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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. About motivation in "Honor" company %): My soldier killed for today 8 moth...rs with a rifle. With your permission I will buy AR-10 for him from your donates
  2. R18 drone in action - one armored company for a night to scrapyard or to repair.
  3. Mobiks from St.Peterburg and oblast are appealing to Putin, that their unit of 138th motor-rifle brigade of 6th CAA, Western miliitary district was attached to some DPR brigade (alas, soldier said it indistinctly) and directed to assault of UKR positions near Avdiivka without armored vehicles, recon and artillery support (hm... guys, you are were this recon! welcome to real world!) and unit lost in this assault 70 % of personnel killed and wounded. After this DPR unit command anyway ordered them to be ready for new assault and threatened them if they refuse. Interesting that Russian command now "lease to slavery" to LDPR units not only mobiks from "territorial defense" regiments, but from regular units %)
  4. It's claimed 110th mech.brigade assaulting near Bakhmut, but as I know 110th fought in Avdiivka sector. There is opinion also on the video is some sort of tarining, but commader in the trench says to machine-gunner: "Don't shoot! Shoot only if you have seen a target!" Also when YPRs approached to treeplant in first time he says "Now infantry will disembark", then after second approaching he asks "Aren't infantry inside APCs?" Looks like APCs just made supressive fire at positions in tree-plant and Russian either hadn't RPGs or got enough moral supression.
  5. Probably initial episode of video, where UKR soldiers seizing Russian blindage. UKR group suddenly encountered on Wagners position in tree-plant. Three minutes of FPV skirmish. Also you can see how hard to move in tree-plant, littered by fallen branches. Even in intact tree-plants it's hard, because its often overgrown with dense bushes. PS. Yesterday I mistakingly identified unit "Dyke Pole" ("Wild Fields") like a battalion of 1st Sp.purpose brigade. Indeed this is a company with the same name, but belonging to 1st mech.battalion "Da Vinci Wolfs" of 67th mech.brigade, which was formed on the base of Volunteer Ukrainian Corps of Dmytro Yarosh
  6. Reality of war... In some village in close rear from Bakhmut serviceman-driver has seen a boy with toy replica of AK and asks him "Hi! Are you going to the war?" And the boy answers him like an adult: "I'm already at the war"
  7. Yes, very sad video w/o Eng subs. It's alot of information about Wagners tactic in close fighting from "first hands" - Wagners are attacking continously, not with "human waves", but sending sqaud+ / platoon+ assault groups one by one with intervals in 40-50 minutes after failed attempt. Such assaults can last from several hours to several days without a break and almost all this time is a contact rifle/grenade fighting from 100 to 15..20 meters. This heavily exhausting for defenders psyhology (and this says the guy of extreme motivated unit, so what you can expect from usual UKR soldier of usual rifle battalion with his symbolic training?) Also these protracted assaults eat ammunition very fast, which create additional load on logistic and caused often jams of weapon, because soldiers, repelling endless attacks, often hadn't a time to maintain it properly. - Wagners usually try to attack in joint areas between units. Coordination between neighbours on their flanks always was weak place, because units often havn't clear sectors of responsibilities on their edges and when enemy attack, each unit usually thinks that developments in neighbours sector. - Wagners often attack in the night or at least tried to sneak very close to positions, using features of terrain around Bakhmut - dense tree-palnts and bushes, multiple ravins ets. - if positions of enemies too close each from other, Wagners rare support their troops with artillery, but instead they have unlimited access to heavy infantry weapon support lilke mortars, AGS, SPG, HMGs. Often our positions are showered with AGS/ 82 mm mortar fire and while next salvo incoming and UKR troops taking cover, in theese moment, assaulters make their decisive burst to trenches and try to seize it. - one of methods of Wagners spotting if drones are busy or not available - they send in the night groups of spotters (usually 2 mens) with one NV/thermal. They can sneak too close to our positions - even on 20-30 m and adjust arty/ mortar/ AGS fire. If group is eleminated, next one comes immediately. - despite Wagner commanders used "smart mob" tactic, controlling plan of attacks own "live pixeltruppen" via tabs with special soft, but anyway their movements also are formulaic. Soldier told assault groups, which changed each other always met in one point and some time had talks. Even after they were hit several times in this area, thet didn't change own routes. Likely commander decided this is shortest way to support tempo of pressure, and exactly this matter, not lives of convicts. - convicts really act like zombie, because they havn't way back without order or because of wound. Among goods of killed Wagners soldiers found some unknown pills, which probably are some drugs or psychotrops, which suppress fear and even some feels. Our soldiers told - Wagners can lay three hours on the cold ground and then to rise and attack. PS - among Russian TG talks about this told almost in open, that Wagners drink special "coctails", whith similar effect.
  8. @chuckdyke In Ukarine Jager units appeared in 2020-21. Initially it was one brigade which was appointed to fighting in forest/marsh terrains. It wasn't "foot soldiers", they had MTLBs and D-30 howitzers. Now we have several yager brigades with complete zoo in equipmnet. One brigade is under Air-Assault Command, other in Ground Forces. They some sort of motorized (not mechanized) infantry brigades in Ground Forces, but more specialized for hard/obstacle terrain
  9. 1st special purpose brigade named after Ivan Bohun has some ambigous reputation as I can judge of some twitter stories. It was created after the war began and it was formed from volunteers (maybe it was a rumors, but as if some number of personnel were former servicemen, convicted for different crimes during ATO), among them were many foreign citizens of 19 countries. I read about problems with discipline, drugs (espacially among foreign fighters) some inner conflicts even several episodes of pillage. I don't know how things are now. Maybe after many foreigners left the unit it became more controlled. Despite status of "special purpose" they are not SOF and not under GUR, they subordinated to Ground Forces Command. Their commander was criticised by some brigade's officers because he tried to come up with something like "corporative ideology" of "Azov". But in contray to Viking-style culture of "Azov", he became to popularize pseudo-historian myths, based on Slavic mythology and fake "Book of Veles" (though some Ukrianian "folk-historians" consider it is true). But his attempts didn't find enough feedback from personnel "Dyke Pole" was last fourh battalion of brigade, established in July.
  10. FPV of the siege of Russian blindage. UKR soldiers came to it from back and throw grenades inside, adding rifle fire. Likely blindage enough wide and deep, that even after several grenades one Russian soldier tried to crawl out from the "secret hole" from other side, but UKR trooper spotted the movement and shot Russian Filmed by special purpose battalion "Dyke pole" ("Wild Fields") of special purpose brigade named after Ivan Bohun. Location probably between Soledar and Siversk. The same vide via nitter if it's limited to watching: https://nitter.net/antiputler_news/status/1636799665931681808#m
  11. Russian milblogger is alarming as if Ukraine began to transfer troops from Belarusian border to frontline. Including with "dread" 47th mech.brigade. As if units have been moving to Kupiansk, Bakhmut and Vuhledar directions
  12. @sburke Major Victor Perelygin, chief of staff of reactive artillery battalion of 5th tank brigade, 36th CAA, Eastern military district. Was killed on 11th of March 2023, more likely near Vuhledar.
  13. I can't see video on Reddit, but I've seen it in FB. It was issued by 71st yager brigade. They claimed this was their wounded soldier, who shot Russian
  14. 2S7 Pion and French Renault GBC 180 Belgium to send 240 Volvo trucks https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/03/17/7393839/
  15. If UKR tactical advance on Polohy direction, Zaporizhzhia oblast, was allegedly successful, that on direction Orikhove - Robotyne (road to Tokmak) the same attempt is failed. One YPR-765 was completely destroyed, three other damaged/abandoned. Russian milblogger briefly on the run shows destroyed APC, but three other he showed at the distance - probably vehicles stand on no man land, but closer to UKR positions, so he didn't risk to approach too close
  16. @sburke Major Maksim Chigirenko, comamnder deputy of logistic battalion of 155th naval infantry brigade, Pacific Fleet, was killed on 27th of Feb 2023 near Vuhledar Major Albert Galiakhmetov, 5th tank brigade (HQ or motor-rifle battalion), 36th CAA, Eastern military district, was killed on 15th of March 2023 probbaly near Vuhledar Major (retired) Yuriy Terentyev, last duty - officer-educator in Suvorov's military schoool. Probably enlisted to some BARS battalion. Was killed on 5th of March Lt.colonel Vladimir Bukatkin, commander of 68th tank regiment, 150th motor-rifle division, Southern military district. Was killed on 25th of March 2022 in Mariupol by artillery strike.
  17. Hmmm.... Either "Honor" has next success, or something more significant around Bakhmut I can't translate this slang phrase adequately, but it close to "That's an action is dashing! Ai-yai! "
  18. Mugin-5 is commercial drone, so can be ordered free like DJI. UKR side also used drones, based on Mugin-5 in atatcks on Russian infrastructure. Representatives of Chineese manufacturer claimed they already stopped sales of these drones to both Russia and Ukraine, but of course, drones can be bought via third country
  19. Indeed Russian penetration from north not like on the map - fightings are now in Krasnohorivka. Russians control eastern part of village. On the southern flank elements of 59th mot.inf brigade slightly pushed the enemy back in Nevelske area. Though, situation is really very similar to Bakhmut. The same meat waves, but more armored, because terrain is more suitable for it, than around Bakhmut. Last video with captured Russians showed, that even in DPR unit (110th motor-rifle brigade - former 100th motor-rifle brigade of DPR) all captured are mobiks from Orenburg oblast of Russia.
  20. Lancet, which was catched by netting over 2S1 howitzer after disassembling. Its warhed is old Soviet engineer HEAT ammunition KZ-6, which was appointed to breaching fortifications or for some building and sapper works. Except 215 mm of steel it can penetrate 550 mm of concrete and 800 mm of soil. Also can be set in the water on 10 m depth. UKR also had experiments with KZ-6 - "Mayak" factory, which upgraded RKG-3 HEAT grenades to RKG-1600 HEAT bombs for drones, in 2021 designed KZ-4600 bomb, based on KZ-6, but looks like it wasn't launched in production
  21. Probably exactly his battalion was thrown in that desperate counter-attack to breach a way for encirclement units in the town.
  22. Attempt of Wagner assault team to cross Bakhmutka river (UKR-controlled part on the left side)
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