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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by kraze

  1. At this point no russian demands can ever be accepted - except maybe a demand to eat something when their wheresmyiphone-imsoantiwar "regime fighters" start starving and maybe then we will offer them a big Ukrainian dick. Because with non-stop warcrimes russians made sure this is so personal to anyone of us - accepting any kind of demands will be legit suicidal for Zelenskyy. Nobody will just accept giving anything to genocidal maniacs. Because as long as Russia exists - there will always be death and suffering.
  2. The only reason Russia demands we don't join NATO - is so that they can murder us indefinitely until no Ukrainian is left alive. The only threat from NATO to Russia is that their ****ty army will cease existing in 3 days conventionally when they will try to start another genocidal war with any of the members. Granted even that isn't guaranteed seeing as NATO is afraid of a bunch (a large bunch) of retards that can only win decisive victories versus schools and hospitals.
  3. CMBS is not simulating disorientation from the shock. When something explodes hitting your metal box - even without any penetration - the sound alone inside will be times louder than any flashbang thrown in. May shock the crew so hard they may not even realize which side they were hit from and they may be too busy just coming back to their senses Not to mention that if spalling happens (russian/soviet stuff isn't quite good at preventing that to put it lightly) - the tank crew may also be busier bleeding out than looking for an RPG guy. In CMBS they seem to disregard getting wounded - sure they get wounded from spalling but it doesn't seem to affect reaction times. So CMBS may not entirely be realistic in this regard
  4. Brave citizens of the occupied Melitopol burn putin (with the words "putin, you are f***ed") in front of the armed occupiers They weren't yet told they should be afraid of getting hit by a police club and proceed to the nearest IKEA instead.
  5. Can you actually elaborate what exactly makes Azov - "nazi"?
  6. Are you telling me he used the same trick on his minister of "defense" and a head of intelligence - and also on the whole security council, consisting of dozens of people, which was forced to sit about 30 m away from him, almost outside of the room? So not even his closest, most loyal men aren't allowed anywhere near him, but a bunch of random chicks would? Also there's no such thing as "too much work" for russian fake makers. They are doing it for 100 years now, since the first mass media appeared in russia.
  7. Considering that putin forces his most trusted men to sit 20m away in his bunker for months now - and here he sits among nobodies like it's nothing - I doubt it's just a compression artifact.
  8. 'Cancel culture' became such a negative term because it was abused so often due to how quickly the target was shutdown without any real evidence, just fear of bad press. But in the case of this war - the cause is just
  9. I think NATO learned from its mistakes in the past years and is actively cyber-attacking Russia, forcing them into a defensive mode - hence maximum internet crackdown. Err I mean "Anonymous" and 'friends' are cool dudes.
  10. If true this is the first time "cancel culture" is actually doing legit good things
  11. Not KIA, casualties. When Ukraine reports casualties it literally says casualties. Right now those are close to 10k and most are calculated based on stuff destroyed. E.g. 100 tanks destroyed = 300 casualties. 4x VDV il-76 shot down before they could paradrop = around 800 casualties. And so on. It's obviously impossible to determine exactly how many of those are dead or are they just wounded (in case of VDV planes though you can say those are most definitely all dead because high altitude plane crash/fireball). But press translates casualties as KIA for some reason.
  12. So this is how russian armored vehicles look after sanctions
  13. Apparently russians completely left Enerhodar (after robbing what they could) and ZNPP, which is now confirmed, to continue their advance either on Mariupol or Zaporizhya... ...which means they have no troops to occupy a 50k pop town.
  14. It's worth noting that Zhytomyr and Bila Tserkva aren't anywhere close to the ground battles - so russians fully expected people to try and live a somewhat normal life, incl. perhaps taking kids to school. There's just no excuse, no "american drone operator" - it's another straight warcrime in a long streak of warcrimes that will keep on going with the West showing fear every step of the way - at least give us those planes.
  15. Collateral damage and purposeful leveling of cities are two different things. A drone operator making a mistake or a "mistake" - and a whole russian airforce bombing appartment blocks can't be compared. Saying that US killed some civilians somewhere via a drone strike on a military target is the same as sending a whole squadron targeting civilian hospitals is ridiculous Also because that drone operator will most likely face a tribunal and russian pilots will just get medals.
  16. It's like that for russians today. No other country acts like that in a modern war. Nobody else levels cities anymore, murdering civilians on purpose, it's all about precise strikes on the military objects.
  17. About the "green corridor" in Mariupol: sigh.
  18. If they take Mariupol they have that "bridge" on paper. It's not like that very moment Ukraine is going to call them and be like "Congratulations! you have a road connecting Russia and Crimea! Please don't turn off your console while reality is being saved" and let them keep it. What I'm saying is that the south is notoriously hard to defend when you have an empty steppe with no forest areas in the north and a sea in the south. As for Kyiv - massive nope at this point unless something changes. Human waves at Hostomel are also mind boggling.
  19. They certainly don't have enough to level the whole country. But enough to make more and more people hate them. They also refuse to let civilians leave, because in their doctrine they need someone to terrorize to lower the will to resist. Can't terrorize a guy with a gun. Granted at this moment russians agreed to give "green corridor" to evacuate civilians from Mariupol starting in 10 minutes and I would be surprised (actually want to be) if it doesn't end up in a tragedy as usual.
  20. Last big major war with that kind of involvement that russian army took part in was WW2. Even during WW2 much of Soviet victory was dependent in half on non-stop human waves and in half on American support. And they also had Ukrainians and Belarusians fighting for them (which actually suffered the most casualties). They can do neither today - also because unlike WW2 there's no legit casus belli apart from "you go die in a foreign country so we can restore USSR" and that's weak sauce when you aren't winning easily. Can they enforce total mobilization to just throw bodies at us? Sure they can. Thing is the war isn't fought by the numbers for a long long time and throwing scared, broken human waves at ever angrier defenders may as well cause massive unrest back home.
  21. WW2 had no precision munitions and no "hearts and minds"-like doctrines. Pilots during WW2 didn't have much say in where their dumb and completely non-aerodynamic bomb will go. It was pray and spray. Now a pilot has to target a civilian building on purpose to hit it. Even with junky soviet munitions his plane shows him where that bomb will go on his HUD. So comparing WW2 to modern war is wrong.
  22. He is censoring the media because in his nest of vultures he's afraid of looking weak. And if people see that their dictator is weak - some opportunists may get an idea. African tribal warlord system being an extreme example of this but it's easier to demonstrate. Warlords aren't getting dethroned because people suddenly realize what they are and say "no" to violence - warlords are getting dethroned by a more ruthless, opportunist runner up that just wants his place. Russia is, of course, a lot more "civilized" compared but you get my point. The moment Stalin showed weakness - he was immediately poisoned, his buddies killed and everybody found themselves on a brink of an all out nuclear war for the next 40 years because Khrushchev took the throne from him.
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