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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Maryinka now. Satellite shot. Black earth in the middle is a frontline
  2. Indeed, battlefield area of Vuhledar doesn't limited by 10 x 5 km zone, as I wrote above. Arty and UAVs of both sides reach in more distant places Volodymyrivka village + more 3 km East of the wide
  3. UKR serviceman from Bakhmut area We can keep against mathe...kers infantry of any quality and quantity, to slay them by dozens in close clashes. But when enemy barrel artillery, tanks and mortars 120/82 are disassembling unimpeded hour by hour our positions, feelings of powerlessness and anger make you crazy. It's can't be expressed by words. This is likely about losing of Krasna Hora village. Though other sources say the village was abandoned two days ago, Wagners just secured terrritory before claimed next success.
  4. 204th Territorial defense battalion of 241st TD brigade (Kyiv) in the battle for Bakhmut. Upper video - part 1, lower - part 2.
  5. You can find alot of such videos now. I will not post all, here for example the video, having ENG subs, were mobiks of 1231st regiment of Tatarstan Republic complain on own fate. They were attached to DPR army and "Donbasians" are grinding them in pointless assaults, so already two battalions were slained. Since 1st Corps of DPR and 2nd Corps of LPR became in January officially a part of Russian Armed Forces, they have been receiving personnel replenishment from Russia, because probably mobilization resourse of Donbas already exhausted. But locals, particlarly DPR, consider Russian mobiks as "supplies", saving own fighters. So, there are many conflict situations on this background. Only several other, which became knowingly only on last week: - Tuvian mobiks were beaten and threaten by weapon from the side of DPR unit command, where they were atatched. DPRs claims Tuvians just drink vodka, make a mess and reject to subordinate. Tuvians claim DPR fighter humilitated them and wanted to throw them to one-way atatck. - Mobiks of 640th separate artillery battalion after three months of training were moved to Donbas and attached to 1st DPR Corps. They awaited arriving of howitzes, but instead of this they were atatched to 9th "naval infantry regiment" like "assault infantry". Regiment just took away all their drones and command said now they will usual infantry - 1479th mobik regiment of Irkutsk oblast - they complain thier unit was moved to Donbas and attached to DPR Corps. THey should to serve in the rear, but instead they now are sharing among DPR units like assault infantry. They say in their battalions many men over 45-50 years, with weak health (you can see that even 35+ from Russian deep outbacks look like 60 years oldmen) and a lack of proper training -
  6. They can't do that. I look at Tom Cooper map of this battle, but he is again wrong. This battle has more wide scala, than fighting for dachas SE from the town. Look first of all on satellite map from your post. Do you see except heavy bombed dachas the same heavy bombed pass in right edge of the map? This is maybe more important part of the battle, which Cooper didn't spot. Here is my rough map - other directin of Russian attack was north from Mykilske. They tried to seiz UKR strongpoints at mine #1 workshops and air-feeding shaft of mine #!. And fight for latter was also fierce. There was a video of dozens bodies near treeplant - this is from this place. UKR had also main strongpoint on Pivdenno-Donbaska (Southern-Donbasian) coal mine #1, which keeps road Vuhledar-Maryinka. In firsr two days Russians could came almost to the road in the mine area, but soon vere thrown back. So, until they breakthrough line of strongholds NE from Vuhledar, they can't bypass the town. Thus, minimal dimension of battlefield from Pavlivka to air-feed shaft is approx 10 x 5 km. This is about proper CM map sizes for even not large-scale modern operations. And this is I don't take into account possible Russian attempts west from the town on the line Prechystivka-Vuhledar. But its took place, though initially were unsuccessful for Russians PS. Mashovets wrote today, that UKR artillery destroyed Russian ammo supply convoy near Vuhledar, destroying dozen trucks and several armored vehicles. Looking for photos/videos.
  7. Looks like the same story as I wrote yesterday - Russians cleared mines from the road, advanced some forward and were shelled with ammunition, contaning RAAM. They tried to bypass, but this led either to activate of RAAM or to blowing up by TM-62 aside the cleaned road. AT mines and arty plays important role in this war, unlikely for dynamic CM scenarions %)
  8. Oh, leftist frick, I though so. But... How his neomarxism gets along with conservative Trumpism...
  9. Tell me please, who is this clinic idiot and frick?
  10. Some more info about Vuhledar, in this time about Russian OOB, again from LostArmor (and this confirmed by one UKR serviceman from that direction) First of all, last photos and video with destroyed Russian vehicles, mostly T-72B3 and BMPs - this is not 155th naval infantry brigade. This is already reinforcement, which arrived probably from Zaporizhzhia direction - units of 36th and 37th motor-rifle brigades. This shows, despite terrible losses, Russian command has a will to continue offwnsive and achieve own goals for any price like that was recently with Pavlivka. So, about OOB. Commander of operation - lieutenant-general Rustam Muradov, commander of Eastern military district Right flank: group of 36th CAA: elements of 37th motor-rifle brigade, 5th tank brigade, attached units of 40th naval infantry brigade Left flank: group of 29th CAA: elemnts of 36th motor-rifle brigade, attached units of 155th naval infantry brigade and DPR special police combined unit "Kaskad" (at least two battalions + UAV unit with Lancets). Units of 14th Spetsnaz brigade. Each army group, of course, had own artillery, recons, CBRN units with TOS-1A. Interesting, that to 36th brigade were attached Tatarian mobiks and volunteer unit "Alga", because own mobiks of 36th brigade still under training and didn't arrive to Ukraine when offensive has started. Also pointed that 36th brigade had weak recon capabilities and lack of drones. 36th brigade before the war had T-72B3, but they were mostly lost in the battles near Kyiv and Dovhen'ke, so were substituted to T-80BV. According to Russian sources exactly because of "Kaskad" experience and combat capabilities, Russian offensive was succesfull in first days on left flank. But 36th brigade advanced in first days on 2 km, but couldn't hold seized positions and fell back. Right flank couldn't achieve nothing (probably atatcks from Pavlivka area or sw from Vuhledar)
  11. Some more LostArmor talks. Here a version how was destroyed Russian armored column near Vuhledar, which we can see recently He tells, that Ukrainians let the column to pass along the way, previously cleared from TM-62 mines with tanks, equipped with KMT minesweeprs and then shelled the pass behind column with RAAMS. So Russians turned out in the trap. Attempt to drive back led to explosions by RAAMS, attempts to bypass the way across the field led to blown up by TM-62. Ha also adds using of UR-77 mineclearing vehicles not always give proper effecnt, especially in enough strong wind, biasing HE chained charge sometime to 30 degrees. Also he says in five last launches HE charges didn't detonate except of one case, where dotonated only last section. Probably HE was stored unproperly. As a possible confiramtion of his words on other Russian source was issued a message with many photos of western FASCAMs. In this message tells that this German and Grench ammo is very dangerous and nobody have to try to clear this mines by shooting at it, because its activated and shot holow-charge stream, which penetrate the tank.
  12. Rare video of Polish loitering munition "Warmate" using at the target on left bank of Dnieper oppose Kherson. But as for me not appropriate if it had HEAT warhead. Many in Ukriane ask why we have some number of special designed kamikadze drones, but on the videos we can see only DIY-kamikadze, but very rare Warmates, Switchblades, RAM IIs and Phoenixes (are they really exist?). And I havn't answer too... By the way, Russians from 126th coastal brigade blame own commander that they 30th Jan sent soldiers to some stupid mission and all they lost, so their bodies remained on enemy territory and commanders now force them to take them back, but this is suicide. Unknown about what they say, probabaly Russians have sent recon group on one of islands oppose Kherson and they were ambused. In social media wrote about 8 KIA.
  13. Mashovets in latest review didn't confirm that, saying several Russian probes with infantry platoon-size troops without vehicles were repelled, but I don't want take away the bread from @Zeleban But Mashovets believes Russians launched new offensive in that area, so soon we will see more actions from there as well as from Siversk-Verkhniokamyanske-Bilohorivka area.
  14. No, there were many such videos. Also about week ago was a video how BMP-3 of 155th brigade move near Vuhledar, using white smoke screen from built-in engine smoke generator
  15. Several videos with stories of captured near Vuhledar servicemen of 155th naval infantry brigade have appeared. Here is short translation of more intersting. This soldier tells about features of recruitment in this brigade He is a 2nd class starshyna (equvalent to jr.sergeant in ground forces). He served on large antisubmarine ship "Admiral Tributs" of Pacific Fleet and wanted to transfer to other patrol ship to Kamchatka, but officials put a term for him - to pass a service in 155th brigade in order to his transfer report will be satisfied. He arrived to Ukraine on 19th December with other 100 sailors from different ships, which were given to 155th brigade. When they were flying, officers told them, that next group of reinforcement for 155th brigade, the same sailors from ships,will fly next and will be of 300 men. They were deployed in Volnovakha area. Since battle for Vuhledar started his unit received a task to secure the road, but when they were moving, the order changed and they already have to assault dachas area. They havn't any assault training and any plan how to do this, but anyway attacked dachi. During the fight his unit lost 50 % of personnel only dead. Those, who survive seized the house and sat in the basement five days, where were found by UKR soldiers and captured.
  16. UKR armored utility vehicle "Novator" after being hit by "Lancet". Crew survived, vehicle will be moved to repair (new engine+wheel)
  17. Here is the same situation. UKR soldiers of 54th mech.brigade (battalion K-2, former aerial recon group) assaults enemy platoon strongpoint "Barracuda" somewhere between Soledar and Siversk. Aerial recon spotted that Russians have in these trenches from 10 to 30 men, but to reach them, our troops have to overcome 300-400 m of open terrain. So, probably attack was launched, when Russians had minimal number of troops on position. Tactic - fast and bold advance of assault groups on BMP as close to positions as possible under cover the tank, then - direct assault. Judging on video Russians had about dozen soldiers, UKR group has BMP with two squads and two tanks (one of them likely was in reserve if Russians take out attacking tank). In CM likely oppose side should have RPG-7 and additionally SPG-9 or some ATGM... But in real world Russians maybe had at least RPG, but they couldn't use it because were supressed with tank fire - almost point-blank. During the battle position was taken, several Russians were kileld, other, probably fled. UKR had one WIA. Video of assault (official K-2 Youtube has 18+restrictions, so I post the same video from NecroMancer's Youtube):
  18. Russians launched in produce for private funds newest portable anti-drone complex, including portable radar "Repeynik" (eng. "Bur") and automatical EW-turret SOZ-REB This device was developed in 2021 under name "Volna" ("Wave") for civil purpose, but since war has started, military were interested in it and developers team was invited to Sestroretskiy wepon factory to improve own development. Likely since autumn 2022 first complex was in experimental use in PMC Wagner and near Kreminna. Since January 2023 Wagners already had three complexes. Now Repejnik reportedly launched in production for Wagners money. On LostArmor forum Russian claims this system showed own high effectiveness. As if UKR troops lost "hundereds" of civil drones and almost were unable to conduct continous aerial recon and as if it was one of reason of successful push on the south from Bakhmut. Russians on the forum claimed next indexed of effectiveness: - complete drone isolated area - 9x9 km - partailly drone isolated area - 21 x 21 km - 371 targets detected - 78 targets identified - 12 targets destroyed - 60 targets jammed/supressed Officially "Repeynik" has next data: scanning in passive mode, which makes it unseen for ELINT assets. When it detect a target, the operator, using visual interace on notebook can give the order on tracking of object to transmitting data to some command center or on EW/AA asset. But in this moment rardar comes to active mode. Complex can supress GPS/GLONASS, GSM900 and Wi-Fi on 2.4/5.2/5.8 Ghz They claimed Repeynik can detect commercial Mavic from 2 km and supress it from 1,2 km and even TB2 Bayraktar - detection from 4,5 km and supressing from 1,5 km . Though, on LostArmor some users, who have seen this device in action couldn't confirm that it can work against frequencies of special military fixed-wing drones. Also still a problem how to distinguish own detected drones from enemy, because simultainously in the air can be dozens of drones. On the photo "Repeynik" radar and EW turret SOZ-REB But despite on new super-weapon claim, UKR troops already destroyed first "Repeynik". UKR drone is filming working radar from several dozen meters %) Destroyed radar and probably SOZ-REB or some anti-drone rifle nearby
  19. @sburke Lt.colonel Stepan Kungurov. Was killed on 3rd of Feb 2023. Unit and duty unknown, but in Russian social media pointed he served in Ulan-Ude (Buriatia Republic) and he was a graduee of artillery high military school. Though, he has motor-rifle signs on his shoulder-strips. Gvardia sign on his uniform - so likely he was from 5th guard tank brigade and probably could be a victim of HQ strike somewhere in Zaporizhzhia oblast. Major Mikhail Abramenko, chief of flight safety service, pilot of Ka-52. Unit still unknown, maybe 15th army aviation brigade, 6th AF/AD Army, Western military district. Experienced pilot - passed Chechnya, UN mission in Chad and Syria. Russians say their crew with navigator major Borovikov (already in the list) was more effective crew among others on this frontline sector. Was shot down and killed probably with UKR S-300 on 4th of Dec in Luhansk oblast. Major FSB Border Guard service (of reserve) Valeriy Makoivets, company (battalion, due to other source) commander of 1857th battalion or regiment of Kaluga oblast "mobiks" unit. Initially was instructor for mobiks, but later got a unit under command and was sent to Svatove area. Was killed on 17th of Jan during artillery shelling. Lt.colonel Andrey Barababanshchikov, chief of recon, deputy of chief of staff of recon (his rank is matches as minimum to brigade/division HQ level). Veteran of Chechnya and Syria. Unit unknown. Was killed on 29th of September. Major Sergey Volodin, probably 7th air-assault division, Southern military district. Was killed on 4th of December
  20. Artillery of Presidental brigade (yes, the same "praetorians") trains to use captured Krasnopol guided ammunition. But for lasing a target they use not UAV, but FO vehicle of Obolon'-A complex (UKR upgrade of Soviet 1V12 complex - 1V14/15/16) Brigade has fought recently near Bakhmut, but now it moved somewhere to the north
  21. Yesterday path of two Russian missiles through Moldova and Romania, according to Zaluzhnyi statement. Romanian authorities categorically rejected this. Also reportedly one Russian missile again has flown very close to Polish-Ukrainian border. In yesterday third phase of Russian attack, 20 Shakheds were shot down. At least four of them hit own targets. Two of them hit targets, which were already hit at the two first phases. Except naval suicide drone against bridge in Zatoka, Russians launched three missiles from "Onix" coastal launchers. Missiles hit some places in Odesa oblast. Two Russian Su-24M droppeed four bombs on Zmiinyi island. "Shakhed", downed in Dnipropetrovsk oblast in first phase of attack And this is "Shakhed", hit probably with S-300 in Kherson oblast in third phase of attack
  22. Also good example of how 30 mm gun disperses shells even on short range. BMP shoots in more distant house, but some shells hit closer house
  23. Ukraine is forming new batch of mech.brigades, allegedly they will contain personnel, trained in western countries and probably western tanks and IFVs. 21st, 33rd, 116th, 118th mech brigades, 47th artillery brigade. The latter as if already deployed in Ukraine in Kupiansk-Svatove direction Also new air-assault and marines brigades are under forming now, but its numbers unknown yet https://militaryland.net/news/ukraine-is-forming-new-brigades/
  24. One of our soldier, maybe it was OSINT_UA in twitter, has written that by his subjective opinion Russian losses in vehciles should be +50...60 % from Orix and Ukrainian should be +40% from Orix.
  25. In this war positions mostly changed dynamically and continuously. The chain of small positions in tree-plants on in the village yards, which small groups of defenders changes continuously. If you will sit on one place too long time, consider you are dead. Sooner or later artillery or tank will deal with you. Large entrenched strongpoints as I understand mostly used like close-rear "fortresses of last hope". They are big attractive targets to arty and aviation,so when the "thin red line" of small positions are lost, the fate of strongpoints is predicted. We had enough fortified positions near Kurdiumivka and Klishchiivka, but they were taken by continuous air and arty strikes + zerg-rashes.
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