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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Soldier said this RPG tore down some box on the back.
  2. As far as during ATO UKR tank-expert Andriy Tarasenko (btvt LJ) wrote: "If Morozov /designer of T-64/ and Venediktov /designer of T-72/ knew their tanks will fight each other in the war between Russia and Ukraine, they would hug and shot themselves"
  3. Internatinal MaxxPro MRAP after the battle - soldier praises the toughness of armor and shows bullets and the tail of RPG being stuck in armor plates
  4. More detailed report by missile types: Kh-555/Kh-101 - 51..53 Kalibr - 8...10 Kh-22/32 - 6 (very hard to intercept) Kh-31P - 2 One cruise missile was mistakingly shot down by Russian AD and not included to the list. Again was documented a missile without combat warhead or this missile didn't explode. It hit a private building in Ivano-Frankivsk city (western Ukraine). Recently in previous attacks were documented remains of several shot down Kh-55 missiles (nuclear variant of Kh-555) without nuclear warheads. Probably they were used like baits for AD distraction/detection.
  5. 69 missiles were launched, 54 shot down. S-300 also were used, but they are not in the list
  6. 15 missiles were shot down in Kyiv vicinities and over the city. Despite loud sounds, turned out there are no impacts, fragments of four missiles,intercepted over the city damaged private house, some industrial object, kids playground (this one in central part of Kyiv) and urban train railways. Three civilians were wounded
  7. Tu-22M3 have launched missiles over Black Sea. 4 more Tu-95 over Kursk oblast are approaching to launch zone Looks like primary objectives of attack - western Ukraine, Kyiv and Kyiv oblast and Odesa oblast. Many missiles entered to airspace from northern part of Ukraine - Chernihiv, Kyiv, Zhytomyr oblasts and fly further to western Ukraine. Several impacts in L'viv reportedly. Source told Shakheds launched from Belarus
  8. Looks like AD of "Belgorod People Republic" has shot down Russian cruise missile,flying to Ukraine. Well, thanks...
  9. Whoa! Three loud explosions like rolling thunder. Maybe impacts in SE part of Kyiv, but I don't see a smoke.
  10. Missile attack on Ukraine has started now. Two distant explosions already was heard in Kyiv, reportedly from western suburbs. Other wave of missiles is approaching from Konotop-Sumy direction. Also launches from Black Sea
  11. UKR serviceman shows afternmath of their Mastiff was hit by Russain tank almost point blanc shot - their column suddenly encountered Russians. He says this tough vehicle survived after three direct (sic!) hits from tank and all soldiers could evacuate, getting only shell-shock and light injuries. Mastiff burned later. Though, further in comments he told the second vehicle was not so luky and the tank shell hit directly in cabine. Their company commander, driver and gunner were killed. Later he posted one more video about toughness of Mastiff - this one got only light damages, when Russian arty shell exploded in 5-10 m nearby. First layer of armor was penetrated by fragments, radiator and filter were damaged, so vehicle later was immobilized, but all equipment inside remained intact as well as a crew
  12. Lucky UKR mortar crew. Probably 82 mm mortar shell hit very close, but only one wounded
  13. The drone filming of thermite ammunition fallis on ruines of Maryinka
  14. More trolling - UKR soldier plays on harmonica some similar to "O, mein lieber Augustin" and writing below "well, if we are Fritzs, then we will be Fritzs" (Fritzs - jokingly name of German soldiers in Red Army)
  15. I doub't he identified himself like Ukrainian, because he was born in Jewish family in Russian Empire (though on teritory of modern Ukraine) and then studied and worked in Moscow, so he more Soviet dissident, but in his words he is completely right
  16. Probably Fighterbomber TG issued right info about UKR attack on Engels airfield, telling about 3 killed. Today they were burried. Local media wrote about this. Maybe this is only officially ALLOWED number of victims, but for now we have only this. All killed - aviation engineer personnel of Tu-160 maintenance. Major and two lieutenants. @sburke Major Anfrey Voronov, engineer of aviation complex of engineer-aviation service, 121st heavy bomber aviation regiment (17 Tu-160) of 22nd heavy bomber aviation division of Long-range Aviation Command
  17. Ho! Shakheds are launched. Air raid alarm is expanding from south-eastern direction. Russian now launch Shakheds from Azov sea area and if this attack on Kyiv, try to guide them along Dnipro riverbed, then they divide on several groups and attack from different directions
  18. That was Russian naval infantry - 155th or 40th brigade %)
  19. Parts of this episode already were issued in different media more than month ago. This is likely near Pavlivka, Donetsk oblast. Here is full video of this episode, showing stupid Russian advance (but maybe commanders just said them that the trench in tree-plant is clear) and strange spotting issues of the armor. First part of video Russian tank with minesweeper drives first, probably blown by the mine and halt directly near trench with (surprize!) UKR soldiers. Some sort of RPG projectile hit his left side hull at engine compartment, but probably the skirt degraded HEAT charge. Tank crew helplessly turns the turret left and right, but eben doesn't try to turn it to treeplant side. Next time the tank got more hits and likely became knoked out. Second part of video Russian assault group on two BMPs drives some later follow the tank, bypasses it, doesn't spot any threat (hm... who knows, maybe their tank had to be standing in smoke... not interesting, let's go forward!), approaches to other tank recently blown up by mine and... (surprize!) catches next AT-mines. Remained infantry (corpses lay on the road) tried to get cover in tree-plant, but likely they all died.
  20. Thank you ) Orthodox and Greco-catholics celebrate in Ukraine on 6-7th Jan, because we have difference between secular (Gregorian) and church (Julian) calendars. So, despite all churches celebrate on 25th Dec in secular world we have two weeks of difference. But in Ukraine since past year a discussion has started about western choice demands from churches switching to Gregorian calendar and 25th together with 7th was claimed as an official holiday. This year brought huge support for Christmss on 25th, mostly because "do not have any common with Russia", so Orthodox Church of Ukraine and Greco-Catholic churches made a statement they will establish a workgroup in order to develop proper decisions up to 2025 and prepare own people. Alas, many even pro-Ukrainian believers, especially in western Ukraine roughly stick for 7th Jan, because "this is our tradition", though they just don't want understand why this difference appeared and that their church really celebrates Christmass on 25th, but according to "old style". Religion in Ukraine is a part of political life, because more than 60% relate themselves to Christians, so it is matter what words theese people can hear from priests. We have two Orthodox churches - pro-Russian UOC MP (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchy) and pro-Ukrainian OCU (Orthodox Church of Ukraine), recognized by Konstantinopol Patriarch in 2018, which caused effect of exploded bomb in Russia, because church, subordinated to Moscow was one of element of influence of Russia on Ukraine and keeping it in own orbit. UOC MP still have huge influence in Ukraine not only among usual people, but also among politics and officials. Now SBU raiding and their churches and finds there tons of Russian symbolics, anti-Ukrainian, antisemitic and stupid conspiracy books and other materials, issued by Russian church. Also we have Greco-Catolic church, combining Orthodox rite and subordinating to Pope. Recently it considered like mostly western ukrainian phenomenon, but in last years it spread own parishes far to the east. Greco-catholic church in western Ukraine in own time has played the same role that Catholic church in Poland, keeping national identity and spirit. Also we have Catholic community, most of their believers are in western Ukraine among ethnic Poles, but in last years Catholic community grows and on other territory, especially in Kyiv. My wife,for example is catholic and works in Catholic Institute, so we are celebrating two Christmass with our parents )
  21. UKR unofficial sources more restrained in assesments. This TG screen with Tu-95 redeployment map says that according to intelligence info on eve of strike Russians had on airfield 12 Tu-95 and 3 Tu-160. Six of Tu-95 were redeployed. As I wrote above, according OSINT radio scanning 9 Tu-95 were taken off after the strike and 6 really flew to Far East. So, we can make assumption that something wrong with test three Tu-95 or with their crews. Tu-160 as if can't be redeployed on long time, because only Engels airbase has proper facilities for their maintenance.
  22. Next updated RUMINT with referring to "anonymous sources in RU General Staff" about Engels attack: 5 bombers heavy damaged, 2 got light damages, control tower damaged, 17 killed, 26 wounded. Rumors in local chats already talk about 5 destroyed Tu-95 and 6 damaged Tu-160 + cruise missiles dump blown up. The city as if is closed for exit and entrance. Probably nice PsyOps from our side.
  23. Our soldiers have very good opinion about M2 )
  24. Volodymyr Yezhov "Fresh", one of creators of S.T.A.L.K.E.R game from UKR GSC Games company (also developed known RTS "Cossacks") was killed near Bakhmut. In that time, when Russia is grindering own crimimals we are losing many good creative people...
  25. Exсept this we have next RUMINT 1. WarGonzo - missile passed on tangent and UCAV, changing the course hit at pilot ready room, killing three and wounding two. 2: Local TG chat: UKR UAV launched two missiles and flew away. One missile was intercepted, one hit airfield. Rumors about result of the hit in local chat are different: 2a: 5 bombers destroyed 2b: airfield control center hit 2c: the bomber with loaded missiles has exploded. Since 4 hours after the strike 9 Tu-95MS took off. Three of them later landed at Engels airbase, six other were redeployed to Ukrainka airfield in Amur oblast of Far East. During the fligt the board 98232 had problems with radiogram transmitting. Airfield dispatcher with callsign "Catholic", which usually supports all fligts was on the air, so very likely control center remained unharmed Judging on huge glow I doubt this was interception, more likely an impact. I hope MAXAR will show all soon
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