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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. No, the guy, who shot, ordered him: "Charge yourself and shoot back!", after this frightened guy slowly took the rifle and tried to shoot over blindage, but shooter changed own mind and ordered "No! Give me your rifle!" About that guy was really scared wrote the cameramen callsign Predator. His account on TikTok, was banned for this video. But this is usual situation for UKR army since 2014. Those, who fear and havn't a will to fight mostly sit in the shelter and reload the weapon. This is similar to fire tactic of Ukrainian/Zaporozian cossacks in 17 century. Unlike popular stereotype with top-naked horsmen with sabres, cossacks indeed were disciplined infantry or mounted infantry, which were trained to maintain high rate of fire, not using counter-marches and other western tactical thigns. Just in first rows stood experienced warriors and back rows occupied young men or not-experienced cossacks, but which were propely trained for fast reload. And they often had additiaonal number of muskets. First rows after shooting gave own muskets to back rows and received already charged from them. And this repeated after each shoot.
  2. @sburke Lt.colonel of police (retired) Vladislav Ivanov. Enlisted at war as volunteer, was killed on 16th of September in Kharkiv oblast. Lt.colonel Yuriy Zhuk, some AD unit. Very interesting death. He was kileld on 13th Oct. And in the same day Russian media wrote about "repelled" HARM strike in Belgorod oblast Russia. This officer had a speciality of "radiotechnical targeting assets" and on his memorial plate depicted 92N6E multi-role radar of S-400 battery. So, we can assume, UKR conducted successful strike with western precision weapon on Russian territory, destroying S-400 radar asset %)
  3. UKR artillery of 128th mech.brigade has destroyed with precision strike the vehicle of newest Russian EW complex "Palantin". This happened near Vasylivka, Zaporizhzhia oblast. This complex was adopted in 2019 and probably exists in several items. Each complex includes four vehicles based on KAMAZ and can deploy 22 portable EW/ELINT stations along frontline. "Palantin" also can work as control center for connecting in one network of older EW/ELINT complexes. This comples is positioned as operative-tactical level and has a task to detect and supress battalions/brigades HQ radio in VHF and UHF ranges and wifi networks, including digital radio comms and SDR-based comms. Also this complex can supress UAV control channels in 20 km. "Palantin" complex vehicles Photo before strike Video of hit. Interesting that moment of strike is filming with fixed-wing UAV Leleka-100, which this complex had to supress %)
  4. Reportedly UKR troops regained control over western half of dachas of Mykilske village SE from Vuhledar. Though, Russians hastily move to this sector additional artillery units, so Russian command doesn't leave intentions to take Vuhledar at any cost.
  5. Gas-pipeline in Yaroslavl' oblast, Russia. Maybe again "Bratstvo" sabateurs work? %)
  6. @sburke Major Vladimir Kovalyov, HQ of some motor-rifle brigade. Before promotion was commander of UAV company, after promotin maintained communication between HQ and UAV recons. Personally participated in Orlan-10 launchings. Was killed on 2nd July
  7. Result of UKR strike with Tochka-U on the building of school in Nikolske village - 18 km NW from Mariupol. Reportedly Russians had barracks and ammo dump here. Locals say they heard about five explosions and aftr hit two or three paramedic vehicles arrived. Russian social media didn't write almost anytrhing about this, just officially was claimed UKR missiile was shot down. Though, probably no signifiucant damage Also one more known missile attack this night is a hit of MGB of LPR building in Kadiivka (Stakhanov), Luhansk oblast. On local TG write about 2 KIA and 5 WIA. PS. Aftermath of Makiivka HIMARS strike. Russian 1444th MRR of Samara oblast was disbanded. One their battalion was almost completely wiped out. Other personnel now is sharing among other regiments. Soldiers of 1444th regiment filmed an appeal to General Staff and Putin in order to save their unit.
  8. Vuhledar now. The look from southwest. Big black spot across the road is completely ruined miners cottage settlement (also named as "upper dachas"). In upper left corner - Southern-Dombasian mine #1 and nibe worshops across the road - large UKR strongpoints, cobering the town from east. According to Khodakovskiy, UKR troops conducted unsuccessful attempt to push Russians west from the town and after this hit with HIMARS command point of DPR "Kaskad" battlegroup. One combat officer was killled
  9. 24th assault battalion "Aydar" of 53rd mech,brigade was brought to the battle on northern flank of Bakhmut. Reportedly UKR troops could retake 400 m of ground and kept own regained positions. "Madyar" confirmed UKR push on the north (but didn't mean battalion's name) and claimed UKR kept positions in the city and on the southern flank. According to his battle intensity rate, on 12th of Feb we had 3/10 in the city and on the south and 6...7/10 on the north. "Madyar" also told that Wagners now attack with bigger assault groups in 15 men instead 10 as usual, but they obviously havn't more convicts in reserve to replenish own forces - now together with Wagners appeared Russian regulars. But he didn't clarify either this real Russian units, or just mobiks, given to Wagner command. On the video - "Aydar" troopers before counter-attack @dan/california Access to civilians w/o special permission was really banned today. After Zelenskiy visited Bakhmut, to the city almost a "piligrimage" began. Huge number of journalists, politics of any level, all wanted to get good PR. All this distract soldiers for maintaining their security. Now each rifle is important, so milityary decided to stop this endless flow of "tourists". Especially now, when Russians shell roads to the city and already first diversion group, sneaked inside the city was eliminated. And just some Bakhmut vibes - Wagner mercenery was shot in one step from UKR trench
  10. Upgraded more light version of Maxim MG in UKR service
  11. Indeed border areas of Belgorod and Kursk oblast are continously under UKR fire. I just don't write about this because this minor actions. Russians shell our border territories with arty, mortars, MLRS, sometime aviation and recon groups. We respond with the same. Of course, this not every day, but 1-2 time for week this is usual thing. We also hit Russian power line objects near the border, so sometime Russian towns, especially Shebekono and Tiotkino are sit without electricity some time. Also recently was an article and interview in Guardian with sabateurs from volunteer unit "Bratstvo" ("Brotherhood") - marginal political party of Dmytro Korchinskiy, scandal figure, which faith a philosofy of raising of nation via continous turmoils %) Though, their unit under command of Intellugence Directorate (GUR) successfully operates inside Russia, so many unexpected explosions and fires, especially in border zone - with big probability is their work. Some time ago one group of "Bratstvo" of four men was ambushed and eliminated on Russian territory by FSB.
  12. Strikes for the last week on Russian ammo dumps, HQs, milityary bases, barracks. I didn't meant about this, but already two days UKR heavy struck Melitopol and it vicinity.
  13. First was Millerovo airfield strike with Tochka-U on 26th Feb, when several pilots and airfield engineers were killed. But officially in cocial media info about died servicemen appeared only in summer as I can recall. And such officilaly and semi-offiically recognized casualties becausae of missile and arty strikes, drone attacks (Engels and Shaikovka airbases - 3-4 KIA) were enough. In Russian media also were qustions to government either families of killed border guiards and other servicemen, formally killed not in SVO zone will receive own 7 millions or not
  14. But we have no one... Though... Today this video has appeared. Nobody can't say exactly wht is this - maybe the same "secret" kamikadze-drone with 1000 km range. But some experts recognize in it new aerial target for AD training RZ-60. which was offered to MoD as far as in 2019 by private company "Ramzay", but militaries didn't interest in its features. Maybe it was upgraded to strike purposes, who knows... But this drone suspiciously similar to Iranian drone Arash-2 %) Upper photo - RZ-60, lower - Arash-2
  15. Russian PsyOps has started in Russian social media as if large-scale offensive will be launched on 21st of Feb and Russian army received an order to destroy Ukrianian military potential in three days up to 24th Feb. On other hand some UKR military and expert twitters consider that culmination of Russian offensive can be launched 22nd or 26-28th Feb and can include huge salvo of missiles. part of them will have a task to destroy as much UKR AD as possible and then Russian aviation will attack largest UKR cities with dumb bombs to cause mass destructions and casualties. This "show" mostly should make impressions on West, that rise many pacifistic voices that "Ukraine never can win Russia, we must stop supply weapon to them and we must finish this war by Korean variant immediately in order to stop suffering of civil population"
  16. @sburke Colonel of police Aleksey Grachyov, commander of "Patriot" OMON riot police detachment of Saratov oblast. Was killed on 13th of October in Oktiabrskiy setllement near Belgorod, Russia when the camp was shelled. Lt.colonel of police Andrey Golovin, chief of engineer-sapper group of "Patriot" OMON riot plice detachment of Saratov oblast. Was killed on 13th of October in Oktiabrskiy setllement near Belgorod, Russia when the camp was shelled.
  17. Somewhere near Avdiivka. The drone of 110th artillery recon and fire control brigade dropped 82 mm mortar bomb on DPR assult group. Assault obviosly was foiled %)
  18. Russians have a problens with a quantity of modern counter-battery radars, so main task for spotting UKR artillery carry UAVs (Orlan. ZALA), of course if they available in this section of frontline. Priority target for Russian Lancets is exactly M777, Krabs, Caesars and PzH2000 and in some less priority Soviet type long-range artillery like 2S7, Giatsynt, Msta 105 mm arty is in low priority, because it can be reached by usual guns and mortars. You can see sometine also Russian/LDNR arty, which stands knee-deep in the cartridges day by day. But this is just because probably Ukrainian troops have a lack of arty and counter-batteryu radars on this section or all available artillery heavy busy by infantry support. Though yesterday thge video was issued how UKR counter-battery fire wiped out Russian 2S19 battery - 3 or even 4 howitzers were destroyed by precision strikes.
  19. Usually main enemy of M777 and other western howitzers are Lancets and sometime cluster MLRS. Russian artillery often can't reach them in counter-battery fire.
  20. Almost unbelievabe story, but there are some proofs on video at least with captured. Yesterday general Valeriy Zaluzhnyi told to Mark Milli, that UKR troops have conducted some actions to stabilization of frontline on Donbas and retaken several recently lost positions. This guy tells on of this action in Bakhmut area. Recon squad of Luhansk Border Guard Service spotted that large group of Wanners and "regulars" (later turned out these were attached mobiks) came to position and prepares to assault actions. Commander of recons evaluated the situation and all risks what will be if Wagners advance and made decision to attack them first in the night, having only five men, including commander himself. Afer Wagners relaxed and many of them probably go to sleep, the group attacked them, using NV sight and silencers on rifles. As result they eliminted 20 enemy soldiers, 19 were injured and 3 captured. This is a thread with this story And short videos of operation and interrofation of two captured + photo of third captured The man with yellow tape on eyes is Wagners convict, he sat in jail for drugs, so, lol, he was a medic-rifleman in own unit %) Though, his words slightly differs from the story in twitter. He told their detachment had 151 men, but on this section of front they had 60 men. And in trench they had 15 (not 42 like in twitter thread). Second POW is mobik from some motor-rifle unit from Kazan', Tatarstan Republic. He names number of his unit m/u 61225, but Google doesn't show such unit. In Tatarstsn was established three "mobiks" motor-rifle regiments. There is interesting thing - Russian TG opposed to Prigozhyn, contest his claims, that in radius 50 km from Bakhmut only Wagner is operating, no MoD units. But this TG claims that in assault of Soledar participated units of 51st VDV regiment of 106th VDV division. And more, this source claims that "mobiks" of this regiment were attached to Wagner units for evacuating of wounded and were threaten by Wagners they will shot if they can't evacuate wounded Wagners in time and they will die. Wagners also take away humanitarian aid appointed to 51st regiment. So, when these mobiks get vacations, they often break own arms and legs to themselves in order don't go back to Wagners command again. So, looks like Wagners got own "slaves" - mobiks of VDV and Tatarstan motor-rifle units %)
  21. Here is extended to the west map of artilelry shellings. So now we can obviously say, Russians made attempt to bypass Vuhledar from west, but their movement to the north from Shevchenko, small village in 5,5 km SW from Pavlivka was heavy shelled by arty and stopped, though Russians claimed in first two days their forces seized some ground between Prechystivka and Vuhledar. So we have direct clashes area 15 x 8 km
  22. Due to info from LostArmor, Russian military medicine not so bad and the rate of resqued lives and personnel, who return themselve to units after average and even heavy wounds is enough high. Main problem for Russians was first aid on battlefield and evacuation. At the beginning of war they had obsolete personal medical kits, but now situation with this became some better. Their volunteers like and Ukrainan also buying TacMed kits on the West and train personnel how to use it,. But Russians have other problem, which probably began to undermine their morale. Evacuation from battlefield. Not only wounded, but also bodies. Not a secret, that for Russian family from deep province, 7 millions RU for death is fantastic money. But this money they can get only if the body exists. So now we can see such posts in TG: ... People don't want go to combat, because know, that likely their bodies will not evacuated, so their families will not get compensation (we can give X and Y places were about 30 men lay already three months, and their families are without money, because their men are MIA). And: ... Some commanders of midlle level were "missed in attacks" (you can understand this as you want) during combat as "accident" or "enemy fire". And only thanking to this, soldiers didn't go [to combat] and didn't acomplish "disposable task" In Ukrainian army the family, who has a MIA soldier continue to receive his salary for frontline service - 100 000 UAH per month (2500 $ - this is very good money for Ukraine) until the fact of death confirmed. In that case the family receives 15 millions UAH (375 000$)
  23. Well, I've found source of information about "1:1 losses rate since January around Bakhmut", This is from interview with ArtyGreen - known figure of Debaltsevo battle in 2015, junior officer, who organized brilliant "horizontal" system of artillery support, targeting and info transmitting, which allowed to hold the town enough long time. But as often happens, his words were took out of context and shared in twitter in biased sense. He told that 1:1 rate of losses was not in whole Bakhmut direction, but particularly in final stage of Soledar defense, when UKR troops withdrew from the town and often turned out in encirclement and when UKR comamnd decided to win some time for new defense lines establishing and threw in attack battalion of 46th air-assault brigade, which led to additional casualties, because we counter-attacked on the enemy who had advantage in infantry.
  24. Yes, but on northern side of river there are only the farm, elevator and dachas of Pavlivka, whole settlement is on southern bank. There was an opinion Russians want to eliminate potential threaten to their railroad and logistic ways around Volnovakha.
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