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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Chris Ferrous

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Posts posted by Chris Ferrous

  1. I'm no expert at CM2 yet but I'd suggest you try:-

    Hunt- Pause(5-10 seconds) -Reverse

    However, to be surer that your vehicle (presumably) gets to its intended shooting position you could use:-

    Move (or Slow) - Pause - Reverse

    You could add a bit of finesse by adding Pop Smoke after say 10 secs before it reverses.

  2. I don't think there can be anything wrong with the mechanics of artillery spotting because, being new to CM2, I actually played the Devon campaign and on the practice range everything was pretty well spot on target on the dummy trenches.

    I can only assume that something is happening during your scenarios which is affecting accuracy, but I don't think it can be the mechanics.

  3. Yes, it was in We-Go versus the AI.

    I first noticed it when it happened at a turn's end and the 'zombie' was suspended frozen in mid-air jusy where I happened tobe watching at the time.

    I replayed several times and it was consistently there.

    Since then I have seen it, without deliberately looking for it, on at least three other occasions.

  4. First of all, Battlefront, I'd like to express my appreciation for this tremendous game. I've not yet played it long enough to give a detailed analysis or list of minor glitches but it's good, very good.

    But, I've noticed a minor graphical glitch a few times already even in my limited playthroughs. It is what I'd term the 'Zombie death lurch' which also occurred sometimes in CM1 when the final squad member was eliminated and the squad figure was prone. When this happened in CM1 the figure would rise up like Dracula from his coffin and than flop down on its back, dead.

    Now, of course, each figure represents just one man but on ocassions if he's lying wounded and later takes a mortal hit (or just dies of wounds already inflicted, I don't know) he will rise up to about 60deg and then suddenly flatten out with the faint skull symbol marker.

    I feel it would be nice if this minor but immersion busting glitch could be eliminated.

    Thanks in advance.

  5. Agreed. Like they used to do in CM1.

    Up and at 'em and guns blazing (every third or fourth stride)!

    Now we're down to one action figure per trooper it also springs to mind that none of them seem to trip over their own bootlaces, sprain their ankle in a rabbit hole, or even break step; I'm sure they all stride in unison?

    Great gameplay though.

  6. I understand that building texture mods can be selected though which increases versatility somewhat.

    I recall with CM1 the texture mod was random from maybe 3 options per building. The mod chosen was dependent on the map grid square in which it was placed, and could change as other objects were added.

    Hence there was many a time when I carefully moved a barn about a field to get the 'barn' texture only to find when I'd finished the map it was beautiful cottage in the middle of a field!

    From my point of view being able to 'lock' the texture of choice is/ would be a bonus.

    I hope that additional texture mods can simply be added to the appropriate directory, suitably named of course, and thus increase the drop-down(?) texture mod list for selection.

    If I'm correct, that would be absolutely superb. :)

  7. I agree the film 'Battle of the Bulge' was a let down.

    Back to barrels etc..

    The scene was no doubt inspired by the genuine burning barricade which was set off on the road leading up from Stavelot to Spa (now part of the Spa motor racing circuit) in the belief that Peiper's battlegroup were heading for the huge fuel dump near Spa. As it happens the German battlegroup headed towards Trois Ponts and thence Stoumont and La Gleize.

    The barrels were not used offensively however.

    Now, there is one instance when barrels were used offensively, or at least as a booby trap/ ambush which I suppose is offensive. In 1940, the British unit defending Wormhout was overrun by a panzer unit and the survivors defended their HQ and fuel dump by triggering it as the German tanks arrived entered the grounds of the Chateau. The tanks were driven back temporarily.

    So, obviously flaming barrel weapons will be included in the upcoming British/ Canadian module.

  8. LOL!

    Yes, it will be a disappointment if CMBN doesn't model farm animals too. Cattle, horses, sheep, both dead and alive. After all barking farm dogs and startled chickens must play havoc with a clandestine recon!

    Not to mention maintaining noise discipline amongst soldier's pets and Company mascots! (Remember the chicken that jumped at Arnhem!)

  9. From my experience with CM1 I'd say the best way to reduce edge effects is to make sure they're relatively open compared with a little way into the map.

    In other words don't anchor an edge with a thick wood which is just asking to be 'edge' infiltrated.

    And at all coasts do not put a road or lane along a mapedge!

    If/when I get this I hope to design a few things for historical/semi-historical players.

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