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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. To be honest, this is more PR-campaign (but good one!), than real creating of new units. Indeed only two brigades from eight anounced will be completely new, but they will have already existing cores. Many volunteer formations, gathered from police servicemen and retired fight as separate "special purpose units", so they now will be gathered into one brigade. The same with Border Guards. Other six "Offensive Guard" brigades are subordinated to National Guard and just will be transformed to assault brigades from existing units. To this time we had only one "pure combat" unit in Natioanl Guard - 4th Rapid reaction brigade. Even "Azov" was a "separate special purpose detachment" in composition of 12th National Guard operative brigade. Their name "Azov Regiment" was unofficial. All other in bigger or less degree combined combat and law-supporting tasks. Now selected brigades will become combat only So, we will have next units: - Police assault brigade "Liut' " (eng. "Rage"). Form itself on the base of volunteer special purpose police regiments "Tsunami", "Safari" and special purpose patrol battalion "Luhansk-1" (exists since 2014) - 15th Border Guard mobile detachment "Stalevyi Kordon" ("Steel Border"). Looks like BTG/regiment-size unit. Before a war 10th special mobile Border Guard detachment existed (about a battlion-size) as "Border Guard special forces". There is unknown either 15th will be exteded 10th or this will be other unit. National Gurad units: - "Azov". No comments. "Detachment" will be extended to official brigade. - "Spartan". Will be established on the base of 3rd operative brigade from Kharkiv. Before a war it was enough strong unit, having even a tank company. - "Rubizh" ("Mark, Frontier"). New name and new tasks for 4th Rapid reaction brigade, who hardly fought in Hostomel and Rubizhne. I suppose, their new name is derived in memory of the battle for this city. - "Bureviy" ("Hurricane, wirlwind"). On the base of 1st special purpose operative brigade. Before 2014 it had a name "Bars" and considered as "courtier" brigade for protecting of Kyiv from unrests. But even in that time they already had many newest toys and equipment. - "Chervona kalyna" ("Red viburnum"). On the base of 14th operative brigade. The name derived not because of actual patriotic song, but also from their dislocation place - Kalynivka town in Vinnytsia oblast. Before 2014 this was special purpose regiment "Jaguar", which prevented Donbas scenario in Kharkiv. - "Kara-Dag" (name of vulcano mountain in Crimea, "Black mountain" in Crimea-Tatarian). On the base of 15th operative brigade from Zaporizhzhia. Before 2014 this was special purpose regiment "Gepard" Ministry of Internal Affairs claimed that they have already 7000 applications to this units
  2. I have crazy time now, too much work with UV-printers, including other cities, so throughout last week I visited three points in three different oblasts. And this is not all, so I can dissappear again %)
  3. This was unconfirmed rumors. Since weekend Russians multiplied own efforts to cut off Bakhmut from main supply routes Sloviansk - Bakhmut on the north and Kostintynivka - Bakhmut on the south. Except Wagners convicts, they also attacked with Wagner "core" and with VDV troops, so they could advance significanly along canal from Klishchiivka to Ivanivske and now are heavyly assault approaches to the Kostainntynivka - Bakhmut road. Today's twitters are reporting about endless heavy arty and MLRS barraages from both sides in that area. Unlike in previous days, reportedly UKR arty is working continuosly and hard. Either ammunition was delivered in time, or now they use "emergency strore" due to lack of ammo. Mass usage of bomblet-copters in Bakhmut is not of good life - but because of critical lack of artillery. One guy wrote in twitter - their battery has a long queue from units, which requested Excalibur strike or even "several shots at mother...ckers". 93rd mech.brigade was returned to Bakhmut week ago or some more - their time of R&R was shortened, because situation became worse. Their drone recon unit "Seneca" returned there so far through a 7-10 days, after the brigade was moved out - troops critically needed eyes in the sky. Many eyes. Despite on Bakhmut direction there are many drone teams are operating (except drones inside frontline units), their number anyway insufficient to cover all enemy movements on so wide front.
  4. They didn't "sell several drones", they sold to Russia manufacturing licence and handed over technologies. And despite they "sold drones all over the world", Israel rejected to sell it to Ukriane. Why? About "Israeli elites" and relations... Heh... Not only dry digits of statistic matter. Westerners again try to explain all from rational side. Do you know, that many Russian top officials and oligarhas are Jews and many of them have Israeli citizenship ? Abramovich. Rottenberg. Vekselberg. Closest persons to Putin. Or for example Zhirinovskiy. List can be continued. Many of known Soviet/Russian cultural figures were Jews. Relations on "irrational" level enough strong. Ukraine has strong Jewish community led by mighty oligarch Kolomoiskiy, many our businesman and politics also Jews and have Israeli citizenship, but Israel always oriented in own relations on post-Soviet space exactly on Russia. By the way, several leaders of our pro-Russian "Opposition bloc" also were Jews and had Israel citizenship (for example, Rabinovich) and before the war have fled to Israel. Many of people, who visited Israel told, that enviromnemt of ex-USSR/CIS migrants and their ancestors mostly is pure "vata" and their moods similar to Briton Beach public. Because you can easily get out from USSR/Russia, but looks like it's too hard that USSR/Russia get out from you. Israel will not support Russia directly, but also will not put sanctions.
  5. More correctly, Israel closed eye on operation of several systems selling by private manufacturer to Poland, which then handed over its to Ukriane. I heard on the level of rumors, that Israel secretly handed over to Ukriane other toys, but these are just rumors. In whole Israel had mostly neutral position. Not surprise, many from local elites have business relations with Russia, enough of them - ex-Soviet migrants or their ancestors, so pro-Russian lobby in Israel is enough strong. By the way many of our top-corruptioners, including many leader of pro-Russian parties and just usual parlamentaries have Israeli passports. Just for case. Israel never will be ruin relations with Russia. I will not wonder if their one hand gives us humanitarian aid and other hand trade with Russia, including crirtical electrionic components. Israel didn't join to sanctions against Russia to this time. About week ago Israel declined US request to hand over to Ukriane own old HAWK missiles. If Israel support us more, this will be situative act, summoned by possible Iran strenghtnening from alliance with Russia. But this will be reflected not so in sending more toys to Ukraine, but by strikes on Iranian facilities like today's one.
  6. These are just components, which could be ordered through "third hands" or even directly like civil production. US didn't participate in Russian drones development, didn't give technologies, didn't permit license manufacturing. The same "Forpost" is not Russian thing, this is 100 % Israeli IAI Searcher II, just assembling in Russia since 2010. This is ready solution given them by Israel, like now Iran gave them Shakheds and other. Also there are some rumors that Russian Lancets were developed, using technologies and solutions of Israeli UVision Air Company, developer of very similar kamikaze drone family Hero (Lancet-3 is close to Hero-120). In the same time, Israel categorically had been rejecting all requests of Ukriane about aid in UAV technologies or ordering some UAV types.
  7. Russian ammo dump was destroyed with mortar strike of 28th mech.brigade. Aerial spotting of 3rd battalion "Svoboda" ("Freedom") (mostly consists of right-spectre party "Svoboda" followers) of 4th National Guard rapid reaction brigade. Nice fireball
  8. Recently damaged railroad bridge in Svitlodolynske village, 11 km NE from Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia oblast was struck with five HIMARS missiles again during repairing works. As claimed Russian military correspondent, all five missiles hit almost in the same bridge span. Of course, he claims UKR deliberately targeted repair team and five workers died and four were wounded. Afetr his stand-up Kadyrov's Rosgvardiya trooper (Chechen Republic flag on the body armor) appears in the cadre
  9. @sburke Major Oleg Gorbenko, chief of the staff of 674th separate signal battlion, 98th airborne division, Western military district. Was killed on 28th of April
  10. But explosion of drone factory coincidently has summoned 5.9-points earthquake, so, reportedly some powerful was destroyed deep under the ground. Also according to RUMINT Russia is going to hand over (or even has handed over already) 20 nuclear warheads to Iran in exchange for huge drones fleet and likely missiles.
  11. UKR "DIY-Lancets" commercial FPV-drones with attached PG-7 HEAT projectiles And example of work against Russian BMP-3 (operator from National Guard "Omega" special forces brigade)
  12. According to their words, their company acted due to the plan and even more - they completed own objectives in two hours instead a day according the plan. But their neighbours on flanks had some problems and couldn't advance so far like the center. Central company stopped on reached lines, expecting flank units arriving, but instead them got enemy counter-attack and encirclement.
  13. Video of shooting "Terminator" was geolocated in 2 km from southern town limit of Kreminna Belonging of destroyed BMPs in the video still discussed, because one of them has O marking on the front hull, but enough faded out. Either this Russian losses, which Russian clained as Ukrianian, or this was recently captured Russian BMP and the O sign wasn't properly erased
  14. One more video of MT-12 Rapira work from 28th mech.brigade, Bakhmut area. BMP and infantry unit wiped out in the night. I wonder how Rapira could fire at the night.... It's possibly should be a miracle to find old working Soviet 1PN53 NV sight for this gun (1st Gen. of EOP), which can see on 1500 m
  15. This is next part of video with 7 destroyed BMPs near Vodiane. One our soldier in twitter wrote Russians lost there 14 BMP and 2 tanks. Looks like he was right.
  16. Dnipro city under Kh-22 missiles strike now again. 5 Russian Tu-22M3 launched missles. No info in this time about place oh impacts and casualties. Before this Shakheds were launched. Part of them were engaged over Dnipropetrovsk oblast.
  17. In Ukraine new mass mobilization wave has started since the end of December. Zelenskiy only yesterday made a statement he gave order to prepare reserve of servicemen. Some high-ranked military chiefs told new brigades will be established. Though one of these generals told these brigades will receive new westren weapon. If this not a "smoke screen" I don't understanf this. We already had some dissatified voices of veterans, about why Bradleys will get 47th assault brigade, which even didn't smell gunpowder
  18. Version of UKR SOF: despite river bank mining, UKR group successfuly crossed the river and destroyed command center (this was on territory or "Fishers hamlet" lodge in Dnipriany village near Nova Kakhovka), 12 Russian soldiers were killed, one captured, BTR-82A was destroyed. Russians thought, this was start of main forces crossing, so raised reserves, including aviation. The group spotted number of Russian reserves, which were raised and has withdrawn Version of Russian milbloggers: UKR company, reinforced with heavy armor, landed on the left bamk near Nova Kakhovka, but was completely wiped out. Three of ten BMPs were destroyed. UKR artillry alsmost didn't support their troops, so they hadn't chances to survive %)
  19. Who is lazy to open full thread, where the viseo in comments here is Youtube. UKR group had one wounded, likely he was hit by fragment, when boats were shelled during withdrawing
  20. Bad OpSec in this command center. On the screens, names of units, involved in Bakhmut battle are seen and numbers of drones wich find out itself in the air simultainously - Al-Jazzera didn't blure them. Except mentioned drone recon groups "Madyar", "Adam", "Skala" also seen next units and numbers near them likely a number of drone in this unit: "Ochi" (eng. "eyes") drone recon unit - drone 029 "Lemon" - probably also callsign of drone recon unit 45th arty brigade - some "stealth" drone Artillery recon battalion of 10th mountain-assault brigade - drone 1 1st rifle battalion of 10th mountain-assult brigade - drone 2 99th separate infantry battalion of 61st mech,brigade - drone 1 37th separate SP-arty battalion of 61st mech.brigade - drone 1 and drone 2 3rd mech.battalion of 24th mech.brigade - drone 2 1st rifle battalion of 24th mech.brigade - drone 2 Artillery recon battalion of 24th mech.brigade - drone 6 57 "Italian" - likely callsign of somebody from aerial recon unit of 57th mot.inf brigade 105th separate battalion of 63rd mech.brigade - drone 1 5th separate assault regiment - drones 1, 5, 7 3rd separate assault brigade (former 3rd SOF regiment) - two drones 8th SOF regiment - drone 1 3rd operative purpose brigade of National Guard - drones 1,2,3 Thus, this command center in moment of filming controlled situation on the land via 24 drones
  21. On Russian LostArmor forum discussed about number in 65 000 given by some westrn medias, but most of memebers wrote that on Donbas now involved no more 20 000-25 000 of Wagner troops. They assume real number in 40-45 000 is more reliable. Some say 65 000 is with all rear and civil structures and services, including two IT-companies working for Wagner military purposes. As I told convicts were directed not only to Wagner, but also to LDPR troops, so obviously it will be mistake to count all number of enlisted convicts to Wagner.
  22. It could be, but currently unknown. This is two different strikes.
  23. Russian TG claims UKR arty hit again deployment of Russian troops with huge losses, which can exceed losses in Makiivka. As if personnel was deployed in the basement, but on first floor were deployed ammo and fuel dumps. Russian command brought trucks with persoonnel to the building in daylight, so UKR drone spotted this place. In result of strike ammo detonated, thin brick walls collapsed and flaming fuel has flown to the basement. Most of personnel found own death under ruins and in flaming fuel. TG doesn't say were this happened and how many losses... ... Though, probably, this can be Sofiivka (old name Karlo-Marksovo) settlement between Hoorlivka and Yenakievo, Donetsk oblast. Local "authorities" claimed this wsas not artillery strike, but 6 HIMARSes.
  24. Close hit of Excalibur (?) near 2S4 240 mm SP-mortar near Maryinka. Part of crew is taken out, vehicle, alas, damaged only
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