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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by kraze

  1. Are you trying to tell me everything in USSR was built by russians? Btw: AK was designed by the German - Hugo Schmeisser. So let's not delve deeper into other Soviet inventions or we may just find how talented people were imprisoned, tortured or even killed even after inventing something useful.
  2. They control that area near Belarus alright but now they have 10th brigade raiding them from Zhytomyr's direction daily so we'll see for how long even that control will last. In fact it's the reason you see Lukashenko getting a lot more hysterical about sending in the troops and putting more pressure on his troops to actually go there
  3. In USA when a single cop murdered a single dude without cause, even if criminal - police precincts burned. In Russia when their army invaded a country without cause and started doing massive warcrimes - IKEA had the longest queues in its existence. From 60 to 70% russians support the invasion openly according to multiple non-state polls, the rest may just not give a **** - so color me unempathic.
  4. For example you can tell one you know he signed an agreement to take part in an aggressive war abroad and there's no need to repeat what his politruk told him.
  5. It has nothing to do with hatred. Russian state media not ever having live news shows is a known fact. Furthermore - media in Russia is so controlled - nobody would let anyone near the newsroom while it's on air. Especially a woman with a huge sheet of paper with English text so conveniently written on it. But let me give you an example: In the first week of the active war russians had a similar psyop here with hundreds of POWs stating same BS about "we thought we were doing military exercise" word for word and we had tons of bots posting same-ish texts about "poor innocent soldiers that evil putin sent here" - to force a classic narrative onto our people about how "it's politicians' war" to tone down support of our army. Russian soldiers are people too, can't shoot them, you know. Luckily that BS quickly fell apart when intelligence got docs where every single soldier signed a paper where he agreed to take part in an invasion. We haven't heard a single POW saying "durrr exercise" since. Instead we now know that all of them had an order to target civilians specifically as early as Feb 21. Make of it what you will.
  6. But that's the whole point - Putin doesn't care about what the West thinks about him. What will they do to him that they already didn't? The goal of such operations is to make the West more empathetic towards russians and in turn ease off sanctions that hurt "common folk". The goal is putin bad, russians good. And already we see companies pushing to stay in Russia to "support people like this brave girl".
  7. It's not incompetency - it's 'something else' - namely hundreds of years of eliminating people with brains and cultivating a nation of serfs that is incapable of producing anything using those raw resources. Also helping is exactly what west did to Russia - and Russia used all those money to murder, rape and rob their neighbors and produce nothing of their own, while becoming the prime source of all the misery in the world once again. Russians are uncivilized, they cannot live peacefully with their neighbors, they are violent and unreliable. My god, even Ukraine supplied Russia with food at no cost in the '90s so our former enslavers wouldn't starve, hoping we will all live in peace. So yes, let's repeat that mistake again and see even more victims and suffering.
  8. Bombard with what? Shells from another convoy that will get ambushed on a random Ukrainian road and sent to hell? Russia is asking China to send them MREs for god's sake. The "strongest army in the world" is stealing chicken so they have something to eat because food is constantly getting ambushed. Or will they just dig in and grow food?
  9. So putin attacked a country that was never planning to join NATO and had a neutral status in its constitution so that it wouldn't join NATO, am I right?
  10. Whole Syrian standing army is 130k and it's absolute trash that couldn't do jack to insurgents without russia, sending quarter of that force that is much worse than russian army into an alien, heavily wooded, environment - is just BS But sure they can send a few thousand of syrians here and they will just get wiped.
  11. Javelins are used, it's just that they weren't filmed in any cool cinematic way because they aren't as omnipresent as NLAW and aren't as safe to use as Stugna. But there is a video that was released just yesterday where two of our guys at the front lines were talking about how on the first day they shot 5 javelin missiles from their position, taking out two tanks and two APCs before finally getting spotted by another tank and getting knocked out by a shock wave... and then escaping hospital after only a week to get back into the fight where they are now - and once again armed with Javelins. So those are used alright.
  12. You do remember that russians lost the first Chechen war, had to withdraw completely and Ichkeriya became de facto independent for the time? It became such a massive failure that Yeltsin, who was considered a strong dictator due to his military victories in Moldova, Georgia and Azerbaijan, ended up being deposed by the FSB and replaced by Putin. And that was war in a country the size of Crimea with the most populous city being Grozny with 200k pop, while Russia was also highly supported with western money with billions of $$ being poured into it to help its economics?
  13. Seems like another major general bites the dust. In Mariupol no less. The second link is more graphic and shows the rank https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2022/03/15/7331504/ https://censor.net/ua/photo_news/3325251/azov_znyschyv_generalmayiora_okupatsiyinyh_viyisk_foto Azov promises to reveal his name later And some more bonus photos from the counter-attack and "let's all bunch up behind a building" russian tactics https://censor.net/ua/photo_news/3325276/polk_azov_rozbyv_pidrozdil_22yi_brygady_spetsialnogo_pryznachennya_zs_rf_oos_foto
  14. We know how well that worked back in USSR when russians were stealing european car designs - but because russians literally murdered all the talent at the time - for every Fiat 124 the best they could do was always Zhiguli. It didn't improve in post-USSR Russia either. A complete and total corruption made sure that talent was replaced with friends or relatives of whoever owned the business. So every Ford they will release will be an obvious low quality knock off. Not to mention nobody in Russia is capable of designing a new car
  15. 1. There is no live TV in Russia 2. She is an editor of the 1st channel and is directly responsible for all the anti-ukrainian propaganda 3. This is a russian media operation to remove Ukraine from the front pages in the world press, as well as make Ukrainians think that only putin is at fault: 3a. As evidenced by her video where she goes on about how "russians and ukrainians are brothers" and "my father is ukrainian". It's so obvious it's cringe. 3b. The video was initially posted by all the pro-putin "controlled opposition" politicians like Sobchak and Khodorkovsky, who themselves were very pro-war for 8 years, but now got a new playbook. And russians won - all the western press replaced Ukraine with a "good russian" and even here it worked into out Stockholm syndrome where this obvious propaganda worker is now considered a hero by some. Don't fall for it.
  16. The see didn't move to Moscow in 1325. Kyiv was always christian. Especially when Lithuania and Rus eventually united. In fact Muscovy was muslim well into 16th century, simply because late Golden Horde was muslim and they simply eliminated all the other "kaffir" religions on territories they controlled. Furthermore current russian church has no roots to older church, which was eliminated in 1917. Current russian church was created by the order of Stalin in 1943 and since then it's controlled by the KGB/FSB. Patriarch Kirill himself is a "former" KGB operative. Even more - current russian church was never actually recognized by Constantinople, they simply bought their way in. Don't trust russian history. Or at least notice obvious plotholes - like "christian holy see in a muslim Horde"
  17. These new ones are definitely sunflower fodder, Censor.net has a video with their dead bodies, obviously not something I can post here I guess
  18. The West tries to play it as safely as possible (which is a mistake, they can go harder without any risk, as not doing so only increases civilian casualties). Like "giving planes" was a real deal until many politicians (starting with EU ones and snowballing from there) started screaming about it on every corner, trying to get Freedom Respect Points. And off the deal went - because russians wouldn't know if those MiG29s shooting them down were Ukrainian from the get go or recently repainted into blue-yellow by uncle Ondrej in his polish rural shed - but now no Ondrej, Sam and Pierre want to take responsibility. Same now goes for AD, although West now asks everyone to stfu, seriously. Realistic way of going about the "no fly zone" right now seems to be all about giving us S-300 that some NATO members still possess. And I hope it happens, just that nobody knows about it.
  19. Today in the south, in a rural area around Mykolaiv, 3 dead russian soldiers were found in the woods by our troops. They were robbed of their guns, just heavier weapons like RPGs left. Which probably means that it most likely was a hit by the "non-combatants" - as RPGs wouldn't be something a soldier travelling with a large group would leave - but still would be too heavy for a civilian group to carry around fast and unnoticed, not to mention going with it against armored targets which requires some training.
  20. The fact that they lost about 70 combat planes in 3 weeks and now have to pull in more from eastern airbases should tell you something about how well they are going on about suppressing that AD. Especially now that they are out of precise cruise missiles - getting rid of the 'AD problem' is even harder, if not impossible.
  21. Because butthurt panic mode. And strong belief that if their missiles can hit the "rear" - it will somehow demoralize Ukrainians. Problem is - this is Lviv. They just made another 1000 men join the queue in a queue to join the queue in an army enlistment queue
  22. For that they need Ukraine to have no AD. But about 2/3 of Ukraine is still a big no go zone for planes.
  23. Their propaganda right now is all "we haven't taken any big city yet because we don't want civilian casualties and thus carefully use precision munitions to pick neonazis one by one - that's why it's taking so long". Compare that to Feb24-25 when after VDV drop in Hostomel their media was all "Kyiv falls by the morning". Don't need to actually look for any seeds of truth in their propaganda - just at how propaganda changes.
  24. Russians using strategic bombers is not escalation. They ran out of ground and naval launched Iskander/Kalibr missiles. It's more like a full on panic mode "let's throw all the **** at Ukraine, my god, make them stop resisting SOMEHOW"
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