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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Glubokii Boy

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Everything posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. I think that if the enemy should be able to advance any further in the north they will need to be able to get their reinforcements forward from the central part of the map. Until now they have been effectevly halted by my 'corner building' HMG-team and my CRACK teams in the courtyard. With my HMG-team knocked out...let's se what happens... In the south the enemy attack have been to uncoordinated... Enemy infantry advancing by them self and the assultguns advancing along another path by them self also. Getting destroyed. I guess that i killed those russian troops that where assigned to support them. For now the south flank feels very secure but to the north my troops have taken quite a beating and may not be able to withstand any major russian attack in this area if the enemy are able to reinforce their possitions here. We shall see... And those assultguns in the center. For now i don't know where they are heading...
  2. To the south: Once again more russians try to advance across the street and once again my infantry gun tries to stop them. Only a few make it across. The second of the assultguns in the south decides to advance forward along the same street as the previous one. Once again unsupported by infantry. The reult can only be one... My panzerschreck-teams in the buildings along the street have no problem dealing with it. The first hit does no damage though but after my second schreck-team hits it with a rocket the enemy gun is destroyed.
  3. In the center: My 'corner building' HMG-team continues to make things difficult for the enemy but BAD things are about to happen !! After failing to make any good progress here the enemy have called for the support of an assultgun... The result is not pretty for my brave HMG-team ! the result...
  4. TURN 26 The fighting in the north the last few turns have forced a number of my half-squads to withdraw into Lieninhradski square. My 2nd squad where the first to withdraw after having a man killed by the last crew-member from the 3rd assultgun destroyed. This turn my 1st squad is bugging out after taking fire from some russians to the far left. After routing my 1st squad those russians decided to advance further west. But where halted by my reserv squad that i had moved forward previously. I don't think the russians got killed but they got pinned down.
  5. To the south: The enemy continues to try and advance troops across the street. but most of them are stopped by my northern infantry gun. The assultgun that turned towards my troops the last turn did not fire. Instead it decided to advance west along the road. Straith into my killzone ! A panzerfaust-equiped halfsquad from my 3rd platoon engages the advancing ISU but their first shoot goes high. Let's try that again... Scratch four !! More spottingrounds on the ridge...Or are they perhaps a harasment fire-order ? No new orders for this turn.
  6. TURN 25 The few remaining russians in the 'far left' building makes one more attempt to advance to the west. This attack is halted by my he®tzer. Unfortunatelly some surviving russians further to my left manages to rout my newly arrived halfsquad from 2nd plt/ 2nd Co... In the center: My men from the second platoon are starting to earn their pay. The russians have been able to advance some more men into another building across the courtyard infront of 2nd platoon. Even more russians seems to be advancing forward from further back. I also see some indications or more russian armour in this area.
  7. Further south... The first russians have advanced into the courtyard infront of 3rd platoons possitions. My defenders behind the wall open fire at them... and sends a handgrenade their way... killing the enemy. This is observed by the enemy assultgun... That turns to engage my defenders... More enemy spotting rounds are observed. This time only on the ridge to the north of the river. My orders for next turn: I will hide my men from the 3rd platoon being threatened by the assultgun. Hopefully this will prevent it from firering. Atleast it should give my men some degree of cover (even if it might not do much good against that gun !).
  8. Men from my 2nd plt/ 1st company open fire on the russians moving into the building on the other side of the courtyard. The russians are able to put out heavy fire here to... However.. My pixeltruppen are well trained and 2nd platoon soon recieves assistance from other friendly troops. Here my panzerschreck-team decides to fire a rocket into the enemy occupied building. That usually has nice effect ! To make the enemy precense in that building even more unpleasent my HMG-team deployed in the street decides to join in. And before long... The russians decides to abandone their possition !
  9. TURN 24 On my far left my troops move into possition behind the wall. Men from my reservplatoon gives buddy aid to a survivor from 1st platoon. The last crew-member is taken care of.
  10. The second reinforcement-team that i have sent to assist 1st platoon i will move forward to the small pyle of debrie previously occupied by a halfsquad from 1st platoon. By the looks of things not only my guys in the north have taken casualties but also the russians. And even more soo. The last russian attacks from out of the 'far left' building have been very weak. Only a few scattered troops. I'm pretty sure that i will be able to defend this possition with only a small force. To that effect i also move forward the survivors from 1st and 3rd squads that got hit by the enemy assultgun. In repsons to the enemy spotting rounds i will move my mortar-teams and other supporting team inside the buildings just incase the AI decides to shell this area. I will also give my machinegun and south infantry gun at battalion HQ a HIDE order. I think that will be it for this turn...
  11. Orders for next turn: That surviving crewmember turned out to be a pain in the ass. I order my B-team from 1st squad / 2nd plt that recently arrived in lieninhradski square to move into this building. This will hopefully give them LOF to the crewmember. If this fails i also order my A-team from 2nd squad / 1st plt to move up to the second floor of this building to try and get LOF to that irritating russian. I will unbutton hy he®tzer and change the TARGET order to a TARGET LIGHT to hopefully get him to suppres that area with his machinegun.
  12. FURTHER SOUTH: Some of the russians that made it across the street advanced into a building on the opposing side of the courtyard from my 2nd platoon. More russians are trying to cross the street. The second assultgun is halting by the end of the street to the south. I notice what looks like spotting rounds falling infront of my artillery possition and also on the ridge on the north side of the Dvina river.
  13. TURN 23 the last HE-round from my He®tzer did not find its intended target. Not all the men from the last enemy assultgun had withdrawn unfortunatelly. One guy remained behind and opened fire on my halfsquad from the second platon. Infilcting one casualty. Some of the russians assembeling in the center did not advance west-northwest as i had assumed. They instead made an attempt to advance South west. This russian move was observed by my HMG team in the 'corner building'. My HMG opened fire and forced the enemy to turn around. As well as inflicting some casualties on the enemy.
  14. IN THE CENTER: The russians continue to try and reinforce their right flank from here but my 'corner building' HMG-team makes it hard for them. Inflicting some additional casualties. IN THE SOUTH: By the looks of it the russians that have assembled behind the buildings will not make an advance across the courtyard to the west. More and more russians are trying to advance across the street. A few of them make it but they are taking casualties. This area is very exposed to my 'long range' fire. Further to my right the second assultgun is moving forward. Time to get my tankhunters in the south ready for some action.... My orders for next turn: I give all my hiding panzerschreck-teams and panzerfaust equiped half-squads covering the roads to the south a TARGET ARMOUR ARC. I have seen no signs of enemy infantry advancing here to support their assultguns. If they don't...Those ISUs will be easy picking if they decide to advance further. I order my he®tzer to fire its last HE round into the 'far left' building to hopefully silence the russians in there. That's it for next turn...
  15. My machinegun-team continue to exchange fire with the russians in the 'far left' building. The russians are able to put out heavy fire ! More russians attempt to cross the park west of that building. They make it to the wall... ...but here they are stoped by my he®tzer.
  16. Hello. Another update. Five more turns... TURN 22 West of the T-section: -------------------------------- "Ok...this time i woun't miss !" "Aming....Fire !" "SWEET ! bulls-eye...That's the way to do it." "Yeah...Look ! The enemy crew is bailing out. It's dead !" "thank good !" "Thoose blody russians ! The crew aren't surrendering. They are fighting it out with our guys from 2nd platoon." "kill those guys !" "they've had it...They're running away." "Damn it. They are escaping." ----------------------------------------
  17. Hello. I have played a few more turns and are working on the pictures. I will hopefully upload them tomorrow... But for now i'm off to a concert with Sabaton For those of you who don't know...many of their songs are about ww2 fighting... They are quite good This will hopefully get me in the right spirit for the future battle of Polozk...
  18. Do you guys think that a new order...like this...could be useful or just 'a waste of space' in the UI ? MOVE TO ENGAGE The player will be able to place any number of waypoints that he wants the unit to move through using SHIFT-CLICK and then the final 'waypoint' of the order should be placed on a SPOTTED enemy (kind of like the target order is now). This would order the unit to move forward along the path the player have designated and stop as soon as it has LOF to the selected target. With this order the friendly units will put HIGH priority on fullfilling the the assigned objective and disregard incomming fire to a higher degree then with a HUNT order. And when it gets to the location that gives it LOF to the target it will open fire... This could be useful to have friendly units move forward..BUT ONLY AS MUCH AS NEEDED to be able to fire on the selected target and thereby mantaining as much as possible of their cover and concealment that the terrain allows (ex keeping as far inside a wooded area as possible or as far behind the crest of a hill as possible). Maybe the movement speed could be a bit higher then the HUNT order.
  19. I hope these makes some kind of sence...:cool: The next combat update will by uploaded during the weekend...
  20. This is an overview-map of where my HMGs and sniper-teams are located: My HEAVY MACHINEGUNS My overall situation for my heavy machineguns are not as bad as i thought. They have taken casualties but not that bad. Worst of is 1 section/B-team (5). These guys are the first team i had deployed in the corner building in the center of the map. They caused a decent ammont of casualties on enemy troops trying to repossition infront of them. My other team that has taken some noticable casualties is Squad/B-team (2). They got hurt when an ISU killed my fleeing soldier from the 'far left' building. Snipers, tankhunters and infantry guns As can be seen. My snipers have had a rough time. Although the team still exists the sniper guy no longer has his rifle. Up until now these sniper-teams have probably been my best 'takers of lives' of all my forces. Avering over 20 kills each i would guess. From now on though they are no more then weak SMG teams. I doubt that they will play an important roll in the comming battles but we shall see. My tankhunter-teams are in good shape and ready for action. My south infantry gun have depleted its ammo load but the north gun has some ammo left. ENEMY PLAN ? 1. The enemy has taken heavy casualties trying to first secure the 'far left' building and then advance west from it. My guess is that they will continue to try and advance west from here and secure the cemetery and from there advance towards the bridge. 2. The enemy have been trying to move alot of troops forward in this area but have been halted by my corner house HMG and my CRACK teams. Resulting in heavy casualties. This area has recently been heavely reinforced from the east. My guess is that these troos will either move straith west and try to overrun my crack teams or try to advance to the northwest to reinforce prior attack from the 'far left' building. 3. In the south the enemy has failed in its previous attacks. The AI has tried to advance along the open roads and come under heavy fire from my infantry guns. This has inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy. During the last couple of turns the enemy has advanced quite a few troops from the ridge to the south and assembled behind the buildings infront of 3rd platoon. My guess is that their second attack might come through the courtyard around wich 3rd platoon is deployed. Taking adventage of their SMGs. By now they also have some armour support. The first one has moved forward on 3rd platoons right flank.
  21. Hello... I have tried to do a little summary of the current situation in Polozk after turn 21. First. The conditions of my platoons 1st PLATOON / 1st COMPANY This is my platoon that has been most exposed to enemy attackS wich also their current state shows. The platoon HQ have taken a casualty and have become BROKEN. I'm not exactly sure how this will effect its subordinates but it can hardly be good. The rest of the platoon is also in bad shape with most of its squads being RATTLED. The combat value of 1st platoon is now very low and they have been reinforced by large part of 2nd plt/ 2nd co. 1 of the platoons panzerschrecks have been knocked out (gunner killed). MEN ALIVE:...........14 of wich 2 are wounded. PANZERFAUSTS:........3 PANZERSCHRECK AMMO:..9 2nd PLATOON / 1st COMPANY This platoon is almost at full strenth. Only one rifleman have been killed (1st squad B-team). This platoon have primarily been tasked with defending the block of buildings east of Kruzhka Inn and also to a small degree assist 1st platoon to the north. 2nd platoons area of responsabillity has been very quiet so far. Dependant on how the battle unfolds i might very well decide to regroup these guys to a more threatened area. They are well supplied with panzerfausts and their schreckgteams are VETERAN troops. They also have a VETERAN HQ with +1 stats. Unfortunatelly they also have very bad squadleaders. If they come under fire i must try to keep my HQ close by. MEN ALIVE:...........27 PANZERFAUSTS:........7 PANZERSCHRECK AMMO:..12 3rd PLATOON / 1st COMPANY 3rd platoon have been tasked with defending my right flank to the south. This platoon has also had quite an easy ride so far. The enemy attacks in this area have to a large degree been halted by my infantry guns and machineguns and also some other support weapons. Until now...No enemy armour have assisted the infantry in the sector. The squads from 3rd platoon have primarely contributed to the fight with long range fire against stationary enemies in buildings and bombcraters. Their casualties are low. 1st squads B-team have lost a number of men but other then that they are OK. My casualties in this sector comes from loosing my flamethrower and sniper as well as some casualties to one of my HMG teams. My squads are well supplied with panzerfausts and the schreck-teams have a full load. MEN ALIVE:...........27. PANZERFAUSTS:........8 PANZERSCHRECK AMMO:..12 1st PLATOON / 2nd COMPANY This is my unfortunate first reserv platoon that got heavely decimated at the start of the scenario during an enemy artillery-/mortar barrage. As you can see not much of it is left. The few survivors are all RATTLED. This platoon will continue with its rear-area task of defending the cemetery. MEN ALIVE:...........9 PANZERFAUSTS:........2 PANZERSCHRECK AMMO:..4 (no gunner alive) 2nd PLATOON / 2nd COMPANY This is my new RESERV platoon. Until recently this platoon had been tasked with holding a secondary defensive line slightly behind 1st company. After the casualties that 1st platoon / 1st company have sustained i have ordered the bulk of this reserv platoon to move north to assist the depleted 1st platoon. This will continue to be their assigned mission for the time being. AS of yet they have not suffered any significant casualties. They have lost one half squad but other then that they are fine. Unfortunatelly this is a rather GREEN platoon with not very good stats but hopefully they will be able to hold their ground togheter with the reminants of 1st platoon /1st co. MEN ALIVE:...........24 PANZERFAUSTS:........4 PANZERSCHRECK AMMO:..6
  22. Very good idea ! this would eliminate some frustration. ex. When you want to hunt a tank forward to engage a known enemy... and you give up the idea after 3 turns because your armour insists to stop early due to other enemies spotted.
  23. Hello Just a quick INFO update. My summer holliday is over. Time will be a bit more limited. From now on i will try to upload a new update tvice a week or something like that. Hopefully with some more game-turns in each update though. I'm currently working on some 'combat summary screens' to show the current overall situation regarding the health of my troops among other things. This will be uploaded tomorrow i hope and the next battle update will be finished sometimes during the weekend...
  24. Uuuuups ! Well...You see the men defending Polozk where using an updated, experimental version of the old veichle...Very rare This veichle was called 'the hertzer' Few people have ever heard of it... You follow ?
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