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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Melchior



    You cannot use hunt cause they, stop, move is just asking to be killed, quick is they are moving too quickly to fire back. It almost you need a new option like assault which allows the 4 team members to suppress while moving forward, or atleast focus on windows and move forward and if the enemy pops up shoot them.


    Hunt is basically a command for moving cautiously, or until first contact. It's good for scouting, forests, or buildings. 


    It sounds to me like you're simply not covering your pixeltruppen well enough. Do not charge or attempt to clear enemies from a defensive position unless that position is being suppressed. At least harass it. Even the greenest conscripts can hit something eventually if they're unmolested. 


    The best workaround is to split your squad. It requires more work, but it saves pixel lives. ;)



    I often don't even split my squads, i'm lazy as hell. I don't think i've been much better or worse off for it either. Fact is if the men are taking too much fire they need more support before they can advance further. The assault command is my movement of choice when attacking known enemy positions. With waypoint frequency based on local terrain. If i've got a squad advancing through, say, an open field with clear lines I don't worry about setting more than one or two waypoints. If it's a forest or town I set many waypoints very close to each other so the teams don't get out of sight.  

  3. Breaching has been explained in other topics but their are ways to blow walls/hedgerows without charging the engineers in. Set a blast waypoint *up to* the point you want to breach if you just want them open the point. Setting the blast waypoint *through* the wall is treated breach and clear. 


    "Cowering" is an abstraction for all manner of behaviors that prevent the immediate return of fire. It's been said somewhere in the game manuals but I don't think it should surprise anyone when it's mentioned that most people do not like to be shot at. If your men are so heavily suppressed that they return fire meagerly or not at all they're taking too much fire. Don't rely on the suppression gauge as an end-all. 


    Quick moving into enemy positions is something that took me years to figure out for some reason but the solution was actually very simple. Plot, many, waypoints. A team pauses on every quick point for at least 2-3 seconds and you can pause them longer if you want. The men that reach the point first stop and scan for targets while the other men catch up. 

  4. In some cases killing an incompetent commander can be met with his far more competent XO or Asst being promoted to command. I'm pretty sure I lost at least one scenario in CMFI because a poor American battalion commander was replaced with his far more qualified XO after he died in a rocket barrage. The troops didn't break as quickly, fought harder, and forced me to a Cease Fire earlier than I hoped. It doesn't happen often, and breaking C2 links is still a huge priority, but ya know as they say, anything can happen. 

  5. I suspect they are mostly impractical for about 90% of the scenarios they are used in for CM. You can see the logic of how useful something like an M8 Greyhound is if the enemy's own recon screen usually consists of guys driving around the countryside in a Kubelwagon. Granted this is BS not BN but the idea is the same. CM scenarios are often constructed to be challenging not walk overs. Recon assets are poorly applied in such situations but often that was the intention of the scenario designer. 

  6. And the fact that Russia was a lot bigger than France, so defensive positions were super vulnerable to tank attacks because they were often no more than a thin line of infantry positions. I'm pretty sure artillery guns like the leFH 18 stopped more T34 hordes than 88s did. 


    In a pinch the FlaK 36 could fire from its wheeled mount without deployment. Such firing was extremely bad for the carriage though. 

  7. A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link, and there are a lot of links between an individual and a download image. Just today I had a file download (from a large file sharing service) fail 3 times, each time telling me my file downloaded successfully when in reality it was only partially downloaded. I'm going to try switching browsers or even computers later on tonight to try and work around the problem. Generally I don't have problems like this, but each service is specific and the results therefore can vary.



    I tried switching computers too and still had the same problem. The problem seems to start somewhere between my router and Battlefront. 

  8. I had this same exact problem downloading CMMG last month, and it started again when I tried to download CMFI. I plan on giving my ISP a call since from what i've heard Time Warner won't install software updates without a customer prompt.


    However this topic sounds way too familiar. 


    I've also been unable to download the Rise of Flight client for the same reason. 


    Link to the topic I initially brought the issue up in. 




    I tried switching browsers, moving the download folder, shutting off my firewall, etc. I had a successful download after like, my 15th attempt but it turns out I only got lucky. An attempt to download a new CMFI client fails for the same reasons, and if the download completes the Unzip reports it's corrupt and can't install. This happened on more than one (of my few successful) downloads. 



    You know, the Italians did get a say. WWII wasn't really like a one-player game of Strategic Command, in which Italian resources can be freely expended in pursuit of German objectives.


    Malta was an Italian objective, the Italians just didn't realize it. If Italy wanted to so much as survive the war than seizure of that island should've been a higher priority. Paramount even, since the Afrika Korp was pretty much the only thing keeping Italy in the war. But sure let's give the Italians a say again so they could go on more of Mussolini's Mediterranean Misadventures like Greece or Southern France. Hey no one's invaded the Turks since 1918, what could go wrong?!  :D

  10. Crete served a purpose later on in at least preventing the Allies from using it as base to bomb Romania's oil fields. It was worth seizing, just not worth the expenditure of the FJ. 


    Malta on the other hand was worth expending every damn ship in the Italian Navy + whatever Luftwaffe assets were deployed in the Mediterranean. 


    I'm pretty much with others on the topic that about 90% of what you need to make Crete scenarios or even a mini campaign the game comes with already. I think I remember reading the British garrison had 12 tanks on all of Crete and most of them were immobilized. A lot of men didn't even have rifles, the island was such a backwater before the invasion of Greece. You could easily abstract this by simply setting units as under-strength. 


    Greek partisans historically played a big role in the battle too, the best way I can think of using them would again be to have place-holder squads set under strength and given low training/leadership/motivation values. On this it would be nice to see the same logic used for Uncon forces in CMSF brought over to CMFI/BN/RT. I could imagine some pretty interesting scenarios using Uncon vs. Kriegsmarine or Italian forces as abstractions for garrison troops. 

  11. My impression of map edges is that they imply areas my forces cannot enter *because* of mines or terrain. You could also argue that it's the operational boundary for another unit but that wouldn't stop me from maneuvering through there.  ;)


    To me though it's a good idea to illustrate at least little on the usable section of the map why the map terminates where it does. Showing the start of rough or impassable terrain or lining the edge with a minefield for example. 

  12. You'll never take any scenario in BN against Axis armor for granted again if you ever play "Hot Mustard" in FI. :lol:


    If you're playing against a German player who loads up armor in Normandy you should feel free to load up some Long Toms or M2 Howitzers. Nothing blunts a Glorious Panzer Charge of Doom like scattered 155mm showers complemented by periods of 105mm downpours. Hope Fritz brought an umbrella. 

  13. I do seem to recall an earlier discussion, maybe a year ago on the effectiveness of Panzer IV vs. Sherman tanks.


    After a long round of testing, Shermans averaged 4 penetrations out of 5 rounds fired against Panzer IV.

    Meanwhile, the Panzer IV averaged only 3 penetrations out of 5 rounds fired at Shermans.

    Any way you cut it, that's a losing proposition.



    Upgrading at least kept it competitive, the Panzer III wasn't so fortunate. Ultimately the Germans squeezed just about everything they could from a pre-war 24 ton vehicle. The Panzer IV was facing much heavier opposition on average which produces a pretty inevitable result. The T-34 didn't stack up too well against the Sherman in Korea either, but that might have been more because of poorly trained crews. 

  14. Except it's not? Their are scenes where the characters are depicted in moral dilemmas and yes sometimes they do the right thing, but ya know, if you actually watch the show you'll see their are scenes where they still do horrible things and become complicit in violent acts without the Nazis around to compel them to it. The show just isn't portraying these guys as universally innocent or guilty. It's not black/white because it really wasn't. 


    I *strongly* need to emphasize to people to watch the show before they come to any judgement about it. I'm not joking around here. I'm the first person to jump somebody's throat the moment they start spewing the "innocent Germans" drivel. This is not that kind of show. 

  15. It could also run its turret through a full revolution on an incline steeper than 15 degrees. The RM comparison is over simplistic. The Panther weighed 44 tons, nearly as much as an IS-2. It had the operational requirements of the tank of that weight, but not the firepower and protection. 


    My problem with the Panther more than anything is that the damn thing just didn't seem to work. It's like they put a prototype into serial production. The Panther would burn out its final drive so quickly the Germans would throw them on trains for trips as short as 25km to save the vehicle from having to run. For the Tiger this is more understandable but for a medium tank?!

  16. I've been watching scenes and i'm not seeing the things the critics are whinging about. It does not portray the Nazis flatteringly or Germans as innocent. It's about horrors of the war and hatred. The series addresses Germany's huge mistake in being an enabler of the Nazis and is warning the audience how about easy it is to become an unwitting accomplice in horrific crimes. 


    TBH some of the things i'm reading now on the internet are utterly blowing my mind in stupidity. Nerds whinged for 20 years that no show portrayed "the German story". They finally get one and it's "omfg glorifies nazis". God forbid a German account of the war should be anything but black and white. 

  17. What truth did you want them to face? Looked like they covered all the things uncomfortable for the Germans, or anyone else for that matter.


    Conversely, we literally never see an American TV series about the war confront things like 1943 race riots the Army brutally suppressed. The mass terror bombings of cities, or the rapes and occupation crimes (which the west loves to pin on the Russians).


    I was afraid the show might be an apologetic face-saving exercise typical of post-war German storytelling too, but winkelried's description makes it sound at least worth a try. I'm not a fan of judging series, movies, or books before attempting to see what they're all about. One might as well just have a book burning. 

  18. A lot of people will say the Tiger hurt Germany but I don't know if it cost them the war. It was certainly more worth the trouble than the nearly-as-troublesome Panther tank which wasn't as well protected. Remember that the Tiger was a vehicle borne of the mid-war mindset. It was a breakthrough vehicle. If you imagined it being used to punch holes in the initial "crust" of the enemy line which the regular Panzers would then pour into it actually makes quite a bit of sense. Important vehicle really since through the entire war Germany would always use them to punch deep salients into enemy lines, then they'd plug those salients with 50+ kilometers of dug in infantry and anti-tank guns. This was probably why the Germans just knocked out so many damn tanks during the war. The Tiger was pivotal to that in my opinion. IE: The greatest benefits of the vehicle were indirect. 


    Course' the fact was the Tiger was also designed for a mission that the Germany Army could no longer carry out, deep offensive thrusts into enemy territory. Originally the Panzers would simply overrun weak sections of the enemy line and just sprint as far as their fuel would take them. It was important that the enemy line being weak enough in places to simply smash apart while strong points could be bypassed. By 1942 basically the whole line would be strong, and the Germans could expect a tough fight almost anywhere they attacked. This was the logic behind the Tiger. 


    Mass producing the Panzer IV would have drawn the war out another few months or so at worst, a year at most. The Germans were lucky to find out that Panzer IV's chassis had been underutilized when it was designed. Mind you, by 1944 the Panzer IV chassis was still approaching its limit. Those IVH models with all their extra plate, bigger guns, and shurzen plates actually had a cross country speed of only around 10mph. The Tiger was actually faster! Still, it was much cheaper vehicle than the Panther, and basically just as effective. A modest tank that is present is better than an uber-tank that is never around. That's how the Allies were winning the war. 




    We all (I think all) know that the only way the Germans could've got anything out of the war would be to go on the defensive post-Stalingrad and stabilise their lines. Hold out for 2 - 3 years in a stalemate (so being able to resist the Western Allies in the ETO), shoot Hitler and maybe Yalta would never have happened.


    The only way the Germans could have gotten anything out of the war would've been not to have the war in the first place. The decisions above might have extended the war up to a year at best, but Germany was doomed by its decision to make war.  

  19. They would have been fine in a defensive or garrison role to be sure. That sort of thinking just didn't fit the German military though. I know the Luftwaffe Field Divisions started pretty much just as bad but they molded them into something at least near functional when they started putting Heer officers into the ranks. By the time the Kriegsmarine started forming combat units i'm sure the Army didn't have any officers to spare. 

  20. Well I don't know about *all* of that. I'd just have liked maybe something to get through the mission. But I don't think that one missions was going to derail my whole campaign and I considered it more of an educational experience than anything. I wouldn't call the scenario anything short of realistic. Indeed, the performance of the Kriegsmarine in that mission is 100% what I expected. It just didn't make me pull out any less of my hair. 


    I found the KM adequate for defensive work, such as in the next missions where you have to defend the bridge from Airborne attacks. 

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