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Everything posted by Sapare

  1. Yea, that is what I had with him too.(idk if 2nd or just early, but before Basra could happen) That is why I am wondering if people redid the first round over and over for this to occur, becuase the chance is so low.
  2. I got a question here, do you guys replay the first turn over and over again and hope for the Turkish diplo hit event to occur?(I assume this is the turney final?) I just ask this becaus in my game I ALSO had the whole case of no Basra event because of early Turk entry.(infact, in all "call to arms" games in my tournament, wihch were 2) How likely is it that to happen so often in a row? (What is the chance of diplo hit with 2 chips?) (if this isnt actully the turney game final then I guess my question can be disregarded, though this whole Ottoman entry still seems way to common. I would still like to know the % chance of diplo hit)
  3. Well, I lost to that strat.. admitetly, only because that game I played was the worst in a long time.(I messed up.. I am still not over it) (admitetly, I didnt quite get the meaning of your post. Did you mean italy was easy to beat or it was easy to beat that stratigy(which is what I thought when I first posted this, but on 2nd read I was less sure)
  4. I beleive I noticed this in my game too, but it went away early enough that I shoved it off as me having seen it wrong. What happened in the 3rd turn? Edit and side note: I think I know against whom you are playing then...
  5. I am honestly curious to see the final and who wins.(my current bet is with Pacestick, I might not have seen your games so far but still... you seem to have a good track record)
  6. Pony up, is that a saying I havnt heard of yet or a ponified version of some other saying?(with the whole brony fanbase it is hard to tell)
  7. Well, i am out. Lost my game.(Bouth (would) have great victory but he reached his first, so yea. Semi finals, still not bad.
  8. Alright, I feel a bit bad to bring this up as I myself had not really seen the problem of this impact when I was on the benefiting side of it, but after seeing it happen a 2nd time(and now from the wrong side) I got to make call that this is somewhat silly and even imbalanced. I do not know in which way it does but National Moral must have an impact on the units moral and with that readiness, and the moment NM goes over 100%(or in the 110%+ range) their stats just become somewhat silly. By somewhat silly I am refering to the fact that I have just seen a 0-10 fight(granted, 2 times leveld corps against 1 times leveled arterly, but even airplanes should never fall 0-10) and I have seen many cases of a corps being able to assult a unit with 4 or such entranchment points and doing 0-4.(and not talking with the other units having no supply, I am talking 1 field away from a 10 supply paris, like, the attacking unit had worse supply then the entrenched defending unit) Now, if this was changed somewhat the earlier complained about unrestricted sub warefare would also be slightly adressed without ruining balance.(As his complained came from losing to my CP which had not only killed his economy but also reached 130% NM by doing so) It also currently makes Itally somewhat way to important, do to a few silly mistakes(and a heck of bad luck) I managed to lose Itally in 1915, by 1917 German NM moral was at 190% and fights like mentioned above were commenplace. Overall I think there should be a reconsideration how Nationalmoral works when a country has surrendered, there should be a 1 time hit/boon(like russia, Austria, Ottoman withdrawl) rather then a 1 time hit boon and then every, single, turn gaining 5% moral. At that point your enemy might as well surrender. My points are: Change how NM moral works with surrendered mayor nations(mostly Italy and Ottoman(I alright brought up the Ottoman/Russia case, but as it is pretty much impossible to capture their capital it isnt as important to me) Maybe lock a units moral and readiness at 100%, in such a way a good NM still gives you a boon because no normal unit ever reaches 100% NM but at least units dont end up with 120% fighting like they were send down to earth by the gods themself.
  9. Because the war would have been rather one sided, NO ONE knew that Russia was such a fangless beast before the war, the only reason you dont use Schieffen is because you are playing a game centered on events way in the past, obviously you know how to go around what probably was such a stupid move.
  10. I consider it a plain unwriten agreement not to back out of the Schlieffen plan and trick the game. In all honesty, the game is obviously set up to use the Shlieffen plan.(Britian instant join and such) So far I have mostly seen classic implements of it, push with not all units but enough units to force france to draw the line at that first river. I think from all the people I played I am the only one who actully does a pretty drawn through Schlieffen plan offensive.(I used the heavy guns on the France front rather then moving it away.) But even then I tend to use the Shlieffen as a setup to later in the game break France more easily rather then trying to outright win instantly.(it just isnt possible, the french army is way to big for that) But for gidlines to the unwriten agreement, all I ask is people to declare war on Belgium, everything ells is up to them. (The game should start with the war declared, just like Serbia(I know they did that later, but in all right they could not have declared war on Serbia and declared war on Russia instead).
  11. Well, I have not seen anyone use it and I wont use it unless my oponent does first, I consider it gamey. Anyway, I have not sen Schieffen work on the normal 1914. Combined with a well times Itally invasion Schlieffen can be the setup for breaking France. Overall Schlieffen probably does more harm then good, but I consider it a nessesary move to make in which you just have to do your best with what is given.
  12. Just what I was waiting to hear... if I dont lose this semi final because of my horrible startoff I promise to give the finalist the most difficult chalange he ever played.
  13. And my game with Wolfgang is in its endgame... I can see waiting ahead.(for either me or him, this game is strangly enough still on knifes edge)
  14. Have you tried the balance of the East first stratigy and was that worked out at all? I am just curious how that will work considering above stated things.
  15. Considering how east first offensive was never used in the tournament(or I have not seen one) I consider it a bit of a "taboo" strat at the time being as it breaks the games balance, so I agree on being curious how they will fix that. Really there should be a number of events to counteract the east first move.(Maby something like a giant moral drop for germany much alike the Italy/Austria option)
  16. No idea where to post this, probably not here.. but hey, shoot me.(not literarly) Anyone ells hyped about that WW1 Start command expansion? In the words of a very specific show: "But, I want it NOW!"
  17. It it is the being cut off deal then. I did not know that rule existed. Good to know.(Most of the screen was blacked out for the simple deal of this being an ongoing match in a tournament, I prefer not to give intelegence out.) Thanks all, solved then.
  18. Nope, I reloaded the save and tried it again (now after being a few turns further into the turney) Flag is still blinking, could in theory put unit on transport, but cant stock up. If a mod is interested in the save file I could send it to them.(but as this is still an important ongoing game I dont want to just throw the save file out there)
  19. Alright, I dont know if this a new feature or plain a bug but I had this happen in my tournament game: http://i.imgur.com/hDOUR.jpg In short. I had 10 supply, 47 points, and could not stock the unit up even though it was at 6 strengh.
  20. I don't wish to rush or anything, but if we get the next round rolling sometime soon we might still finish this before my school starts up again... which would be nice.
  21. Approved from me. This should be done.(Just have not thought of it because it has been so long since i played against AI. This should maybe be togable thought, against human players we might need the extra secs to really give consideration to each shot we see. But overall, good statment as AI loves to spam those shots.
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