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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Kommandant

  1. Amphibious assault in italian lands can be halted by joint operation of brit-franco and italian navies to destroy the A-H navy and prevent amphibious assault. Then you can move th italian armies else where. I whould say that deploing the Italian armies in albania is a good idea, as it will be cheap and you can reinforce the serbian front. Or you can send them to france too, but having vontrol of the adriatic sea is extremely important to Italy.
  2. Well... thats true indeed As you said it would be somewhat unhistorical too... You made your point, it makes much more sense than my opinion...
  3. My idea is somewhat worth saving it... It can be changed, think this way, Italian main goal is Trento and Trieste, let's say that by the end of 1915 this two cities are not in Italian hands, it don't loose NM every turn, but looses 1000 or 2000 one time, for not have conquered the cities. The deal is that the government promises to take the cities, but is unable to do so, causing revolt in the people. So it's not about politics between Italy and the other entente nation, is about popular unrest.
  4. Just to complete Glabro's observation, the idea is to force the entente player to use Italian forces against Trento and Trieste when A-H takes a yes in the DE to not lend Trento and Trieste to Italy. I think that it can be done by setting a NM script to trigger at late 1915 if Trento and Trieste are not in Italian hands. Let's say NM will drop 50 points to Trento and 75 NM points to Trieste. Therefore, as long as these two cities are in A-H control, Italian NM will drop 125 per turn. The number i used are random, they need to be evaluated of course. I think this will force the entente player to press in the alps, and not move italian armies elsewhere like france albania or egypt.
  5. Did not know about it, i played CP in a full campaing against the AI only at 1.01.... Never got to play a full entente camaping, deferente from the others SC games in which i playd a hundred times against the AI...
  6. Rabelesius, the US will enter the war one way or the other... if Russia surrender, then US enters in the war, so it's inevitable... The thing here is to tell you that unrestricted naval warfare is indeed useful... If you attack with a good number of subs, lets say 5 or more, then brit NM drops and German NM rises, and also the English dock drops in supply lvl, going below 5, which is a big hit to UK war capacity for many turns... The main deal is not to let the US enter too soon in the war, so do not do it every turn... I normaly do around mid 1915 then only in early 1917 and keep the pressure for the rest of the war...
  7. I understand, i don't have the script now, but i will take a look later if it's necessary i post the script...
  8. I know, i did this one already, but i don't know how to set the town and the mine to zero supply at the start of the game...
  9. so... Using this old post, i will ask another question... I'm trying to mod 1914 call to arms, so the Germans have a decision to boost Ottoman infrastructure, rising it'd MPP production and running a rail road to Baghdad, I’m trying to do this by creating another mine for the Ottomans and a rail that goes to Baghdad, but i will keep a town near Baghdad, where the rail pass trough, with 0 supply, and with the Germans activation the town goes to 5 supply in 5 turns with a resource script. The problem is that i don't know how to set the mine and the town to stay with 0 supply until Germany choose Yes in the decision, so anyone knows how to set a resource title to be with 0 supply level at the star of the game, just like the France relocated industries...
  10. I think that this is a great casual wargame... It could be more realistic of couse, which would spice thing up, but as I said, it’s a causal wargame... If you want something really realistic and hardcore, try out Hearts of Iron, but go into the modding community.... You will won't get yourself disappointed... I played a lot of Hearts of Iron 2 Arsenals of democracy, and I still play it btw... But most of the times ti’s much more fun to play SC...
  11. No ev, if you change supply value of the towns you will destroy supply lanes of land troops, it would be disastrous, unless you add more towns, which is not a good idea...
  12. Are you sure your convoy is not being attacked by the Allies?
  13. I would like to know only one thing about the editor, say i make a new map, from zero and save in the 1.03 version, if the 1.04 is released can i still play this map i made or the game will not allow it? I'm very curious about that because if i spend days in the editor just to have my map not working on the 1.04 version it would be very disappointing...
  14. I think the research system is good, i played other games where the research system is very predictable, but that does not make the game lame or boring... I’m talking about HoI2... I think the idea of set backs that could be activated with intelligence action that steal or sabotage an research progress is interesting to be considered...
  15. This makes a lot of sense, since it happened nearly in all wars in human history. A famous one is the fake army of the allied forces in Brittan nearly Pa de Calais, making the Germans believes that these were the real invasion force. The type o terrain also makes sense, for it was very difficult for the German armies to find and counter the partisans in the forests of Russia... These are interesting observation that should be considered.
  16. I guess it's correct to say that this ability should not exist, but if you stop to think that you are able to change history in this game, why not give the opportunity to invest MPP in Italian army and not to send German armies to the Africa front, this would, of course damage the German economy and would finance an military that do not possess the fighting capacity to even hold the Africa front or take over a small nation like Greece. Italy is really a weak point for the strategy of the axis, but that does not mean that the military of Germany have to send soldiers to Africa. This type of decision could be expanded to the WWI maps, to finance the Ottoman Empire, or the French army, just like the English do to the Italians.
  17. Last turn the russian had to move part of it's army to halt the advancing german forces in Poland, the army trying to take over Vienna had to retreat and some troops got stucked in prague, wich the russians managed to take, but will soon loose. The british navy moved to attack the german navy in it's docks, but the bulk of the german navy is stationed in the baaltic sea. Unrestricted naval warfaer was lunched and the ottomans face british forces in palestina as the Italians claim for trento and triest so they will join the war soon or later. here is the print of what is happening the the eastern front: By Biffys501 at 2011-09-11
  18. the problem with the Schlieffen plan in the real war in 1914 is that the germans could not stablish a continuous line in the somme river, belgium was never defeated and the defencive line was to overstreched for the germans that had to send nearly all it's reserves to russia to halt they advance. Now, when i invade Belgium an france, i try to defeat Belgium until the 3 turn and take every thing in the somme line, it gives me a stable line of defence and MPP to spend in troops and the franch morale droping every turn. I think it's impossible to take paris with the Schlieffen plan, i tried some times agains the AI, even took some AI troops from them, but the only thing i could do was lost the titles close to the sea and get 2 squares from paris until i had to stop because of loost troops, suply, weather and the russians in my backdoor.
  19. But the main question here is that when UK declares war on belgium, there are very few counter parts, there sould be something to be done against UK declaration of war, like incrising activation to CP for norway and mainly USA i think. Waht would not put UK in an impossible position to not declare war but would give germany the ability to make unrestricted naval warfare more times, and norway would be strongly linked to germany. I think it makes a lot o sense for norwa turning like, 50% or even 60% to CP side, for it would fear that UK could delare war agains them justo to put them out of the war.
  20. The line is in western front is done for the moment germans are entrenched one square away from the somme, last turn run in All Quiet in Western Front mode, no attacks from both sides, only defensive. France lost 3 corps, i lost 3 corps and 2 cavalary corps in the west. The town of Kutno is under german control but the selisian mines fell to the russians. Russian forces managed to break thought the Moravian gap defensive forces e surrounded Vienna, but in an attempt to force the capitulation of the Austrian capital the Russian forces overstretched themselves, in an incredible and courageous action the Vienna Landwehr recaptured the line of train tracks, opening path for 3 German corps reinforce the front... Nothing new in Serbia, and probably the ottoman empire will join the war. I might post a screen shot in the next post.
  21. I'm sure you would like to, but Glabro prefered to satart a game with me as CP and see if i can win fighting with belgium invaded. I do not think anyone would be interested in this game, but correct me if i'm wrong. :cool:
  22. I think I will go straight to the point. Diplomacy in the game is based on luck. If you put aside the diplomacy scripts, is all pure luck. Sometimes you want to base your overall strategy with diplomacy, like making Holland go to entente side, if you are an unlucky bastard, then you might never get to do it. Once, I invested in diplomacy with Norway, heavily, but a year passed, and nothing, another year and just a chip got it through. What I want to say is that, if it would be possible for the diplomacy system change to something that you can thrust, that you can invest and know you will gain something with it. I'm saying this because I love this game and I would like to see it get better and better. Well, does any one share the same desire?
  23. I know the term Glabro is strategy but i won't excuse for using tactic, it would sound chieldish. Anyway, think by this way, French morale do not drop if you do not employ forces against them, they resources are up and running from the very beginning, without the German intervention. Economy is not the main point, is the that French can spend it's MPP in tech, troops, artillery as the British, by the time you defeat Russia the brits and frenchs have units, and probably the ottomans will be pretty ****ed and the USA will not be late to join the war. But we can discuss this or test it, if you want to play as CP 1914 Call to Arms just PM me.
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