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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Except RKG-1600 HEAT bombs (modified RKG-3 AT-grenade for drops) UKR drone teams became to use since September old Soviet PTAB-2.5 submunitions. Depending on modification it could penetrate 100-120 mm of armor under 90 degrees. It weight in 2,5 kg is enough to carry by the bigger drones
  2. Yesterday UAV was shot down over Kyivan water reservoir, appearance of UAV near Kyiv is a harbinger that a strike will comming soon.
  3. Some rumors roam that Russians can strike on 26-28th.
  4. Reportedly since summer UKR troops got RK-2OF missiles for Stugna-P ATGM, having HE warhead. Here is such missile, being launched at the night by crew of 93rd mech.brigade at infantry group. Also pay attention, in upper left corner of display there is writing about the thermal sight in use.
  5. You're late too ))) Somebody posted this several days ago )
  6. Khodakovskiy about dead end of Russian urban warfare and cities seizing tactic. Why such [terrible] consequences of our offensive in the same Mariupol? That's what we were taught and then we taught tactic of urban warfare and not even - we were taught to capture buildings, advance along corridors, burst into rooms... Nothing of this doesn't work in conditions of war, not anti-terror operation. More - when I see, how "near-instructors" teach mobilized soldiers to advance in assault orders in composition of group - I want to line up these would-be instructors and chase them under fire in beautiful formation of dense group toward hospital, in order they at least one time tested on themeselves, that in composition of group is enough one mine [or he meant "mortar-shell"] to kill them all. Because of this we demolish in front of us everything , that the enemy can use as shelter and because of this we have such consequences. Experience of warfare in Mariupol showed, that enough a pair of properly organized platoons to delay a battalion. In order to enter into the building and mop-up it - we need to approach to this building. The enemy mows down assaulters with a fire on approaches and there is only one solution - to demolish this building to the fu...g mother with anything. Now this "subtown" [wrote in the same sense like "untermensch"] Ugledar [Vuhledar in Russian writing] demonstrates once again that I'm right. I remind, that in first day of decisive offensive on Sevastopol, Germans wasted 4000 tons of shells. If we want to capture Ugledar we have nothing left, except to demolish everything in front of ourself. But with what? Until we demolish - to lay down dead our personnel in unsuccessful attacks in attempts to capture at least a сhuck of territory - this is wrong.
  7. Just WW2 associations ) On the writing "Machine-gunner fires at enemy positions on outskirts of Bakhmut"
  8. Second time for three days explosions heard in Mariupol. Allegedly Russian ammo dump was hit in the port area and the enemy base or storage on "Ilyich" steelworks. No information about what weapon was used. Some Russian propagandists claimed these were GLDSB Today Ukrainian MoD press-secreter made a statement that "the time is came, when enemy military targets in Mariupol are no more unreachable place for Ukraianian strikes" Recently there were several strikes on Berdiansk area with usage of probably long-range kamikadze-drones and several unsuccessful strikes with Tochka-U (all were intercepted) In theory, UKR HIMARS could hit "Ilyich" steelworks, firing from Vuhledar - Novomyhailivka section, but already port is out of range. UKR also could use upgraded "Vil'kha-M" missiles, but since its didn't pass tests in 2021 there wasn't any info about them. UKR episodically used only first version of Smerch upgrade - "Vill'kha" missile (without "M") with range in 70 km.
  9. @sburke Lt.colonel Aleksey Tarasov, Ka-52 pilot-instructor, instuctor&research helicopter squadron, probably of 344th Army aviation Center of combat usage and personnel retraining. Was shot down and killed on 2nd of Oct in Kherson oblast. The second crewman - navigator sen.lieutenant Ruslan Usmanov also was killed. Major Aleksandr Batayev, commander of 83rd separate engineer-sapper battalion of 22nd Army Corps of Coastal Troops, Southern military district. Was killed of 21st of Feb 2023 probably in Kherson oblast Also interesting loss, despite it had lower rank, than major Captain-lietenant (of reserve, captain equivalent in Ground Forces) Artyom Matlayev. In August 2022 has enlisted to PMC "Redut" and was UAV operator of recon-diversion detachment "Volki" ("Wolves") of this PMC. Was killed on 7th of September near Balakliya. Thus, we have first confirmed mention that near Balakliya this elite PMC was involved.
  10. On background of regular army fails, Wagners in Russia are very popular. Prigozhyn with aid of own milbloggers and some "Kremlin towers" made the myth of "invinsible successful" PMC and "prosperous business" of his "Concord" company. Soon to be employed in "Concord" probably will be so prestigious like and in Gazprom. Company of Prigozhyn can have up to 250 millions $ yearly income from resources mining in Africa and Asia. So such pictures has the same public effect if in 2015 would be appeared the similar pictures of dead Azov fighters, fallen because "Poroshenko and Muzhenko left them without fire support and fuel during their offensive". This is a public opinion lever to achieve some political and cadre goals.
  11. Not all simple with thіs confrontation between Prigozhyn and MoD about "shell hunger", because of which Wagners as if suffering heavy losses. Today Prigozhyn made new emotional hit on public, showing dozens of dead Wagners on the snow on backyard of some morgue with the same accusing - "Do you see? How much our guys were fallen because an artifical shortage of shells because of betrayal of MoD officials!" But judging on talks on LostArmor, where users have direct information from Wagner merceneries - this confrontation between Prigozhyn and MoD is more complicated and can have completely other goals than this shows to public. According to their information - there is no any "shell hunger" indeed. First reason of this conflict, which some Lost Armor members mean is unclear undercover struggle between group of Shoigu-Gerasimov against so-called "Southern military district mafia". And despite on tough criticism from the side of Prigozhyn toward MoD, he as if indeed plays on the side of Shoigu. And his rhetoric is attempt to play own game in appointment of "useful persons" on some duties in MoD and General Staff. Second reason - this is thin PsyOps to suggest to AFU false illusion that conditions of Wagners near Bakhmut is bad and force them to counter-attack in order to make a trap. Khodakovskiy today issued a post, where he told that Wagners now didn't really suffrer "shell hunger", but they now are supplied with ammo like all other regular units, without any preferences. So, since they got ammo like all other - their tactical sucesses are sharply reduced. He also told that for Vuhledar offensive Russians were forced to limited wasting of ammo on other directions in order to accumulate shells for Vuhledar, but they couldn't completely supress UKR defense in first two days, having full superiority in "salvo mass" and further, when number of ammunition became usual, whitout its acuumulated surpluses, operation bogged at the moment and led to the loss of alsmost all achievmnets Today Russian milblogger Vladlen Tatarskiy issued a requst from Wagner PMC to Gerasimov, Chief of the Staff about quantity of ammunition for one day of work (first column) and for 10 days (second column) of work. In third column with digits, being written by hand showed real quantuty for 10 days, which was supplied. Some positions even exceed request, but some - significantly lower. Tatarskiy didn't show names of ammunition, though likely 10566 is a number of mortar shells, maybe 82 mm. For a day. And 105660 for 10 days. Really they got 3800. Some have opinion this is about 152 mm ammunition, but this is enough large number for Bakhmut front.
  12. This is the same episode, which Khodakovskiy meant in own TG - I forgot Kyrylivka or Stepove in 14-18 km S/SE from Vuhledar. There was HQ of "Kaskad", combined unit of DPR Internal Troops. The guy, who was "lucky" to be hammered by unexploded missile directly in the bed was chief of staff deputy sen.lt. Andrey Maksak, citizen of Ukraine, veteran of "Vostok" battalion, which was under Khodakovskiy command in 2014-15. Now this is 11th motor-rifle regiment "Vostok" of DPR Internal troops
  13. How thermobaric grenade works insinde light armor
  14. New series of "Two in the trench" Part 3 Part 4 In part 4 we can hear his radio chat, he calls "Alex" and says they are almost emty, no grenades left and ask him either he can cover them, in prder they can withdraw. Asks when reinforcements will arrive, because they soon can't hold position. Alex says, BMP is coming as reinforcement, but he doubt he can cover, because afraid to hit them, because enemy to close to the trench. Original video in better quality you can find on TG of this fighter: https://t.me/lost_generation_21/ From logo on part 4 we can see Predator is serviceman of 22nd motorized infantry battlion of 92ns mech.brigade, so this fight from Svatove direction Predator also showed own rifle AK-74. Upgraded almost completely, but I will change many of this stuff further and changes will be posted for you. Modernization Fab Defence (Israel) Red dot sight Holosan Impact buffer also is mounted, that reduces recoil and increases rate of fire. Muzzle brake compensator, sound moderator and flame suppressor of "Strela" company.
  15. Recently it was 91st engineer-sapper regiment. By strange decision of MoD, since 2004-2010 and after 2020 engineer, NBC-protection, EW, military topographic service and meteoservice were united under Support Forces Command. And if NBC, EW saved own specialization in names, that engineer units became "operative support regiments/brigades"
  16. Video is really has bad quality and too hard indentify uniform, but this is definetly Ukrainians. They speak in Russian, but on 1:33 one soldier asks in Ukrainian "De nashi?" ("Were are ours?"). Also soldier, who came to them at the end of video has green armband. The guy, who rolled from the hill obviously still alive - he moves after rolling. Original writimg over the video says "UKR soldiers are ambushed by Wagners", but in comments users have opinion this is not Bakhmut area
  17. Video for summer or early autumn - UKR soldiers in the forest or in some village with dense vegetation suddenly engaged by Russians. They are taking fire from small arms and suffering losses - cameraman got an arm injury, then he filmed as one soldier was killed, then at the end of video other soldier come and says that their comrade also was killed. They advance along two abandoned Russian BMPs with "O" markings, likely this is Luhansk oblast
  18. Exellent documental film "Battle for Chernihiv". For this time this is most detailed thing. The same team recently made film "Battle for Kyiv", but it turned out too weak in part of facts or describing of actions. But film about Chernihiv is really cool - it removes some blank spots, but I hope, after the war we will know much more. First version of this film was only in UKR, now ENG subs have appeared - you can turn them on during watching Part 1: Part 2 Part 3
  19. @sburke Lt.colonel Viktor Fursov, unit unknown, was a recon, but judging on signs and shoulder stripes not from Spetsnaz, but from motor-rifle units. Likely recon battalion commander or chief of recon in brigade/regimental/divisional HQ. Was killed on 10th of Feb Major (of reserve) Dmitriy Taradeyko. VDV officer. Enlisted to PMC Wagner. Was killed on 18th of Jan
  20. "Predator" wrote in his TG this was GRU Spetsnaz trooper and shows a cartridge from his rifle.
  21. The skirmish in Serebrianka forest south of Kreminna. Different western infantry weapon among UKR soldiers.
  22. Mavic 3T is main and mass night eyes of drone-recon teams. But they are expencive and are bought only by crowdfunding and large charity funds. Our MoD claimed they don't want to buy such "wedding drones", which "don't change situation on battle field". This statement summoined a storm among military and showed huge gap in understanding of the role of commercial drones between commanders of battalion-brigade level and MoD officials (as well as, alas and some generals in General Staff). Without Mavics and Outels, we would had the same situation like in Russian army, where for whole brigade exists only one UAV company with officially adopted special designed drones and infantry/armor almost blind in condition of modern warfare. So, this is not a problem of NATO. About NV and themal sights/cameras, our troops in most cases have these toys, but its are continuosly braking, losing, detroying, so the need in these devices stable and large. Some units eqipped enoug good (but anyway need more), but some, especially new-formed 6x brigades have a lack. Here is some cadres of night action near Kreminna of new-formed 71st yager air-assault brigade unit, equipped with NV googles.
  23. Situation in Bakhmut after some stabilization again became worse. Russians shifted accents from the south, where they were pushed back from Kostintynivka-Bakhmut road to the north. Most of Wagners now directed there, including their most capable forces. "Madyar" says Russians intensified assault. Yesterday they captured Pidhorodnie village next to Krasna Hora and came to Sloviansk - Bakhmut road on more wide section. Also Russians desperately try to assault SW approaches of city (where MIG-17 on the pedestal) Russians attack with mobiks and convicts mostly at the daylight, but in the night more capable Wagners and VDV units attack, and situation is complicated because of fog and snow now in Bakhmut (unlike onther part Ukraine) and this interfere timely revealing the enemy atatcks by drones. Also there is a lack of drones with thermals to cover more territory continously. @Beleg85 you asked about road west from Bakhmut. I didn't hear about this, but I have seen that now main supply road is through Khromove village west from the city. Maybe road enginners just reinforce existing road.
  24. In Maryinka soldiers of 79th air-assault brigade destroyed next T-90M with Javelin. Though, despite this Russians three days ago could advance in north of the town, using long tree-plant to bypass our positions.
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