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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Reportedly 10 missiles were shot down near Kyiv and over the city, but I didn't hear explosions. Alas, 10 missiles hit own targets in other parts of Ukraine, so three blocs on nuclear plants turned off. In our district now electricity is emergency cut off. And we have air raid alarm again - Shakheds are coming. Today's attack was some unusual. First wave in the night - Shakheds + Tu-22 with false launches + Kalibrs from sea. Russians probably tracked radar and SAM positions. Then at the morning Tu-95 and ships launched missiles. To the end of attack Shakeds appeared again. Now they again launched Shakheds. Kyiv oblast already engaged them
  2. No, she meant not IN December, but Since battle for Bakhmut has started. This is for three months, not for Dec. About 1:1 losses, author meant probably situation from Dec-Jan
  3. I wrote about cryings of DPR orcs about their losses, the price of which is buying success of Wagners. Girkin write about Vuhledar disaster. So if we have 1:1 around Bakhmut, we have 5/7/10:1 from Krasnohorivka -Avdiivka to Vuhledar and this maintain proper average ratio But anyway, since Russia throws in the battle more and more meat, probability of knife-range fights growing up sharply and this will lead to growing our losses. New mass wave of mobilisation in Ukraine not only for "offensive reserves". Several days ago I've seen a photo of one soldier "Our company is entering to Donbas" - 43 men on the photo, including photographer. Less the half from shtat.
  4. Look at this. Colorized cadres of Hiroshima? No. This is small town Maryinka with pre-war population about 9500 people not ofrtwn appears in news like Bakhmut. Russians/DPR for year of fierce clashes could take only eastern half of town and fights for the center are continuing to this day. DPR milbloggers in rage curse Russian command, which has been killing their army in Mariupol and Maryinka and now do the same around Avdiivka
  5. You can read her twitter пані Добропілля. She is not "porokhobot" and her words are from the words of medics in Bakmut about level of losses comparable to ATO. She didn't clarify what exacly number she meant (only combat losses or total deaths number with non-combat losses), but if we take into account latest info of ISW about at least 4100 KIA and about 10000 WIA Wagners around Bakhmut (but I forgot for what period), that about 3500 killed UKR soldiers will be approx in the frame 1:1. But I forgot, who wrote about this ratio. Maybe and somebody of soldiers. Many soldiers write in one voice - when the time will come and you get to know what price was paid in Bakhmut, you will be fu..ng shocked. Urban and trench warfare with the enemy, having large advantage in personnel and reserves can't be light walk. Multiple videos with drone-bombers and piles of dead orcs can make illusion that this is just like practice range. But sometime and on UKR twitter or TG segment leak enemy videos, which too hard to watch. Like recent video from Krasna Hora, were Wagners surprised full squad of nine UKR soldiers (likely enemy had UKR uniform) in some facility and either shot out them immediately or captured and then executed. If we inflict so much losses to enemy and have much less ratio, than 1:1, that why for last two month situation became so bad that 93rd brigade was returned to fight, not having enough tome to rest and 3rd NG brigade was pulled from Kharkiv direction? I don't say that "all is lost", but even losses ratio not 1:1, but 1:2 or even 1:3 this is anyway too much
  6. First time it was filmed as far in 2016 near Maryinka, when BTR-4 has destroyed DPR truck. I can recall several episodes, where both 9M113/RK-2 were launched from BTR-4. But indeed BTR-4 very rare carries ATGMs.
  7. Look at my two answers to Maciej and Kraze.
  8. Already in December I have seen the info that our losses around Bakhmut approached to the level of combat losses during 8 years of ATO. This is at least 3500 men. The town still holding because of continous rotations of troops. Else we would be already lost several brigades there...
  9. After some threshhold the qauantity transforms to quality. Our soldiers describes Wagners attacks like zerg-rash. These are not "human waves" in usual sence. They attacks with small assault groups from different directions, infiltrate, wear UKR uniform and they do this continuously. You just have foled attack of one group, but since some time already another come from other direction. In whole Wagners, tactic is standart. First attacking groups are convicts. Their task to reveal our positions and fire positions. Then arty fire, airstrikes. Then next wave of attack, but convicts+"core". Next again arty+avia. Repeat untill. At the end phase Wagners ususally unleash own best fighters to finally elimenate resistance or to force our troops to retreat. Also I already wrote that Wagners widely use drones for battlefield control, when detachment commander sit in own blindage and formally plays in CM with live soldiers, using special software. UKR troops mostly use frones in that cases only for visaul spotting and targeting. Except this own role play high professional and motivation level of commanders on all levels - if to say about "core". Convicted personnel (but loke and all other) has main motivation - do not be shot or sledghammered for retreating without order. Other strong side of Wagners - since autumn they received many newest equipment, including drones with thermal sights, thermal optics for rifles, etc, so many their advances happaned in the night
  10. They are not ethnic Russians, there is an opinion they can be Tatars, from "Alga" volunteer battalion of Tatarstan Republic, created before mobilization. According to Russian social media posts it lost in attack 30 men only killed and unknown number of wounded, missed and captured.
  11. You know, in UKR society already also thoughts is heard (but too weak in present time) to enlist convicts to similar purposes. Main argument - why we have to lose in close fights our best guys (some volunteers claim that losses ratio in Bakhmut area since December became approx 1:1) if we can go by Russian way - utilize criminals and get twice benefit - to achieve some military goals and clear society from useless elements, which mostly anyway will return to own criminal style of life after liberation. I can say that since the war began UKR used this way in limited volume - Zelenskiy has amnestied convicted former soldiers, who wanted to "redeem by blood" own crimes. Part of them were included to "Kraken" special purpose unit. And even more - in "Kraken" now exists special assault platoons formed from soldiers of different units, who were blamed in deserting, disobedience, looting and other crimes. And as you can see under strong and capable command, they achieves success with "Kraken" and have opportunity to redeem own misdemeanors. Though, unlike in Wagner, number of such personnel in "Kraken" is minor.
  12. Second visually confirmed loss of Su-35S, newest Russian fighter jet. Unverified yet, but allegedly this is Berislav area, Kherson oblast. There was a report of General Staff in May as if UKR MiG-29s shot down Su-35 in Kherson oblast, but this also can't be confirmed now.
  13. On the video of Madyar BTR-4 was seen. Here is other video also with BTR-4 fire in Bakhmut. But, no, this is not 92nd mech.brigade, though units also from Kahrkiv. This is 3rd National Guard operative brigade, wich now is transforming into assault brigade "Spartan" of "Offensive Guard"
  14. I can't find this screen from Russian/DPR TG channel, but in this post DPR milblogger issued "hate speech" about nature of Wagner successes. In angry manner he blamed Russia that they throw DPR units in continous senseless attacks around Donetsk airport, Avdiivka, Maryinka, Horlivka only with one goal - to keep tense situation and prevent UKR command from moving of additional units to Bakhmut. But this already causing so terrible situation, DPR troops are suffering huge, enormous losses - many companies already almost completely changed four compositions sinde 24th Feb, so that to the summer DPR troops can be totally decimated and then... On this VERY GRAPHIC video represented result of one of such pointless DPR attack in area of Opytne village near Donetsk airport. On other hand Khodakovskiy, former commander of DPR Vostok battalion (now reginemt) complained, that despite on heavy push in first day of Vuhladar assault and Russian advantage in personnel and vehicles, UKR command disn't fall into temptation to move here numerous reserves from other sectors, except some minor units.
  15. Several days ago one soldier has written in twitter that soldiers have to demand from own battalion HQ to supply companies with 60 mm mortars. Because in dense infantry fights its turned out very useful and damgerous weapon. This post summoned many feedback from other soldiers, which were either agree with that or told that 60 mm is a good thing, but it's few skilled crews to use its properly - ther were many accidents of friendly fire with these mortars. Here is one of such posts from soldier of 93rd brigade: Translation: So it happened that only on last period of our previous rotation in Bakmut 60 mm mortar was appeared and used in our unit. In particular, our aerial-recon unit tried to ajust it fire, when it was needed. Based on results, I also consider that such stuff should be in big numbers on frontline. Heavy infantry clashes are exhausting our potential in part of infantry. And there is no any secret here. Clashes are losses always. Moskovites actively use mortar crews and SPG-9 and this cause problems for our defense. While we expect tanks, IFVs and howitzers, we need to resque those, who hold frontline with own bossoms. And mortars with AGSs can do that. Mimimum one hit with 60 mm mortar helped to stop one of numerous assults of position of our infantry to the south from Bakhmut. I can repeat, that AFU has a lack not only howitzers, but also mortars of all calibers. In the autumn Taras Chmut, head of Back-and-Alive charity foundation told that we have defficite in about 300-400 mortars only 120 mm caliber and this is not counting 82 and 60 mm. You can see on numerous videos huge zoo of mortars in our service, sometime from very exotic countries and even from our formal foes, like Iran (probably 82 mm Iranian mortars for Houthi, captured in some way). 60 mm mortars inintially was defined for SOF and TDF units, but soon many other light and not only light infantry evaluated opportunities of these small toys. Alas, load of work for arty and mortars so big, that they are taking out of service not only because enemy fire, but because of huge rate of barrel exhausting.
  16. This is first half of yesterday issued episode, where drone drops grenades on the enemies, covering behind BMP. Here likely a role of drone-bomblets, which @Beleg85 has asked. Vehicles stop with arty fire and minefield, then dismounted infantry, which takes cover or try to move attack drones with VOGs. Their explosions maybe not so fatal, but multiple light wounds of personnel forced them to break attack and regroup.
  17. 30th brigade (or some of it part) fights around Bakhmut already long time. Initially they fought on southern part of front. They just not so media-strong like 93rd, or Madyar, though they have own social media accounts too. On Russian LostArmor forum noted this T-80UK was captured in the spring near Sumy from 4th GTD
  18. In this time he already wasn't VDV commander. He returned to service and got "mobiks" regiment under command. But looks like our SOF or recons cought his HQ.
  19. In UKR exists real "Praetorians" - former President's regiment, subordinated to President, not to Armed Forces Command, but now they transformed into President's mech.brigade %) Maybe just part of their Guard of Honor left in Kyiv. 1st National Guard special operative brigade (and recently Internal Troops), subordinated to National Guard Command -> Ministry of Internal Affairs was never directly subordinated to President, but it always was unofficial unit for maintaining calm in Kyiv, though inside of city were deployed two other National Guard brigades (1st operative is in Kyiv suburb). During Maidan exacly 1st brigade together with Berkut riot police were most loyal to Yanukovich regime and fiercly defended it. So, later in 2014 even often conflicts took place between new National Guard volunteer units, enlisted from former Maidan protesters and 1st brigade, when former enemies were forced to act together in training and on frontline. Though, since 2017 special status of 1st brigade was marked by giving to them honor name of "Presidental". It wasn't mean they became under direct control of President, but meant they should protect current authority in first place. In that time Poroshenko became to lose quickly own support among population and tried to maintain more leverages to save own power in the case of protests. Mass unrests in summer 2015 after "special status of Donbas" due to Minsk-2 ratification scared him enough...
  20. Not every, but high-ranked only. Also if there are details of their deaths it's good source what unit was involved in some episode and some additional details about operations. But well, as Sburke will decide.
  21. This guy wasn't high-ranked officer, but info just for fun. On 5th of December Russian Martial Arts Union established own volunteer detachment "Union", consisting of martial arts coaches and fighters - total 98 men. Looks like they were sent to frontline immediately, because already on 31st of December was killed Sergey Uvitskiy, general secreter of Russian Kyokushinkai karate Federation.
  22. @sburke And that's not all %) Colonel (retired) Igor Suvorov. The member of "Soviet officers union". Escorted supply cargo to Donbas for units of 51st VDV regiment. On the way back get lost on the territory of Voronezh oblast near Valuyki town. Either accident, or UKR sabateurs, or missile strike. Major Vladimir Nesterov, chief of NBC-protection service of 35th SAM brigade (Buk-M2) of 36th CAA, Eastern military district. Was killeld on 27th Jan in Kyrylivka - this was one of C&C places of Vuhledar operation in 14 km SE from this town and it was reportedly hit by UKR missiles or arty.
  23. @sburke More dead top-brass Russians Colonel Sergey Poliakov, commander of 14th Spetsnaz brigade, Eastern military district, was killed on 3rd of Feb 2023 somewhere near Donetsk. Allegedly some officers of his HQ also were killed or wounded Major Kiril Litvinov, aviation engineer of 37th mixed aviation regiment (Su-24M/Su-25, Gvardeyskoye airfield, occupied Crimea) of 27th mixed aviation division of 4th AF/AD Army, Southern military district. Was killed on 6th of March likely near Nova Kakhovka probably in shot down Mi-8. Major (in some sources -captain, either mistake or he was promoted before own death) Vitaliy Kulchiyev, tank company commander, 155th naval infantry brigade. Was kileld on 1st of Feb 2023, likely near Vuhledar. Major-general (retired) Dmitriy Ulyanov. Retired in 2017 as colonel and commander of 98th VDV division. During this war enlisted again as volunteer and soon was appointed as commander of new formed "mobik" unit - motor-rifle regiment from Tatarstan Republic, probably 1232nd MRR. Was killed on 5th of Feb by recon-diversion group. Major Aleksandr Shevtsov, commander of SP-howitzer battalion of 4th guard tank division, 1st tank army, Western militarty district.
  24. @sburke Are you ready? ))) Major of LPR police, Aleksandr Mazayev, deputy of police office chief of Lutugino town, Luhansk oblast. Was killed on 25th of January in arty of missile strike, probably in Kreminna. Former UKR policman, was fired in 2014. Since 2015 defected to LPR. Second killed in the same place LPR policeman had a rank of senior lieutenant. Lt.colonel (retired) Aleksandr Makartumov, unit and duty unkown. Judging on uniform he was in Air Forces and judging on his high military scholl he was "zampolit" of some airfield building or maintainnance speciality. Was killed in the mid of January Major, Yevgeniy Zakharchenko, military doctor. Participated in invasion since 2014 - he served about 1,5 years on ocuupied territory of Luhansk oblast. Was killed on 2nd of March 2022 near Chernihiv Colonel of justice (retired), Andrey Frizen, former criminalist-investigator of Investigation Committee of Russia. Enlisted at the war as volunteer in unknown rank. Lt.colonel Andrey Koshkin, military police, Eastern military district
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