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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. I'm back. Week ago Kyiv and Kyiv oblast were under heavy attack of Shakheds. More than 30 in one launch. Alas at least five could breakthrough and hit several important substations in Kyiv, so our quarter for three days had only five hours with a power supply,mostly at the night. First day we also hadn't a water and heating. Latter was repaired on second day after the strike and this was in time,because we had -5 at that night. In other days electricity appeared some more, but anyway mostly at the nights or at the morning for 2-3 hours. So, we had opportunity to cook something and charge our phones. Several times we heated food in large can with dry spiritus and kept it in heating bateries. We were very angry, when have seen other districts around us with a light at the evening, but our several quarters were almost in full darkness. Special thanks to Kinophile and other for notebook - it has powerful battery, so it's using as powerbank too ) Without electricity all cell towers around were either dead or had so big abonents load, that internet almost didn't work. Sometime I cought Starlink, deployed by Emergency Service, but it was too far and connection was unstable - about 1-2 minutes. Single place,where I can catch cell phone internet was subway and streets, having power supply. But I had too much work out of my workshop, so almost hadn't time to track news thoroughly. At last at weekend, maybe in honor of Christmass our quarter got almost 24hours power Damn, I have to read a week of forum )
  2. NYT investigation about this war claims US tried to hide from Ukraine information about visit of Valeriy Gerasimov, Russian chief of the staff, to Izium. When UKR intelligence got info about Gerasimov visit, US officials tried to deny UKR strike on him, because they afraid this can lead to direct war with Russia. But process was already launched and strike was conducted. At least dozen of Russian servicemen were killed, but Gerasimov survived Article in UKR: https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2022/12/17/7381219/ The source (very looooong reading): https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/12/16/world/europe/russia-putin-war-failures-ukraine.html?fbclid=IwAR1stdBhRgWbcmwNfT6c01JQLJcTfirWrmbyL52-pZSQfuR9X0yP6ytSp7U
  3. This is First National Liberation Contests (1918-1920) slogan, of Kholodnyi Yar rebels, succeeded by UPA with some changes. Initially it was "Glory to Ukraine! For ever glory!" Damned electricity! I wrote long answer to Beleg85, but hadn't time to press "send"
  4. @sburke Lt.colonel Roman Vdovydchenko, 790th fighter aviation regiment, 105th mixed aviation division, 6th AF/AD Army, Western military district. Died in a crash of MiG-31 in Belbek, occupied Crinea on 1st of October. Russians claimed as if he shot down 9 UKR planes. Lt.colonel Aleksandr Antonov, PMC Wagner pilot. Was kileld on 2nd of Dec - his Su-24M was shot down near Bakhmut Officer, likely at least captain, Vladimir Nikishin, pilot-navigator of PMC Wagner. Was killed on 2nd of Dec, when his Su-24M was shot down near Bakhmut Major Anatoliy Shushliukov, chief of enineer service, 47th tank division of 1st tank army, Western military district. Was killed on 23th of Sep near Volodymyrivka village of Luhansk oblast Lt.colonel Aleksandr Lopin, battalion comamnder of 108th air-assault regiment of 7th air-assault division (mountain), Southern military district, data of death unknown, but early of 6th of October, when he was buried.
  5. @sburke Colonel Vladimir Rogalyov, chief of staff of 7th military base (occupied Abkhazia). Was killed on 2nd of October, likely in Kherson oblast Major Aleksey Borovikov, navigator of Ka-52, unit unknown. Was killed on 4th of Dec. According to Russian sources that was more effective crew on this direction of front. Lt.colonel (retired) Denis Kudrin, LPR-forces, current duty unknown. Killed on 7th of March in Luhansk oblast. In 2014 arrived on Donbas like volunteer and formed battalion "Hoologan", since 2015 commanded over motor-rifle battalion of 2nd motor-rifle brogade of LPR. After Debaltsevo battle he abandoned Donbas and returned to Russia. Since 24th of Feb again in service of LPR forces. Major of police, Andrey Shikhov, went at war as volunteer, probably to BARS or local oblast volunteer battalion. Was killed on 18th of Aug
  6. Some more about knife range fights around Bakhmut Aftermath of next Russian assault - bodies in several steps from the thrench Duel between UKR AT-shooter and the tank of 127th MRD. Looks like a draw, but UKR solier likely shell-shocked
  7. Further comments about video above with a shelling of Wagner-troops on former UKR rectangular position near Ozarianivka It's a position named "Basin" - this was abandoned small water reservoir. As told one UKR soldier after the position was heavy shelled and enemy suffered losses, the unit of some brigade tried to assault this position on 15th Dec, but assault failed - soldier told Wagners have here advantage in modern radios, drones w/thermals, NV sights and thermals (this correlates with Russian talks on LostArmor, that since October Wagner units became to get big number of modern equipments - digital radios, drones, thermal sights, takmed kits etc) But on 17th Dec next assault, conducted by 46th air-assault brigade was successfull and position was recaptured with big losses for Wagners. Today a video is appeared from there (unblured corpses present) Next, this soldier told Russians now are attacking through the dam over the canal, not counting with losses and as if only for one day they lost there about 100 KIA/WIA
  8. There are no any interviews, because [black] humor and mockery is natural feature of Ukrianians and especially those who at the war - so no need to explain this for Ukrainains, who watch this video. I have seen much more such type of videos and photos - this is just trolling and "cosplay" on German WWII theme. Why? Because Russians call us "fasсists" and "nazi". So, well, we don't want to dissapoint them. More, theese "German" theme became more popular after bright Balakliya operation, where UKR troops had "white cross" recognize symbol, so enough soldiers became to draw it like German-style. Russians after Balakliya became to call UKR troops on this direction as "niemtsy" (Russian name for Germans). @Beleg85 Hmm.... You forgot to mean Bohdan Khmelnitskiy name and cossacks to the list, which also were "mass murderers" from Polish point of view. We have Order of Khmelnitskiy, some unit afer his name, have chevrons with cossacks. I think, no one country shouldn't point out to neigbours, which their hystorical persons they have to honor and which not. The same Russia did. You also have controversal political person as Pilsudsky, who of course a hero and brilliant political leader for Poles, but dictator and opressor for Ukrainians. But we didn't point out to Poland they have to reject to honor him, because this can hurt our feelings. This is your history and your country and we respect this. Respect you too if not our hystorical persons, but at least our rights to honor them.
  9. @Battlefront.com This is unit of 57th mot.inf brigade. Under the GirkinGirkin post there was discussioan about this episode, and some of UKR soldiers told many hard-hitting things about this brigade. I also read many such s...t about 57th as far as before a war. Soldiers say "God forbid you to get in any 5x brigade". Means brigades of "second wave" - 56th, 57th, 58th, 59th motorized and 53rd, 54th mech, established at beginning of 2015 mostly from former territorial defense battalions. Of course, not all 5x brigades showed themselves so terrible - according to readings throughout theese years I would be placed them by effectiveness rating in such order - 54th, 56th, 53rd, 59th, 58th, 57th. 57th by many feedbacks is a complete asshole. Many soldiers of 5x brigades and 57th especailly, have been complaining on incompetence of command staff and their attitude to soldiers like to slaves. It's imagination as if all worst, what was in Soviet and early Ukrainain army have been using in theese brigades control. This is the same about what I wrote about new formed rifle batatlions. Vicious circle - incompetent commanders - bad training - bad supply - low cohesion - poor motivation - low rigidity - abandoning of positions - filming a videos anboud bad commanders. 57th defends part of southern Bakmuth sector. Not surprisingly Wagners had most success in this sector
  10. Theese rumors are continously throwing in information space by followers of former president Poroshenko. They believed that Zaluzhnyi and AFU fight with Russian on own mind, when Zelenskiy and President's administration are hidden traitors and Russia-lovers, which wanted to "piss off" Ukraine in first days, but when they have seen hard position of Zaluzhnyi (and of course Poroshenko, lol) and the will of people to fight, they scared and weared the masks of patriots. But indeed as if they do all to interfere Zaluzhnyi to beat Russia, because afraid that popularity of Zaluzhnyi can threaten to Zelenskiy re-election perspectives aftyer the victory. So they want to dismiss Zaluzhyi for less talented, but completely loyal Syrskiy, in order to UKR army don't achieve successes and receive an occasion to say "we did all what we can, but we can't fight Russia anymore, we need to negotiate". This is pure clinic. Alas, this sh...t western jouranlists each time took as real insides and more contribute in "uncertainity", making among part of UKR society and army. And give to Pororshenko-followers an occasion to shout on each corner: "Aha! You didn't believe us, but look - western media write about the same! They are traitors and want to dismiss Zaluzhnyi". Sometime I think this speeches in wartime conditions have nothing common with free of speech and theese are dirt politic intrigues of one very offended potentially authocratic leader, who imagine himself as Ukrainain Messiah, but lost elections to "clown".
  11. Interview of Economist with Valery Zaluzhnyi, chief-in-command of AFU: https://www.economist.com/leaders/2022/12/15/a-looming-russian-offensive and some less here: https://www.economist.com/zaluzhny-profile Some brief things: - Before /Feb 24th/ then we had a front of 403km and 232 strongpoints. And by February 24th that front grew to 2,500 km. And we were a relatively small force, but we engaged. Naturally, we understood that we were not strong enough. Americans told us to prepare for entrenched defence. But we had one chance and we took it…Our task was to distribute our smaller forces in such a way as to use unconventional tactics to stop the onslaught. - Now we have a ratio of 0.76 /AD effectiveness/. Russians are using this 0.76 coefficient of efficacy when they plan their attacks. This means that instead of 76 missiles, they launch 100. And 24 get through and reach their target. And what do two missiles do to a power station? It won’t work for two years. So it has to be built up. NATO specialists know everything, absolutely everything, down to the last detail. Calculations are done and thank God it all has moved on. We already have some NASAMS. Not enough, but some. IRIS-T are already in use. Not enough, but some. They just need to be ramped up. We need dozens of those. - In order to reach the borders of Crimea, as of today we need to cover a distance of 84km to Melitopol. By the way, this is enough for us, because Melitopol would give us a full fire control of the land corridor, because from Melitopol we can already fire at the Crimean Isthmus, with the very same HIMARS and so on. - When I told him that the British Army fired a million shells in World War One, I was told, “We will lose Europe. We will have nothing to live on if you fire that many shells.” When they say, “You get 50,000 shells”, the people who count the money faint. The biggest problem is that they really don’t have it. With this kind of resources I can’t conduct new big operations, even though we are working on one right now. It is on the way, but you don’t see it yet. We use a lot fewer shells. I know that I can beat this enemy. But I need resources. I need 300 tanks, 600-700 ifvs, 500 Howitzers. Then, I think it is completely realistic to get to the lines of February 23rd. But I can’t do it with two brigades. I get what I get, but it is less than what I need.
  12. 3 HIMARS missiles have struck the building, used as barracks in Lantrativka villalge near Troitske - important Russian railway node on the north of Luhansk oblast. Very surprisingly LPR recognized 11 killed and 17 wounded
  13. This is Wagner merceneries in the area of recently occupied Ozeriznivka village southern of Bakhmut. Very likely this is old UKR position or a site for vehicles
  14. Russian missiles hit DniproGES hydro power plant today (lloks like one missed and fell in the water) Overall statistic of the day 76 missiles were launched from frigate "Admiral Makarov" (20 Kalibrs) and aircraft Tu-95, Su-35, Tu-22M3 (Kh-101, Kh-555, Kh-22, Kh-59, Kh-31). 60 were intercepted. Additionally Russians launched 27 S-300 missiles in ground attack mode on close frontline areas. Heavy infrastructure damages in Kharkiv. In Kyiv subway is stopped. Lack of electricity, no water supply and heating on half of left-bank districts. On right bank situation is better. I now can write from my work on right bank. I hope I will have internet at home
  15. UKR in previous two days conducted successful strikes at ammo dumps in Kadiivka (Stakhanov) and Irmino, both in Luhansk oblast. In Kadiivka detonations lasted more than one day Kadiivka: Irmino hit Reportedly many residual buildings burned and damaged after theeese explosions
  16. A-50 AWACS with Su-30M escort took off over Belarus. MIG-31 in the air as a bait, probably. They try to reveal our AD positins. Tu-95 still in air, their radio exchange heard to this time. Su-25 took off from Lida airfield in Belarus. Maybe also as a bait. On present time about 70 missiles were launched, 20 Kalibrs, 3 Kh-59, 2 Kh-31, rest - Kh-101/555
  17. Four explosions in our district. One was very loud and then fast cracking sounds, maybe it was Gepard. Reportedly one impact, but I don't see any smoke, though an avarage fog around. One more missile explosion was heard in southern part of the city Looks like a "party" still go on. Shakheds, reportedly over Black Sea and next wave of missiles is expected
  18. Cooperative investigation of Reuters and RUSI has revealed that despite sanctions, Russian manufacturer STC, which produces Orlan UAVs is still receiving parts and electronic components via a network of intermediary companies. Often theese companies established by Russians, who have foreign citizenship. One of bigger supplier - Asia Pacific company from HonKong, esablished by Russian citizen Anton Trofimov STC could import parts of American Altera, Xilinks, Texas Instruments, Microchip Technology, Analog Devices, Linear Technology, European STMicroelectronics, NXP Semiconductors, Japanese Renesas Electronics and Saito Seisakusho https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/global-supply-trail-that-leads-russias-killer-drones-2022-12-15/
  19. @sburke Major Artyom Kokorev, Rosgvardiya. Was killed on 10th of July Major Maksim Apletalin, company commander, 25th Spetsnaz regiment, Southern military district, was killed on 27th of November in Luhansk oblast Major Yevgeniy Navliutov, pilot of Tu-22M3, was killed on 5th of Dec during UKR srtrike at Diagilevo airfield Lt.colonel Gadzhikurgan Magomedov, chief of staff, 227th artillery brigade, 49th CAA, Southern military district. Was killed on 13th September in Nova Kakhovka - a missile hit his command vehicle. Lt.colonel Aleksey Smirnov, chief of comms, HQ of 98th VDV division. Was killed on 13th of April in Kharkiv oblast 3rd rank captain (=major in Rus navy), retired. Enlisted as volunteer probably in BARS-13 battalion. Was killed on 5th of October in Lyman area.
  20. Belt-over-jacket was a often remnant in 2014, when new MM14 camo uniform became to substitute old "Dubok", which weared with belt by old Soviet tradition. But in this case I think the belt just for warming in order the cold wind doesn't blow under the jacket, which additionmally maybe has some bigger size, than it owner
  21. We thank you but we never will infratiatingly dance in front of West, like this did former president. And we consider West does in part of our military supply much less than could be. Maybe you can't hear other side of true, that not only evil Putin led to this war. Western elites with own "real politic" and "don't bozzer the bear" toward Russia led to this war too. So, we have a right not to ASK support, but to DEMAND. From you, guarantors of our sovereignty, who gave us toilet paper of Budapesht Memorandum in exchange on our disarming. We really can't understand why US piss off in Iraq hundreds of Abrams, Strikers, Humvees, which fell in the ISIS hands, but Ukraine have to beg each dozen of M113 or M777. We can't understand words of western politics during "Phase 1" that "Western weapon too complicated for Ukrainians, we should give them old Soviet systems". As if we some tumba-yumba tribe, which never seen more complicated weapon than a bow. We can't understand speed of decisions making, when even about Gepards were more month of discussions. And only now we at last (after 7-8 months of war) we have been receiveing first modern AD complexes. And thanks God and US, Patriots in the way. Patriots, wich we beg since first days. What your politics wait theese months? Have been shaking and scaring of "escalation"? So, if I hear tunes "how dare theese unpleasant Ukies to demand more weapon? We can just stop it if you don't like something!" my reaction will be the same. Beacause there is imagination West already more afraid of Russian defeat, than Russian "escalation" and because of this supports us only to stop Russian advance and replenish our losses, but not to maintain our fast and decisive victory.
  22. Not enough. Neither tanks, nor especially IFVs and APCs. In that time, when hundreds of M113, older versions of M2 and Murders just stand useless under sky in that time when western politics 9 months are thinking will Russia nuke them for M2 and Leo or not. If West would give us weapon with the same zeal as it forced us to disarm in 90th for paper security guaranties...
  23. Russia tried to attack objects in Kyiv oblast and Kyiv with Shakheds. 13 UAVs shot down. One or two were shot down over Kyiv. Four buildings in Kyiv and one cottadge in Vyshneve town, western suburb of Kyiv got light damages from Shakeds fragments. No casualties. This is third Shakheds salvo during about 10 days. First was directed on Dnipro and Zaporizhzhia, all 17 were shot down. The second launch was on Ochakiv, Mykolaiv and Odesa about week ago - 15 Shakheds. 10 were shot down, but 5 hit critical power objects in Odesa oblast, so Odesa city and most of Odesa oblast were without electricity and water supply for two days
  24. Rare footage of Switchblade 300 work. Though it has too weak warhead.
  25. Bridge supports in Melitopol, damaged by explosion (about 15-20 kg TNT). Russians are already making bypass road. PS. UKR General Staff claims, during strikes at targets in Melitopol, were inflicted losses to HQ of 58th CAA... It's good if true...
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