tu-141 had been produced in Kharkiv and it's engine KR-17A was designed and produced in Zaporizhzhia. I think, all documentation was saved, but I doubt it is possible to renew a manufacturing of this UAV in variant of cheap cruise missile.
  15. Looks like Wagner troops used period of adaptation of likely 128th mountain-assault brigade, which substituted 93rd mech.brigade near Bakhmut. During previous 2-3 days Wagner completely seized building ceramic factory and approached to "Sinata" plastoboard factory. But much worse thing happened yesterday - as wrote one soldier from there: "128th let us down again. Minus 2 platoon strongpoints. Guys! To gather yourself!" - and on situation maps was pointed that Russians crossed the pounds line and seized small part of the city area (or at least by other info this is contested area now). Bakhmut divided by Bakhmutka river on two almost equal parts. Eastern part has a name Zabakhmutka (i.e "over the Bakhmutka") and on 90 % consists of cottadges. Also this soldier, mentioned above wrote as if PMC got an order to capture Bakhmut to 1st of January, else commanders, especially "zek"-units will be repressed. Also he wrote looks like enemy has intentions to encircle Toretsk town (between Horlivka, Bakhmut and Kostiantynivka) with simultainous attack from Kurdiumivka by PMC and VDV and from Horlivka by units of 3rd MRR of DPR.
  16. We have very unstable weather during the week. About 0 day and below zero at the night (maximum -8 in one night) changes with +6 thaw two days ago with heavy rain and today's snowfall with -1
  17. "Arty Green" is a famous spotter, which during Debaltsevo battle in 2015 almost by the force of own small team could maintain effective communication of infantry and brigade-level artillery, evading top HQs, with different means - from cell phones to first versions of GISArta battlefield infosystem. His artillery call system had been worked perfrectly, targeting enemy much more fast and effective, then tradiotional Soviet-time system, used by AFU in 2014
  18. He is alive. He already has filmed a video near ruined "Hunter's halt"
  19. 58th motorized infantry brigade also left Bakhmut sector. Railroad bridge destroyed north from Bakhmut. It's unknown either this was enemy strike, or the bridge was demolished by UKR forces Southern from Bakhmut Russian Wagner and VDV troops concentrate forces in Kurdiumivka to next attack the section Dyliivka - Bila Hora. If they success, not only Kostiantynivka - Bakhmut road will be under threaten, but Kostiantynivka town itself too. Today over the town UKR Mi-8 is crashed by technical reasons. One sources write pilots alive,other - all three dead.
  20. Serviceman of 93rd mech.brigade says, their 4-months campaign in Bakhmut is over. They inflicted alot of losses to the enemy, but their losses also enough big. They are going to rotation for R&R (or likely already left the sector) and wish good luck to those, who will come to substitute them. Maybe toughest brigade of AFU. Heavy fights since May under endless Russian arty rains southern from Izium and after this heaviest fights since autumn near Bakhmut. Thanks, guys, you are titans and no one Marvel superhero can't stand nearby
  21. According the words of Khodakovskiy, former commander of DPR "Vostok" battalion (now regiment), enemy troops today activeted on Velyka Novosilka direction (south of Donetsk oblast) and conducted enough strong attack, as if pusing UKR troops back from forward positions, but were stopped on second defense line with coming reserves and now "situation is fluent" UKR insides partially confirmed this info (about withdrawing from forward positions), but on other hand showed results of repelling enemy attack - 231st TD battalion of 128th TD brigade (Dnipropetrovsk oblast) showed destoyed enemy armor near Neskuchne village
  22. Melitpol airbase area last night Other yesterday strike on Melitopol at recreation complex "Hunter's halt" was conducted with Turkish-made missiles TRLG-230 (and now we know that UKR forces could lase trgets with UAVs). On the video - result of hits and remains of this missile. On the night video with bodies recovering Caucasians accent was heard. By unconfirmed information Murad Saidov - Kadyrov's approximate could be killed there. This complex was lovely place for local collaborationis administration and Russian top-officers. Also one more yesterday strike aftermath - during strike on Dmytrivka village vicinity in 15 km NW from Berdiansk (105 km from frontline) there was hit a recharging and maintenance site of S-300 battalion. This place was revealed by recons as far as month ago and all this time the strike has been prepared. Russians came there not each day and not always in full composition, so additional recon has been conducted constatly and two days ago whole AD battalion was spotted, being apperard for recharging and tech.works again. Total about 25 vehicles were spotted. After the strike huge detonation took place and at least seven vehicles were destroyed. Just still unclear what weapon was used to reach this site. One more AD supressing work - some "western weapon" destroyed newest Russian Buk-M3 near Vesele village
  23. Here is one more of back side of medal of UKR successes from the servicemen, he is a sniper, probably of 73rd Maritime SOF Center. He says about phrase "remember a cost", which media became to share after Kherson liberation. Translation: Now a time to say about Kherson. "Remeber a cost". Remember a cost of unprofessionalism and untraining of soldiers, which weren't trained by platoon commanders, because they filled in journals, because thier company commnaders wanted more [of journals], because battalion commander was bored. Remember a cost of stolen diesel and fuc..g bad tenders /means official MoD purchases for army/. Remember a cost of liaison absence. And a cost of communication absence between units. A cost of fu...g unreasoned tasks with shouts "an order is an order!" Remember a cost of unprepared assaults. A cost of fuc..g lost minefileds maps. A cost of cowards remember too and cost of people, who slept, standing on watches...
  24. @sburke , next batch ) Major Vladimir Stakhiriuk, senior officer of organization&palnning department of military medicine directorate of Southern military district. Was killed on 20th November Major GUFSIN (guard of jails) Albert Kireyev, served in 90th tank division, then retired and was employed in GUFSIN, there got major rank. Enlisted to Wagner PMC. Was killed on 16th Oct likely near Bakhmut Retired Spetsnaz officer Dmitriy Kirilov, rank unknown, but judging on service timeline Soviet-time 58th CAA, operations in Transnistria, two Chechen wars, other local conflicts he can be at least major. Founder of paramilitary club "Sova" ("Owl") in Moscow oblast for kids and teens. Likely enlisted in Wagner PMC and was killed on 28th of November. Colonel Denis Davydov, commander of 19th NBC protection regiment (has heavy flamethrower battalion with 3 TOS-1A) of 29th CAA, Eastern military district.
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