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Posts posted by Rangoon

  1. Anyone recognize this behavior? The soldier in the lower center of the screen (above) is aiming at and shooting at the Stryker to his upper left. His squad mates (except I think one) are all running to the right.

    This was only one instance of many during this particular mission where I observed this behavior. Never caused any damage to anyone as I think it was only small arms fire that was involved in all cases.

  2. Are there only three missions in the Polish campaign? I finished A Desperate Defense, which is the third mission, and when I click on next it just jumps me back to the main menu. It doesn't say anything about the campaign being over. Also, I "leveled up" my soldiers as if they'd be fighting again in another battle. This is my first campaign, so I don't know if this is normal behavior.

  3. Okay, I just captured a screenshot of another (new) moment where a friendly rifle squad member is firing on friendly troops and vehicles. There are no enemies in that direction, nor have there been for quite some time.

    What is this behavior all about? And for what it's worth, most of the rest of his squadmates are heading in a different direction (toward the enemy).


  4. I was unsure what was going on in a campaign mission, until I finally caught them in the act. I had been seeing random firing from friendly positions in directions where there were no suspected enemies. In fact, in the direction of friendly positions and friendly cleared/occupied buildings.

    Then I finally caught a soldier taking aim and firing at/near a friendly vehicle.

    I have a save-game right before he shoots again, but I don't know how to provide it since it's nearly 10MB. He's firing at a friendly vehicle. He wasn't the first to do this. At this point, I had seen it already from a few other soldiers/squads in different places, and at different units.

    But is this a known bug? Or something else I'm not understanding?

    EDIT: I should add that I also verified there were no target commands being issued. Or, if there were, they were in different directions entirely.

  5. The two left ammo bars indicate "light" and "medium" ammo respectively. What particular ammo constitutes "light" or "medium" depends on the particular unit. For instance, a US Army rifle squad with M4s and M249s (all 5.56 NATO weapons) will show ammo in the first bar but none in the second. A US Army MMG team with an M240B and a few M4s will show ammo in the first bar and the second, which represents 7.62 NATO. Conversely, a US Army sniper team with an M107 and a few M4s will also show ammo in both bars, but in this case the second ammo bar represents .50 BMG rather than 7.62 NATO.

    Excellent, thank you.

    The M4A1 (semi-auto/full-auto) isn't in CMSF, just the M4 (semi-auto/3-round-burst).

    Hm, the only one mentioned in the v. 1.20 game manual (which is the most up-to-date for CMSF without any expansions) is the M4A1. But I'll take your word for it.

    Yes, and not quite. Ammo sharing is just that, sharing. It's not "ammo giving" or "ammo redistribution." What happens is that two squads from any formation that are close enough (I think they need to be within two action spots) will let the other team use their ammo for weapons that are dry. But they won't give them their ammo on a permanent basis--the moment you move the squads apart, the squad with no ammo left for certain weapons remains with no ammo left for those weapons.

    Great, thank you. Will this also happen if a squad is near a vehicle which contains ammo? Will the gunner chuck some ammo down to them? Or does a squad HAVE TO enter the vehicle to acquire it?

    Also, will this happen between two vehicles? If one stryker runs out of 12.7mm, will they be able to have it "shared" from an adjacent one?

    Only explosive ordnance causes FF. Rifle grenades MIGHT cause FF, but I haven't seen that happen. No 7.62 or 5.56mm will cause FF, but they will cause FS. ;)

    Am I correct that vehicle weapons including the 12.7mm MGs will cause FF?

    Why is it that it is impossible for non crews to enter some vehicles and acquire ammo stocks that are listed therein as aquirable? (I forget which vehicles this applies to, but I recall it happening for at least a couple.)

    I could have sworn I've seen this behavior, too. Does this happen? Or was I not seeing it correctly? I tried to enter a vehicle with an infantry squad and was denied. Or so I recall.

  6. Here are some questions that have been coming up frequently while I play, and am starting to do my own testing on, but I'm guessing someone here can rattle off a few good answers that would save a lot of time. I am playing U.S. now, and using version 1.32

    1. do squads ever share ammo with other squads in the same platoon (and/or battalion)? If so, this is done like with the "medic" action where you just place them next to each other?

    2. do squads ever share ammo with other squads in different platoons (and/or battalions)? If so, this is done like with the "medic" action where you just place them next to each other?

    3. can squads enter and acquire weapons/ammo from vehicles in different platoons (and/or battalions)? Or only within their own platoon?

    4. does the M107 have its own infinite ammo supply since there is no way of acquiring or monitoring .50 cal ammo?

    5. when I split a squad into two units, why does the 5.56mm ammo indicator show an increase in ammo for one of the squads? Is this showing an actual number of rounds? Or a percentage of an "optimal" amount? I suppose it's because one team just went from 9 to 5 members, and the other went from 9 members to 4 (so they will have fewer rounds with them).

    6. does the second vertical bar from the left in the ammo monitoring area for the squad (lower left area of HUD, next to suppression/C2 indicator) mean all SAW/MG ammo or is it ONLY for 7.62mm ammo like for M240B? If it's only for 7.62mm (assuming U.S. of course), why do some squads start out with any of this ammo whatsoever? I'm talking about basic infantry squads which use the M249 and M4A1. If there is no MMG, why do they carry the ammo? Can they share it as I asked above?

    7. I have read varying accounts of what munitions will cause friendly fire. I think basically anything can cause friendly suppression, but only some will cause damage. My understanding is that basically any vehicle-mounted guns will cause FF. Right? But for infantry, will 7.62mm cause FF? Will rifle grenades cause FF? Will M249 5.56mm?


  7. I'm about six or seven missions into the original, main CMSF campaign. One trend I have noticed is that the missions sometimes end quite a ways from my objectives. They might be major US victories, but I'm not even near my objectives sometimes.

    I just finished a mission where I was supposed to advance across several phase lines, and (I think) reach a pump station and power station at the end of the map. The mission ended before I reached the final phase line and it gave me a "failure" X on the pump station and power station. I still had 25 minutes on the clock and it was called a victory. Well it would have been a better victory if the sim had just let me continue on a little longer.

    I can understand if the enemy surrenders, then you stop fighting. But why in this case wouldn't it at least give me credit for reaching the stations if the enemy had surrendered? And sometimes the enemy surrenders with what still seems like a small army (not just a few ragged squads)?

    I think I'm missing the translation from reality to this end-of-mission mechanic. Could someone help me understand this better?

  8. A long shot, but is the FIST-V suppressed or has it suffered any damage?

    Nope, not suppressed, no damage. He has good C2. I just don't understand why a specialized unit designed to call in artillery would have a red X matchup while the tank has a green + matchup. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Or shouldn't the FIST-V at least have a small + matchup if not a large +?

  9. I can understand they're heavy and I would probably want to fire them off as well rather than carry them around.

    I just wondered if this was a glitch in the AI or normal behavior. I suppose other times I've seen this they were in trenches but I didn't look closely enough to see. This time I zoomed in right before the missile hit. One infantry had a red cross over him and his buddy was laying in the street aiming a rifle. They were out in the open. I can say, however, that it sure did the trick.

    EDIT: okay, so they just did this again, but this time it was in the open desert. Destroyed two BMPs, so the infantry jumped out of them. I even had them set to Engage Light, but the Javelin holder still fired TWO javelin missiles at infantry. One was an enemy AT unit and the other an enemy HQ unit. No trenches, no cover. Why would they do this?

  10. Why would a team with a Javelin do this? I see scenarios like this play out time and time again. I appreciate that they are making their own decisions, but I don't see how the logic could possibly choose to fire a Javelin at two exposed infantry, one of whom was already wounded/incapacitated. They were not in a bunker, not in a trench, not in a building. They were laying down in the middle of the street.

  11. So I guess the question mark for friendly units would coincide precisely with the location of the actual unit in the case of a working data link but not LOS. It is just a limitation of the icon system that it doesn't show which unit is there (since that would be known through data link, not unknown).

    But for other units, which don't have a data link, the question mark may not reflect the actual location of the non-LOS unit since LOS is the only way to know exactly where and what it is (which explains why they bounce around or disappear once the original unit is deselected). Sound about right?

    I wish there was an elegant way for the question mark to also show what unit the selected unit THINKS is being represented by said question mark.

  12. That all makes sense. I can understand now why the situational awareness is so poor in the MGS. I guess it just coincided with that unit also managing to lose contact with its superior somehow. I haven't seen that problem lately; at least any more than with other units. I just thought it must have been related.

    And it makes sense in that they can only know so precisely where other units are, if they can't see them directly. Although I thought they all had a GPS link and could see other units on a geo-referenced moving map. And maybe they can. The question mark just means no LOS?

  13. I'm still learning about how C2 works and what I should/shouldn't be seeing. I'll do more digging. I'm not implying there is something wrong with my game; just surprised how poor the MGS's SA is compared to other units. I do recall seeing a red connection to the first superior, but will try to confirm that again with my current mission.

  14. I tried the "open up" function and it definitely improved situational awareness. It appears the only thing they are aware of when turned it is a small visual cone in front. When turned out, SA goes up dramatically.

    I'm still learning what affect radio communications has across units. I would think communications to/from this MGS vehicle would be better than they are. Or maybe the way it's simulated isn't yet making sense to me (timing, accuracy, etc.).

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