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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. "Madyar" told yesterday Russian offensive bogged for some time ago, especially on south, not only because of UKR counter-attacks, but also because they have thrown mobiks and regulars, substituting with them large part of Wagners. But since motivation of mobiks/regulars turned out not enough, Russians again turned back in mass Wagner merceneries. Though on the north, mostly Wagners are involved. They assault mostly in the night and if they achieve success, positions are seized already regulars and Wagners fall back for next night. I think, if UKR command decide to defend Bakhmut even in encirclement, it will play the same role as Mariupol - to attract, hold and eliminate as much enemy troops as possible. On background of tensions between some groups in Russian MoD/General Staff and Wagner owners, this operation can be last for Wagner as large influent force. Without hordes of convicted the again become just professional "wardogs", useful only for point operations
  2. It's also because commercial drone can't automatically determinate coordinates of target. So, one guy flying and when the team see something, that guy with tablet looks approximately on the the electronic map the place and takes coordinates for transmitting or fire adjusting simply by voice like "overshot 100 m". Specialized military drones like Furia, Leleka, PD-1/2, designed for artillery targeting and recon can do it 2 in 1. Some drones except this automatically recalculate GPS coordinates of target into square coordinates, suitable for artillery data and transmit it to guns via Kropyva or other special soft.
  3. All depends from level of support, communication capabilities, tasks priority etc. Also this guy says he transmitted data via phone. In theory, if unit has direct communication with artillery via PDA with Kropyva/Delta soft, ETA can be 1 min. And this situation also known. Of course, this is in emergency situationons, but it's possible.
  4. I think, counter-attack of UKR forces north from Bakhut was pure fantasy. Yesterday evening "Madyar": "We have a lack of mortar bombs of all calibers from 60 to 120 mm, we have a lack of RPG-type weapon" Morning news from one soldier from Bakhmut - "It became worse" Morning Mashovets: "Looks like we will be forced to withdraw from Bakhmut"
  5. Also interesting sign of Vuhledar battle - UKR drones already bomb Russians on 500 m -1 km south from Pavlivka, but it's too early to say that UKR trops crossed the river and seized some part of the settlement. The video, whith drone strike on two tanks, which I posted above filmed in gardens in 1 km from Pavlivka Also other one - strike at UAZ-452 near sourthern outskirt of Pavlivka. щт
  6. Troops of 1st company of 20th special purpose battalion of Presidental brigade assaults enemy trenches. More interesting thing at the end of video - Russian tank has arrived to support own infantry, but UKR drone dropped grenade and hit the gunner sight. Blinded tank has retreated.
  7. Many of Russian troops there are locals with Russian citizenship (some Transnistrians have even four %) ), who signed contract with Russian MoD.
  8. Meanwhile Russians are continuing to lose new and new troops near Vuhledar. Here is just some new vids for last days: Russian tankers in gardens 1 km south from Pavlivka, spotted the drone and just abanoned own vehciles. Tanks were bombed and one burned, othe rlikely damaged. Russian blogger writes about heavy losses of mobiks near Vuhledar on 26th of Feb: Today [26th Feb] many of combat brothers were fallen! Not all we could equip as it need. Not everybody got a chance to get a chance on life in hard battle on account of technical advantage over the enemy! Rest in peace! I remember! I Love! There are heaviest battles are going near Ugledar for each meters of land! Other Russian milblogger writes in anry, that now 5th tank brigade is decimating near Vuhledar. Muradov [commander of Vuhledar operation] is continuie to perish troops on Ugledar. In particular, probably before planned UKR spring offensive, he decided more significantly to weak one of the best tank brigades in Russia (5th tank brigade). But he is not only not removed from his post, given to the tribunal, but he is even has promoted It's said, recently Pacific Fleet commander fu...g dressed down Muradov for naval infantry losses near Ugledar, and relatives of killed incline almost to reprisals and blood feuds over the general
  9. I still wonder that UKR twitter, including soldiers, who in the Bakhmut keep complete silence about developments on the north. Today's evening report of "Madyar" was even more "blured" than in previous two days. "Situation is very hard. Enemy continuosly conducts assaults from the north. We keep our positions."
  10. "Stormer" (?) crew at work, probably UAVs shot down
  11. Today's evening "Madyar" report doesn't tell about any UKR counter-offensive on the north. He just tells about north - "changable situation", "despite tough enemy pressure we keep control over situation" and "I can't detalize it now". Also he told about a weather - a thaw came to Bakhmut, snow is melting, terrain is very muddy, fog around. Here is some skirmish from Bakhmut outskirts - water and mud in the trench
  12. He has drawn own blue arrows as if UKR forces already almost cutt off Wagners on the north. Let it be of course, but If it happened UA Twitter now would already be trumeting %)
  13. Fighter-Bomber TG confirmed the attack, but denied A-50 was hit ...According to my information no A-50s were suffered anywhere. Hits on Machulishchi took place. And there were results. But for this result Belarusians will ask from khokhols. And we will help with all forces.
  14. Hm... I wonder what sources he used? Last what I've seen on UKR publics was this 6 hours ago: In area of Ivanivske the assult is repelled. Our forces counter-atatcked and have retaken several positions. North, East, South - all in stable form. Mother...kers are trying to launch unguided rockets from jets, this is rather unpleasant. But Bakhmut still holds!
  15. Yes. But "Shtorms" actions are not similar to Wagners meat waves. PS. Part of UKR brigades since 2015 also have asasault companies in battalions. But this is unofficial. Just a company, which have more tough personnel and assigned for decisive actions. Such companies depending on tasks also can get additional heavy infantry weapon, tanks, etc.
  16. Now some Russian milbloggers opened campaign against general Marzoyev, who commands Vuhledar operation and his command led to huge losses. They told Marzoyev in first days commanded by task force, advancing on Kherson and Mykolaiv and his stupid command also led to huge casualties, when he either directed large columns and its were struck by UKR aviation, or sent columns without recon and its were ambushed. So, Russian bloggers now issue some unseen footage of first days with Russian losses and tell some interest stories Here is about 247th air-assault regiment of 7th air-assault division, which was ambushed 24th of Feb. Blogger says for two days regiment lost 76 KIA, 140 WIA, 9 combat vehicles. Regiment was directly subordinated to Marzoyev command. Other story - eliminated pontoon column. Likely Russians prepared them for mulitiple canals crossings, or even crossing the Dnieper. Blogger warns Marzoyev, he has 5 Gb of such videos and he can issue it too
  17. Russian drone operator spotted UKR soldiers in the trench and asks either they have small arms only. Suddenly he spots one soldier has RPG-7 and exclaims "Granik! Granik! Granik!" (Rus. slang from "granatomyot" - grenade-launcher). He tries to target Russian tank at him, but tank shot somewhere forward and rolls along the trench, didn't spot UKR soldier. UKR soldier waited some time and shot at the back of turret. Enemy drone operator in desperation cries "Damn! He has RPG! He will shoot at your back!!! Bliad'...." Mmmm... Armor Ark (forward) -> Hide -> Delay 40s )))
  18. UPD about claimed explosions on Belaruisain airfield Machulishchi Belarusian sourse "Belaruskiy Gayun" claims A-50 "AWACS" can be damaged because of ammunition was dropped from the air. Likely drone attack. Still no confirmations. If this true, this can interfere to coming missile strike, because A-50 on the eve of strikes and during first salvo usually try to detect our AD positions.
  19. As I said above, assault detachments have been establishing inside existing brigades/regiments, so they subordinated to own brigade/regimental HQs. This is just usual combined battalions with assault functions.
  20. This is Opytne settlement near Donetsk airfield.
  21. Belarusian journalist Anton Motolko and Belarusian initiative BYPOL claimed that today's morning as if two explosion were heard on Machulishchi airfield, where Russian MiG-31-Kinzhal carriers are based. Also as if locals heard one more explosion in the night. No official information about this. Allegedly Russian military cargo plane was damaged as well as airfield snow-cleaning vehicles. https://t.me/By_Pol/616
  22. The russians are transitioning from larger structures, such as BTGs, to smaller, more agile assault units. However, they still rely heavily on artillery support. It is uncertain if they have enough scarce weapons like 2S9, mortars, AGS, and ammo to equip all units. Assault units, named "Storm" are combined units forming from more capable servicemen inside existing brigades/regiments and use available vehicles and assets of these units. This is not new "over-shtat" units, which demand new equipment.
  23. @sburke Major Akeksey Mishyn, probably some logistic unit, was killed on 15th Jan Major Viktor Shtern, some naval infantry unit, was killed on 9th of June Major of FSB Alan Saitov, unit and data of death unknown, probably 24th of Feb 2023
  24. We have 31 nominal TD brigades with 178 potentially active TD-battalions. Usually each oblast has one TD brigade, but some have two and even three. Each brigade can have different number of battalions, depending on number of population in oblast and administrative structure, so in the brigade can be and four battalions, and six, and even eleven. So in order to supply each battalion with tank platoon and full-strenghth mech.company we need to find somewhere 534 tanks and 1780 armored vehciles. Even if in frist stage we should equip those battalions, who really were spotted in the fight - let it will 50 %, that number of equipment anyway still enormous, when mech.brigades have a lack of APC/IFVs.
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