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Posts posted by amidali

  1. Hi

    11) Engineer/Pioneer  - In italian, Genio has 2 meanings (Genius OR engineering, depending on the context). So: PLOTONE GENIO is correct

    8) Ammo Bearer -  The Italian Infantry squad had 18 men organized into a gruppo fucilieri (8 men) and a gruppo mitragliatori (8 men). The "gruppo mitragliatori" (Light machine gun Group) had 4 ammunition bearers, called PORTA MUNIZIONI (see: Italian Platoon Diagram). 
    IMHO, you could use this symbol.

  2. Oh dear!
    I'm learning a lot of things about my country...


    // --------------------------------------------------
    P.S Translation:

    1) Platoon diagram symbols:
    -Comandante di plotone (Platoon commander)
    -Comandante di squadra (Squad commander)
    -Graduato (Corporal)
    -Fuciliere (Rifle Soldier)
    -Porta munizioni (Ammo-bearer)

    2) 6078-military-symbols-redux:
    -Compagnia carri M (Medium tank M13-M14 Company)
    -Compagnia carri L (Light tank Company. The Renault R 35 was considered a light tank)
    -Compagnia semovente 75/18 (Self-propelled gun 75/18 Company)
    -Compagnia semovente 47/32 (Tank hunter 47/32 Company)
    -Compagnia autoblinda (Armored car Company)

    -Batteria (Battery)
    -Cannoni (Guns)
    -Obici (Howitzers)
    -Cannoni per fanteria 65/17 (Infantry guns 65/17)
    -Cannoni controcarro 47/32 (Anti-tank guns 47/32)
    -Cannoni controaerei (Flak)

    -Autodrappello (Transport/Trucks)

  3. The original manual is from 1935, so a few symbols are missing (NO Self-propelled guns or Tank destroyers in 1935).


    1) The missing symbols are:

    -light tank (Carro armato leggero: Ansaldo L 6/40 OR Renault R 35)
    -light_truck_antitank (Autocannone)
    -light_truck_heavy_weapon (Camionetta Sahariana)
    -self propelled gun (Cannone semovente)
    -tank destroyer (Caccia carro)


    2) This is the list of the other symbols.


    -ammo_bearer (Porta munizioni --- Scaglione munizioni)
    -anti-tank gun (Cannone anticarro: http://www.comandosupremo.com/symbols.html/5)
    -armored_car (Autoblindo --- Autoblindomitragliatrice)
    -engineer (Genio --- Plotone o sezione)
    -flak (Cannone antiaereo --- Cannone c.a.)
    -flamethrower (Lanciafiamme --- Lanciafiamme)
    -infantry_gun (Cannone per fanteria (65/17 o 47/32): http://www.comandosupremo.com/symbols.html/3)
    -light_machinegun (Fucile mitragliatore: http://www.comandosupremo.com/symbols.html/3)
    -machinegun (Mitragliatrice: http://www.comandosupremo.com/symbols.html/2)
    -tankette (Carro L3 --- Carro d'assalto OR Carro veloce)
    -truck (Autocarro --- Autocarreggio OR Autosezione)

    Hope this helps

  4. Question for the history buffs (CM Final Blitzkrieg vs CMFI second module vs CMRT winter module)

    CMFB will have new forces (Volksgrenadier and Gebirgsjäger), new TO&E and new vehicles.
    I expect to find most of these also in the new CMFI and CMRT modules.

    From what I remember, there should be Volksgrenadier on the Eastern front, but not in Italy.
    Any other German forces, formations, vehicles specific to one front?

    P.S. Volkssturm:
    Is Battlefront planning to introduce them?

    Thank you

  5. Just a curiosity about the timeframe.

    Market Garden should cover the September 1944 period.

    The future Combat Mission-Battle of the Bulge should start from December 1944.

    Will the period October-November (Hürtgen forest, Aachen, etc.) be covered by an additional CMBN module, or by the Battle of the Bulge game?


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