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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. In subsequent conversations on Wednesday, Vinnyk told The War Zone that the Vilkha-M modification program began in 2018 and that about 100 units have been produced. It's sad when Vinnik, having this post, shows own incompetence. In 2018-19 were produced 98 missiles "Vilkha" with range 70 km, not "Vilkha-M" (110 km). Latter bogged on stage of tests - militaries had some notes and tweaking of issues is dragged on in time. But if this missile really could launch to produce, this is great. On tests in 2019 "Vilkha-M" showed CEP 30 m on 100 km. Since the year CEP was reduced to 15 m on 110 km
  2. There was same situation - the man who was mobilized at the end of January was sent to Bakhmut in February and killed since four days on frontline. He was enlisted to TCC security company, but three weeks later they received an order - to go at war. TCC security company is mostly 45+ men, so part of personnel wrotre a reports they rejected to go to frontline for combat tasks due to health reasons. But this man agreed to go at war. They also had few training - just one time they shot with AK. When about this episode wrote Censor, MoD claimed there will be investigation why untrained personnel turned out on frontline. But sitiuation on Donbas, not only around Bakhmut is too heavy and we are losing too many people. Of course, most of losses are wounded, but they need substitution. Since December in Ukraine was launched new wave of mass mobilization, and alas in this time it very similar to Russia. If you have a "luck" to became infantryman-rifleman of not so cool brigade like 93rd or other, you have enough chances to turned out in the trench since 7-10-14 of symbolic training
  3. S-300 missile hit residential building in Zaporizhzhia this night. This was 5-storey brick house, of 1960th, so called "Khrushchovka", so such huge destructions 4 killed, 7-11 wounded, 31 resqued, 5 still missed.
  4. The Head of National Security Council Oleksiy Danylov about RVC raid: https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2023/03/2/7391732/ "In Russian Federation a movement of Russian antifascists-militants is deploying. It's proverbially that UAV, APC you can buy free in any Moscow military shop. So DRG (diversion-recon group) is Decolonization of Russian State" (in Russian "state" is "gosudarstvo" - so in this way Danilov played DRG acronim) So, it's enough complicate about "false flag", nationalists, double agents and counter-play of GUR/FSB. It's propagandistic operation, sanctioned by UKR leaders. RVC some time ago fought near Bakhmut, looks like they were withdrawn to other purpose.
  5. Then the object in right low corner flies too slow. SPG-9 shoot as variant.
  6. Too fast as for me for ATGM. DM-22 also shoots own charge. There usual practice since late ATO times - to set Claimor-type and now also PARM mines with drones at the night.
  7. Heavy discussion: is this "death ray" was PARM or ATGM ? )))
  8. Attack (?) on A-50 on Machulishchi airfield. Maybe it will be more footage, but for now - the drone just approaches to A-50, lands on antenna, waits something and... flies back. Strange "attack" with "two explosions". Though at least it is possible to sneak inside guarded airfield perimeter %) Today's A-50 take off from Machulishchi. Unknown for mission or to repair
  9. Important remark. Despite we have full-scale war, Ukriane officially claimed only "martial law", but not "state of war". As if because of western governments pressure - this state gives to Ukraine legal opportunity to invade on territory of agressor. But... "you shouldn't escalate". So, you can and further see new strikes at Russian objects, new public raids and diversions, made by "Belarusian partisans" of "Russian Volunteers", but our officials will officially deny all this. You can recall official Kyiv didn't recognize no one strike. Official position - "they just smoked in not appropriate place"
  10. They subordinated to GUR. And what profit of FSB "false flag" with a raid on small village? Russia lost Kherson, which they claimed as "new Russian land" with all concequences if this land is attacked. And what? Where nukes? %)
  11. The group entered not to Briansk city, but to the border village Liubechane (also was information about Sushany village some SW) of Briansk oblast
  12. Official reaction of GUR (Intelligence Directorate): https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2023/03/2/7391687/ Translation: So called Russian Federation is absolutely unstable creation with colossal number of inner conflicts - between nationals, social, politic. And really such developments take place - this syas about confrontation inside Russian Federation itself between it citizens. Statements of RVC testifies that probably peoples of Russia begin to wake up against bloody Putin's dictatorship. As it's knowingle from RVK statement they fight not against civil population, but against Putin's regime And recall RVC statement on the video: "We are calling you to take the arms in your hand to fight with Putin's Kremlin bloody regime" We have seen first probe in realization of strategy of creation of "uncertainty" (C) The_CAPT inside Russia, which should lead to inner turmoils and in best case to collapse of Russia and creation on its remains several national states.
  13. More exact place of column attack - 15 km from Chaplynka to Nova Kakhovka direction.
  14. I will clarify, Tatarskiy tells about DPR 1st Corps, not about Russian army. Though, he drmatized enough. Despite DPR troops became to replenish own forces with Russian mobics and even convicts, they kept enough cadre troops, especially company/battalion level comamnders, which have big motivation and experience
  15. It could be also just desperate "free hunting" attack. In first day likely all roads from Crimea toward Kherson, Nova Kakhovka, Melitopol were full of enemy columns. I've read a post of officer of one brigade, which had to cover the south. He told on eve of war all senior officer staff had a briefing with Operative Command "South" commander, were they got different tasks for "manuevers" - legended operation of borders covering, started about for two weeks before 24th Feb. But when officers became to ask comamnder more detailed, he answered them "keep calm, this is just Russian blackmail there will be no war". So, on 23th of Feb most OC "South" troops were concentrated in Oleshky desert and forestry area around, where they continued trainings. So, Russian stream just easy brokethrough weak screens on the border, and got operative space. This officer also told he hopes that chief of engineer service of OC "South" shot himself, because no one charge didn't blow up under bridges from Crimea. Only one bridge was partially destroyed by a cost of life of marine, who activeted the charge. On other hand, concentration of troops far from isthmus, saved them from first devastate strike and they could engage enemy in Oleshky and in Kherson bridge area. But anyway, collapse of southern direction in Day 1 will be the theme of loud showdowns after the war especially from side of Poroshenko followers, who agressively claimed Zelenskiy had secret agreements with Russia in Oman (pure conspircay) and as if according to it, he gave the order to demine bridges ftom Crimea and to remove most of defense lines.
  16. @sburke Here is example how the post of one of many Russian losses can uncover whole story Major Vasiliy Muren'kiy (left photo, on right photo his brother, who was killed together with him), 11th separate engineer-sapper brigade, Southern military district. Was kileld on 24th Feb 2022 near Chaplynka, Kherson oblast. Column of pontoons and vehcile with HE moved to Nova Kakhovka to establish bridge through the Dnieper if UKR forces damage the dam bridge. Also they had a task to blow a gate, which close canal of water supply to Crimea. Column was bombed and shelled with rockets by the pair of UKR Su-25. The truck with HE charges was hit and exploded, eliminating almost all column. Video with remains of this column was issued several days ago by Russian milblogger. In this attack at least 12 Russian servicemen were killed, about two dozens of different engineer vehciles were destroyed or damaged. During this attack UKR Su-25 was shot down by a missile. Pilot, lt.colonel, squadron commader Oleksandr Zhybrov, probably directed own falling plane down to enemy column and even had time to eject, but altitude was too low - he died. Moment of Su-25 attack, the jet hit and falling - it's seen how pilot ejected Destroyed Russian column - video of next day Video of Russian blogger Crashsite of UKR Su-25 #19, 299th tactical aviation brigade Lt.colonel Oleksandr Zhybrov
  17. @sburke Lt.colonel Roman Osechkin. Unit unknown. Necromancer pointed he is former chief of meteoservice of 56th air-assault brigade, but on this photo he has tank signs on shoulder-straps and red stripes of ground forces. Data of death unknown. Major Yevgeniy Filev, 112th separate helicopter regiment (Cheryomushki airfield, Chita oblast), 11th AF/AD army, Eastern military district. Lost in Mi-8AMTSh crash on territory of Belarus on 4th Apr 2022. Second crewman captain Timur Kipchatov also didn't survive
  18. "Yellow tape" is a meme of UKR army ) Though, colors are changed now and then. And sometime different sectors of front can use difefrent colors. If we about 2022, that "hastly mobilized" anyway should have standard digital camo MM-14 or in mix with western type camos - mobilzed often bought uniform for own money and only since several weeks got uniform from the state - MM-14 more than enough in military equipment shops and even on markets. So, they can buy any type of camo, but old "dubok" already completely removed long time ago.
  19. ”If this is the case they are wasting future offensive potential on a lost cause. I hope I'm wrong about Syrskyi, but he has made some strange calls.” Looks like in offensive will be involved completely another brigades. The task of current ones- to win a time, grind the offensive potential of Russians and hold their troops. If we abandon Bakhmut the Russian offensive will not stop. We will have the same heavy fights for Kostiantynivka or even worse - Kramatorsk and Sloviansk.
  20. Artillery brigades as far as since 2015 in first order had been equipping with drones and PDAs with special artillery software like GISArta. I can't say exactly where "shtat" drone units appeared, probbaly since 2017 so far. Often artillery units had "shtat" drone park, which formally belonged to artillery recon battalion - this is fixed-wing UAVs like Furia. But batteries often have own "over-shatet" fleet of civil Mavics or Matrices.
  21. Some advices: - armbands should be some wider. Also it can be applied on the helmet - last two photos reflect old "Dubok" camo, which doesn't use since 2014-2015, so now it can't be considered as "regular"
  22. Sat photos of A-50 on Machulishchi airfield. It's hard to say something, except cahnging of color on antenna and wing. Russian trolls are shouting "this is melted snow, showing grey painting!". Belarusian sources say as if Il-76 and An-26PKS (special aircraft for equipment tests) flew to Machulisshci on the same day, but on next day were departed back to Russia - probablt they could deliver some spare parts and repairing team.
  23. And several strikes on UKR territory: Four HIMARSes on Kadiivka (Stakhanov), Luhansk oblast. Russian mobile ammo dump hit. Russians now try do not establish large stationery ammo dumps, but often use several trailer-trucks with temporary dislocation Likely missile strike at the overpass bridge in Donetsk. Puppet "Mayor" of Donetsk made a shot of hole and... we can see probably damaged BTR under the bridge. Locals tell DPR position and checkpoint were inder this bridge already long time Something big has exploded on left bank of Dnipro oppose to Kherson
  24. Explosions on Yeysk airfield, Krasnodar region, Azov sea. Locals in TG claimed this was missile strike, so in UKR twitter already heard a talks about next Hrim-2 strike, but I think this were Tu-141 again.
  25. This was UJ-22 of UKR design. Operational range 800 km, payload (recon equipmnet or dropping ammo) - up to 20 kg). Reportedly UAV probably wasted all fuel or hook top of trees and crashed. No ammunition was found nearby or HE inside if it was kamikadze. Russians claimed drone has fell in 100 m from gas distributing stattion of Gazprom pipeline. Next strike took place in Tuapse, the city and port on Russian coast of Black sea, Krasnodar region. Two DIY-cruise missiles Tu-141 hit territory of Rosneft oil base, which maintains it export from Black Sea ports. Alas, both drones hit nearby fuel tank and just destroyed some minor facilities. Pair of Tu-141 fuing over Tuapse and hit the target. And result of strike: Also one or two Tu-141 crashed near one settlement in Adygeya repuplic in depth of Russian territory Remains of crashed Tu-141 in Adygeya ... and possible route of Tu-141 Smaller long-range kamikadze UAVs also attacked Belgorod and Briansk oblasts. One of them crashed in Belgorod St.Peterburg airport "Pulkovo" was closed for several hours because "UFO" appeared nearby. It was vivislbe on radars, but not visually. Su-35 and Su-30 were taken off. Probably this was some EW joke.
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