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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Hah, let they try Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz from Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
  2. There weren't ambushed columns near zoo. It's too deeper inside the city, than real developments took place - in this film author correctly pointed a place near "Beresteyska" subway station. But as I know in that episode there were no casualties, at least fatal, only destroyed truck or two...
  3. As far as two days ago there were several RUMINT-level reports in twitter, that Russians tried a probe somewhere between Orikhove and Huliaypole, but failed and lost about platoon of infantry and two armor. General Staff today confirmed this.
  4. Many of these "clashes with sabateur groups" inside Kyiv, turned out clashes between different UKR units, because chaos, lack of communication and control and "sabateur-mania", feeding by Russian PsyOps. Alas this is "uncomfortable truth" about first days of war and significant part of UKR society are not ready to know about this, like showed first unofficial publications on the level of social networks. Authors received enough hate and blaming like "this is all Russian propaganda", even despite many participants of Kyiv defense were confirming, this is true... I'll write about most known episodes, which became myths, but in real its were tragical pages...
  5. I would say, Bulgarian government just didn't prohibit to own weapon producers and traders to sell ammunition to Ukriane. Until Bulgaria officially agreed in December to supply Ukrianie with weapon (and in very limited list) - we didn't receive anything from their stores.
  6. Alas, this "sci-fi" depends from level of motivation of personnel, commanders etc. This all buying for donation, not from MoD supply. If commander and soldiers want to be effective, they will try enhance own capabilities, they will develop terms of reference, they will organize fundrising campaign to buy all toys or if their order is enough big -they can try to order all stuff in one of largest charity funds like Back-and-Alive or other (but these funds work with orderd nor less for battalion needs). But, alas we have enough completely other attitude - where commanders are indifferent and soldiers havn't any initiative and can only complain that they havn't anything, awaiting of manna from MoD.
  7. UKR MANPAD team hears Russian helicopter somewhere close, but alas, they didn't spot it
  8. UKR serviceman (likely artillerist), who fihgts on southern section of Bakhmut front, writes, situation in artillery in last several days changed on his opinion as 50:1 (outcoming-incoming) in UKR favor. And as if all last advances of Wagners are mostly because their endless zerg-rashes. I don't know is this true or just his subjective opinion from cutted section of front, but similar information about growing conflict between General Staff and Wagner, as if Wagners begin suffer ammo defficite, because Army interfere their supply and Army units don't hurry to suport them with own artillery And new video of Madyar - Wagner assault group crossed Bakhmutivka river behind western outskirt of Soledar and concentrated in the ditch. Very bad and fatal decision. All 15 got first place in competition of "figure lying" (C) Madyar
  9. Well, we have been supporting somehow old AT-105 Saxons, bought in 2014. Most of them were in service even in 2022...
  10. Reportedly this was helicopter of State Emergency Service, more likely EC225. It crased in Brovary town. 9 persons were onboard - all dead. Because of helicopter fell on kindergarden and on the street also many victims on the land - 9 persons lost (among them three children), 29 were injured (among them 15 children). All high officials of Ministry of Internal Affairs are lost - minister Denys Monastyrskyi, first deputy of minister Yevheniy Yenin and state secretar of MIA Yuriy Lubkovych Anyway this was wrong decision to put all chiefs in one helicopter According to witnesses, helicopter has flown on low altitude over the town and probably pilots didn't spot in time multy-storey building on their course in fog (this is srange - my house in 11 km from. Brovary and despite cloudy weather, I can't say that too dense fog was around). Then they sharply climbed up to avoid collision, but the helicopter lost control, stalled and crashed. But this is unconfirmed version in TG. Other versions, which now are sharing are diversion and technical malfunction. It's knowingly, that former minister Avakov, who signed big contract with France and Eurocopter, bought not only new,but also used choppers, which were stored due to their technical problems On the photo - kindergarden in fire after helicopter crash
  11. No photo alas, but today Air Force Command officially claimed all 10 missiles, which hit Kyiv, Kyiv and Chernihiv oblasts were launched from S-400, deployed in Briansk oblast.
  12. Except videos of Madyar, where UKR artillery hit platoon-sized enemy units and 45th arty brigade, which took out 25 zeks (this happened north fronm Soledar in 2 km near Rozdolivka village) here several other examples, why in this war we can see rarely classical direct clashes "batatlion vs. battalion" like in CM and why troops forced to came on small group tactic in attack and defense with infantry on the edge and vehicles, hide in deep rear, which mostly either support or make rapid raid attacks. Kurdiumivka area (24th Dec) - next 15-men Wagner assault group was spotted by drone and eliminated. Vodiane area, near Avdiivka - I posted this photo yesterday, but here video appeared and according to it not 5, but 7 enemy BMPs were destroyed by arty fire during attack. One soldier, which fights on this direction told in comments, total enemy losses were 14 BMP and 2 tanks, as if we can see only short video of those vehicles, which were filmed by drone. So, if you gathered platoon-sized force in one place, be ready if it spotted with drone, they with big probability will become a target for enemy artillery
  13. These were 155 mm, but not precision ammo. You can see that dispersion of explosions too big for Excaliburs. We still have insufficient of ammo and can't allow to waste several so expensive ammo to eliminate platoon of zeks. Drone adjusting + better accuracy of 155 mm barrels + experience of artillerists = success. If since 2015 UKR arty came from battery fire to platoon fire, that now we passed mostly to 1 (2) barrel(s) + drone. In most cases it has better effect than traditional Soviet "battery (platoon) have to fire X shells to suppress Y sq.m target"
  14. Prigozhyn answered in own TG to Norwegian "Aftenposten" media about Anrey Medvedev. He told as if Medvedev had Norwegian citizenship and fought in Norwegian battalion "Nidhyogg" (!!!) in PMC Wager (I suppose, almost all "Norwegians" in this unit were Russians with Norwegian/other Scandinavian citizenship). He also told as if Medvedev should have been accountable for mistreatment attempt of POWs, but escaped.
  15. UKR Defense Express media claims they identified fragments of missiles, which were launched on Kyiv two days ago. From theese fragments they recovered full writing of missile type - 48N6DM. This is one of newest Russian missiles for S-400 SAM. In surface-surface mode it can be launched on 230 km. Weight of warhead is 180 kg (so, about +/-90 kg of HE). If Russians decided to try accuracy to make decision about further usage of S-400 for Kyiv and Kyiv oblast shellings, I think, they were disappointed. Only one missile, which impact in Kyiv has struck power infrastructure object area, but slightly missed and almost didn't damage it. Other hit random places, and this was big luck, that nobody was injured. But such missiles, unlike cruise missiles, having powerful HE charge and huge number of hitting elements are perfect weapon of terror against civilians.
  16. This is often thing, for both sides, alas. During last assault of Donetsk airport in 2015 enemy have found killed UKR soldier with working radio and could listen our talks about one day, but this day cost too high...
  17. The death of Russian serviceman from interesting unit - private of signal unit of 72nd coastal missile battalion of Pacific Fleet (Bal and Bastion missile complexes). He was killed on 27th Dec. Either he became usual rifleman to fill "shat" or his unit was deployed in Cimea and cought something...
  18. It's worth to explain for other. UKR drone recons of K-2 unit of 54th mech.brigade have spotted dead Russian soldier with radio. They picked up radio with special equipment, attached to drone and could listen during nine days all radio traffic of Russian unit. Only since nine days Russians have suspected that something going wrong and changed settings of own radionetwork.
  19. I don't know, more likely for group of enlisted. But minimal term of training in PMC camp is three weeks, of course not all days they have practice shooting...
  20. I read Wagner ATGM crews trained hard and could waste 10-15 newest Kornet missiles for a day only for training purpose!
  21. There are many Russian videos how Lancets hit UKR vehcles, but we don't know real ratio of successful attacks vs. intercepted/failed/crashed-when-didn't-find-targets This tweet tells how AD resqued 2S7 gun from Lancet attack, when it already was on combat course
  22. Wagner milblogger says in the text in red frame that news about Klishchiivka turned out premature. Wagner wages heavy fights for it, using own arty and aviation
  23. There were several videos. Most weird was filmed with car dashcamera in first weeks of war - when the driver passed UKR tank, which stood on the road close to town limit and aquired either ammo or fuel from truck. Russian ATGM team came very close, some about 200-300 m, deployed own launcher in bushes aside the road and launched missile.
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