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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. I don't know Jacob if anybody did it. I think that would just be a renaming of an animation. Warning: Changing by renaming any animation to improve the looks of one specific soldier action CAN affect the look of other soldier actions detrimentally.
  2. Anybody can try on their own using freeware Audacity. Find your desired music, download Audacity and I can assist you with advice in making it happen. There are a few common snags.
  3. somebody did the sound from CMBB, Night on Bald Mountain(?) check CMMODS
  4. Good morning from hot-hot-hot Texas! Lieutenant Barr observes from the Palais De Justice. Using my [tuffhaus] mod, it is really one of the heavy duty churches. Custom roadsigns on sale now from my E-bay website! j/k Jerry motorized infantry disembark from their trucks behind the village cemetery. The British view down the "Rue de Ville"...a Jerry light tank (Panzer I Ausf A) has made a right turn onto the street leading to the canal bridge. Private Blodgett has the ATR. His platoon leader, a sergeant is right next to him for moral support. Blodget has only fired 5 rounds from the Boys during his training back in England. TO BE CONTINUED
  5. The DAR is being held over at the other thread. Join us if you like. CMRT BEF1940 MOD GREEN JACKET'S BRIDGE The following series of PBEM screenshots and commentary is respectfully dedicated to the actual man who led the British forces at the battle portrayed...2/Lieut Robert John Barr, MC. Barr, Robert John - MC
  6. My OOB is somewhat ahistorical but I also have gone to CMRT to have an anti-tank rifle so cut me a break! The British Army used the Boys Anti-tank rifle. Nowadays the feminists have pressured the MOD to also issue Girls Anti-tank rifles. Corny Jokes 2 for a dollar! ...and I brought in one of my Universal Carriers as well. I have the two Boys ATR's, two 2" mortars, a Vickers MMG and 2 platoons of infantry. I have used splitting squads and an SMG filter to remove all but 3 SMG's off the Allied side. My soldiers have only Enfield rifles and Bren LMG's. The battle is 25 minutes long and already we had sound contacts and 1 soldier saw two light tanks headed from the south-east. Panzer I's headed our way at high speed sir! TO BE CONTINUED
  7. Les Attaques, France. The enemy view north from the railroad tracks towards the canal bridge... A road-block is set up on the canal bridge. No bus was available. I tried free 3D models but none looked 1940-ish. The owner of that French sedan will probably spend years trying to file a claim for damages. Le VIN number is trois deuz trois cat sank huit.
  8. CMRT BEF1940 MOD GREEN JACKET'S BRIDGE The following series of PBEM screenshots and commentary is respectfully dedicated to the actual man who led the British forces at the battle portrayed...2/Lieut Robert John Barr, MC. Barr, Robert John - MC Rank : Captain Army Number : 92683 Unit : 44th AA Bn, 579th LAA Regt Biography : Educated at Stamford School, Bobby Barr played rugby for Leicester Football Club 241 times between 1928 and 1938, and was Captain 1936-38. He also played once for the Barbarians F C in 1935, and three also times for England. He also played cricket occasionally as a wicketkeeper/batsman for Leicestershire CCC's 2nd XI. Commissioned 2Lt in The Royal Engineers on 19.7.1939, he served in 44th (The Leicestershire Regiment) Anti-Aircraft Battalion RE (TA), which converted to a Searchlight Regiment RA in 1940. Serving in a different unit he was captured in May 1940 during a rear-guard action at Boulogne, and was awarded the M.C. for ‘gallant and distinguished service in the defence of Calais in May 1940’ (L.G. 20.9.1945). He was a prisoner of war in Oflag VII B as at 28.2.1943, where at Eichstaet in Bavaria he was a member of the escape committee and escaped himself, being captured four miles from the Swiss border. He was repatriated in 1945. In 1949 he was serving as a Captain in 579th (The Royal Leicestershire Regiment) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment RA (TA) in Leicester. After the war he founded the hosiery brand-label manufacturing firm of 'Barr, Ratcliffe and Co' at Sileby and Oadby, and became a member of the Worshipful Company of Framework Knitters. For Leicester FC he was Team Secretary 1946-57, Honorary Secretary 1957-62 and President 1962-65. He died in 1975, aged 68 years. The above information is from the below link. https://royalleicestershireregiment.org.uk/entity/71117-barr-robert-john-mc?q On the 23rd of May 1940, the invasion of France was just shy of two weeks in progress. The First Panzer Division had fought through the Ardennes and then through Sedan towards the channel coast. The Division's Kampfgruppe Kruger was now headed east, south of Calais, towards Dunkirk - where the BEF was assembled for possible evacuation under Operation Dynamo. The War Office sent reinforcements to Calais by ship from Dover (a battalion of tanks {3RTR} and roughly 3 battalions of infantry). The confusing story is very well told in Airey Neave's "The Flames of Calais"... "Kruger's assault group of the First Panzer Division continued their advance eastwards. After he had beaten off an attack by the Third Royal Tank Regiment between Hames-Bouceres and Guines, his light tanks advanced to the St Omer Canal at Les Attaques, eight miles due south of Calais. These light tanks were reported to 2/Lieut. R.J. Barr, commander of C troop, 1st Searchlight Battery, at Ferme Vendroux, south of Coulogne, at noon. They were making for the canal bridge at Les Attaques. With about fifty men, Barr doubled back through Coulogne to hold the canal bridge and crossroads, where he formed a road-block with a three-ton lorry and a bus. After sending for reinforcements from the 2nd Searchlight Battery at at Pont de Coulogne he waited for the German tanks..."
  9. Yes, indeed. We matched each other pint for pint if I recall correctly. Great time and a great trip.
  10. Vacillator knows what he is saying. He is both British and from my personal observations has significant experience in getting loaded.
  11. Cut yourself a break buddy. Just make it 10! You figured it out. That is all that matters.
  12. I played it against myself. Lots of excitement I thought. I still gotta "BEF" those 2 truck roadblocks.
  13. Is that the very first turn? I think hit the red button and THEN you should see the VCR type controlls << < " X > >>
  14. I think this weekend, maybe starting Friday, I will be having a PBEM against @Heinrich505 and do posts and comments for a new battle involving this new mod. 23 May 1940. Les Attaques, France. A bridge along the Canal de Calais. The Germans are headed toward the channel ports to surround and crush the BEF. C Troop of the 1st Searchlight Battery, Royal Artillery, is dispatched to defend the bridge at Les Attaques...
  15. My 2 reichs-pfennigs of thoughts are that MAYBE this awesome work here gets him noticed and down the line he is recruited and brought into their fold, signing the NDA, becoming part of the harem or stable of scenario writers. Maybe he will get to do Kursk campaign when BFC releases CM Operation Citadel in 2043 or 2044.
  16. Maybe play it as a standalone scenario in scenario author mode. Observe that way too.
  17. 1. unpack the campaign and do an analysis 2. if that still leaves you guessing contact scenario author. ---> CardboardLion I think
  18. 1. Make sure the axis side has no remaining non-arrived reinforcements. 2. My 2 cent idea. Since this is the typical airborne arrived in the enemy's midst...set the axis escape direction to be towards the main area of allies. This might compound their sense of desperation and get Jerry to throw in the towel.
  19. ok, maybe later in the winter I swing back to CMRT stuff. I want to do Spanish Blue Division Mod and they were attacked by KV-1
  20. BEF1940 THE BRIDGE AT L'AVALETTE 1445, 25 May 1940. Approaching a bridge over the Canal d'Aire at L'Avalette; near Bethuny, France. A slight haze with a light wind from the east. You are the human player controlling the probe by elements of Rommel's 7th Panzer Division. The mission is to cross the bridge and clear the area on the far side. Occupy the objective. Sweep it clean of the British to obtain 500 points and win the battle. Herr General Rommel is angered at the delays experienced by the division in crossing the canal. Radio intercepts indicate we are confronted by the "Royal Irish Fusiliers". They are a British infantry division with limited support from their French allies. We can expect light anti-tank weapons and some variety of barbed wire or other obstacle. A small scout patrol has just approached the outskirts of the bridge. The rest of that rifle platoon follows close behind. At 5 minutes another rifle platoon with a demolition team is due to arrive - and finally a few panzers at 10 minutes.
  21. @Bootie I detected an error in one of my FR1940 Bronze scenarios. The scenario FR40A FRENCH TOAST REDUX has a bad set up. My error. Is there any way you can go in and pluck out the bad one and replace it with the below? If you have time sir. If not, all is well. Thanks and best wishes regardless. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/u22eg5y40f4xgfvrf3rn2/FR40A-FRENCH-TOAST-REDUX-V2.btt?rlkey=riko5zjl3i6wl9g8w074lnscq&dl=0 Or you can wait and I think here in a week or so I pass you the next installment of the mod. Maybe just do it then.
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