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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Hister

  1. Nope, no sales for battlefront. Bden said so ny the devs on some occassions now.
  2. Sublime, USA was/is more under the spotlight 'cos it is #1 global player who proclaims itself to be one of the "good guys" while it's actions are sometimes somewhat "debatable". Russia is making up for it with it's Ukrainian debacle so USA is less under global attention now.
  3. Yes, complicated, especially on the Balkans. Lacroix, you should start your story about Albanians in the 60's when their nationalistic tensions started to surge and Tito had to violently surpress the protests. They were slowly going towards their independence ever since. Unfurtunately for them it only got them a failed state and dreams of "it's going to be a paradise when we get our own country" shattered completely.
  4. I wholly agree Steve. Longer lasting ideal situation can not be achieved since the way universe works is a constant change, fluctuation and perfect state is only a dream, if at all then it happens only for a very brief moment but is generally only something that we can strive for but not really reach. Striving for better can in the end actually make things better but not without tough obstacles on the way. True, true but I can never get past the notion it's being somewhat overused and abused. That's my totally uneducated and maybe also naive guess and gut feeling. And I think that is what Lethaface is hinting too in his posts. I know. I also know there is a degree of how misused such actions can get or were and also know that they are necessary. This was not an attack on USA or you personally. Whoever can, will. But there is a degree which we can debate on and I'm well aware USA is using it on a less lower scale then any other global or regional power contestants would. Still, this does not make it all good and is as such ripe for our debate. I fully agree. If I can extend it let me give this simple example. The way many peoplein Eastern Europe see USA and it's capabilities is simply funny and idiotic. For example, CIA and FBI are seen as unmistakable and omnipotent. This view is stupid as hell and not at all in line with reality but then again as long people will bite it it will give USA a bigger leverage then it actually has so in a way that's positive for it. A relative of mine was working for Saddam in Yugoslavian times (in the 80's) as a construction firm contractor. He was building bunkers and other military infrastructure. He got a similar impression of the local people there so I fully understand and agree with your notion about them. Such things just show you even more how some tings are better left to be not touched. Yes, I understood this about you before already and for that I personally hold you in high regard if that means anything to you. I also fully agree with the notion USA army actions are way more soft-handed then of most other armies out there. Still, it could get better and that is also why I'm having this discussion with you right now. Yeah, my views too. They were on par with Germans when it comes to committed atrocities, on many levels they even surpassed the Germans - they only got bailed out 'cos they won the war on the "right" side. I also have a rather veeeery unpleasant feeling when I see WW2 "partisan" memorial events here in Slovenia since things are oftentimes presented too one-sided, still. All in all it's crazy to put so much effort into celebrating things that were instead of channeling energy into a more healthy future.
  5. Lethaface, I agree with what you've got to say on the matter, it's just this part that I would also like to see happen but it's a bit naive to think we as humans can act that way. Still, a lot can be improved - not saying it's impossible, just very very hard to achieve. Maybe if whole world gets an outside enemy we will turn our aggression towards the attacking aliens. Exactly. I as a teacher can't give a negative score to my pupil in advance although I know 99,99% for sure he/she won't be able to score positively. I already had similar debate about Iraq with panzersaurkrautwerfer in some other thread a while ago. This thread went way offtopic anyway already so I'm not feeling particularly guilty for popping in. I think it's hard for anyone who was more or less directly or indirectly involved with Iraq or with other activities his state did/does to be totally impartial and subjective on the matter. I hold panzer in very hard regard when it comes to his views on the matter since his are a lot more down to earth then to many other people I know. BUT your counter arguments Lethaface come spot on. It's hard for someone who is claiming to operate from a higher moral ground then the other to remain seated in that position for long. In most cases, not that it's not possible. Cudos to both of you gentlemen, really.
  6. Comrade Badasski is one serious bad ass player!
  7. Hi there! Being a veteran you'll be playing like a pro sooner then us civilians here.
  8. If there's anything history teaches us is that humans as one of the animal species will always use/resort to aggression for whatever reason. War is practically embedded in us. So it's not really hard to bet that war will follow humans wherever they go in their present evolutionary form. I know some Russians personally and their nationalism and in general being proud of being Russian has really peaked in the last years, especially since the conflict in Ukraine. Haven't seen the smiling parading soldiers but you bet they are proud of being Russian right now. There's also much less room for objective debates with them but that is logical given the circumstances. Emotions tend to cloud your common sense and healthy judgment.
  9. Not hitting anything on the way? That would be hardly the case since there's not much free space in any tank.
  10. Oooh, you again! 3rd campaign now - must be the best of the bunch. Will definitely try out. Many thanx dragon!
  11. I don't find the new Armata tank ugly. Cool looking but then again my aesthetics are not for everyone's taste.
  12. Sorry, you posted slightly before me so I didn't see your answer at the time when I typed mine. was thus not referred to you. I thought Augusto meant to use the combo of this comand as you suggest here:
  13. No, doesn't work in such a combo.
  14. Well, bikes get you to the battlefield sooner then if you have to go by foot. At least you get to die with wind in your hair.
  15. Small, medium and big guns? Joking aside I find this thread a good read. Slovenian defence minister is heading to the parade. Am wondering how many other EU representatives will go besides the Check ones? Anyone ahve any info on that?
  16. Soem green units do break th hiding order since they are green and trigger happy. Check if those soldier belonged to fresh recruits.
  17. No, the gameplay balance for those vhicles was fixed with this patch. BMP's are now supposedly more on par with their real world performances. Antaress played it right and was able to score a very good result with his BMP's while it was harder to do so before the patch. I can't say if the way vehicles perform is similar to real life counterparts or not since I have no exprtise in that field. Someone more knowledgable will have to jump in on this one.
  18. panzer, such missions do exist already. Are present in Paper Tiger's campaigns in campaigns that launched with the CMBN game. Not sure about CMRT since I haven't played it much yet. Don't own CMFI.
  19. Looks like you killed enough enwmy for thwm to surrender to you. That's hoq game works but I feel your frustration.
  20. Game works for me. Patch is indeed half smaller then advertised on the download page.
  21. Me wanna know too. Seemed a very nasty issue since it delayed the patch for more then a month.
  22. Because Dutch area does not have the architecture of Normandy.
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