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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. The average medieval peasant however would have eaten nearly two loaves of bread each day, and 8oz of meat or fish, the size of an average steak.

    How many of them wore suits of armour ?

    The comparison is between the Medieval Knights and modern "Joe Average"

  2. Appealing to a criminal's sense of fair play is a sucker's bet.

    It isn't a mater of appealing to anything in the "the criminal" it is simple a matter of avoiding the conflict in the first place.

    Why would someone shoot me if I don't have a gun? If they simply wanted to kill me it would make any difference if I have a gun or not. If they point a gun at me to intimidate or rob me then I will be alive and intimidated or robbed, there is nothing I own that I value more than my life.

  3. Think you need to calm it down a bit there lads.

    I think you will find that rifleman accuracy, regardless of level of training, takes a huge dive once you are on a two way the rifle range. It is a pretty cool head and hands, or psycho, who can stay as calm and shoot as well in combat as on the rifle range.

    It is simple logic really. You don't know where the target will appear, or for how long, or what it is, or even if it is the enemy, or if it is about to shoot you, or his mate is about to shoot you, or if your own mate is about to shoot you, or if artillery is about to shoot you, or if you really want to kill someone or .... bugger missed him !

  4. So you're saying the professional soldiers then were fitter than everyone except professional soldiers now - bit of a non-sequiter really I think:rolleyes:

    Of course these days we also have professional athletes, amateur athletes, gym bunnies, better nutrition, anti-biotics, and a much longer expected life span.

    The sort of fitness ppl had back then was the sort of fitness that kills you young - unremitting hard work year in and year out.

    And what did the rich do if they could afford it?? Henry VIII turned from a fit young noble into a massive fat slob.

    The level of fitness of a medieval Knight would have been well in excess of the peasants but not even close to modern people, even average ones and certainly no where near soldiers.

    Wiki says that the average suit of armour weighed in at about 20 to 30kg. which is less than a modern soldiers combat load out which is sometimes twice that. Standard Australian Army fitness levels, for non combat is to able to cover 15klm in 2hrs 45m carrying 20kg (combat is the same but with 35kg). Can't see Sir Bollocksalot keeping up my self.

    The diet of noble folk in the middle ages was appalling, lacking in nutrition and vital vitamins, they were a sickly lot. If exercise was pretty much limited to practising for bouts they could have had a reasonable level of Anaerobic fitness but very little Aerobic fitness. How many 4 miles runs did they do much less "sprinting" across and open field under fire.

    They ate almost exclusively meat with only a scant few vegetables, drank wine over water (generally safer in those days but not good for fitness) and very little cereals.

    Their lifestyle as well was not conducive to fitness, cold and damp with no medicines or cures for even minor ailments. Lung capacity was particularly bad.

    They was a program on the BBC awhile a go which was a humorous look at cuisine in Britain through the ages, up until very recent times people where generally subsisting just above malnutrition.

  5. Most photographs show this to be the case and, given the awkward nature of the weapon, the only way to achieve a reasonable rate of fire.

    Don't know that rate of fire is what you want with a SRAAW, the crew would have only carried half a dozen or so rounds with them so maybe the number 2's time was better spent protecting the shooter so he could steady his aim? Also once you fired I'd expect the team to rapidly displace to a new position so reloading would be done after that?

  6. Well the bayonet fitting does sem to be adjustable - perhaps when hte zombies coem the gun's toolkit has an allen key you can use to loosen the clamp and shift it down the barrel?

    In the absence of a gun rack, leaning the weapon against a tree seems preferable to plonking it on the ground, and lighting up under a lean to is something "we" used to do all the time in the military - helps keep the rain out of the food.

    I mean you need to consider that all the pro' "tooled up" folks are probably the zombies you're going to be ...er....."killling" with this - since they'd have been the first to battle, and hence the first to be consumed :)

    Ahh I see, so the Swiss Army knife in the butt can be whipped out as required depending on the approaching Zombie variant.

    I would have thought that the Kiwi Drill Sergeants would have been just as pathological about leaning weapons as my own Ozzie psychopaths the assumption being that should said weapon slide and fall off the trunk it would discharge and a large area down range would be laid waste, resulting in said weapon being inserted where the sun don't shine or any nearby convenient and painful orifice. This would be quickly followed by the Hexamine stove should I have been foolish enough to let the Sgt see me light it under a hoochie.

    Lighting a fire under a low nylon sheet is an excellent way to fill eyes and clothes with smoke and spontaneously ignite the sheet. The sheet would then melt, sticking to the occupants who would then proceed to race about in blind agony screaming "GET OFF ! It burns US It burns US!" and in all likelihood tripping over the leaning uber-survivo-cannon which would fall, cutting the hapless, nylon coated, yet still not water proof, survivalist with the awkwardly placed bayonet on the way down and discharge once it hit the ground laying waste to the afore mentioned large area down range, thus wounding your buddies and attracting the attention of the esrtwhile Zombies.

    It fills me with joy to know that Mall Ninjas and Survivalist Knobs will be the first to go when the Zombies come.

  7. I am quite impressed that someone has thought this far ahead. It is quite ingenious.


    His "street cred" or perhaps "bush cred" does take a bit of a hit from, attaching a bayonet that does not extend beyond the end of the barrel, leaning his ludicrous creation against a tree (basic no-no for the tooled up) and trying to light a cooking fire actually in their lean to ?

    Mall Ninja for sure

  8. No one in their right mind would've tried after July 20 !

    There were several good attempts to kill Hitler. The best was the bomb placed on his plane that failed to go off. Then there was the officer wearing a strapped on bomb at a show of new uniforms that Hitler suddenly for no apparent reason decided at the last minute not to go to. And others........

    I think a lot of that was due to Hitler's generally Quixotic nature he often changed plans at the last minute.

    It is debatable whether assassinating Hitler would have brought it all to an end. As has been pointed out Hitler's competent Generals where stymied by his interference so having him in charge was of great value to the Allies.

    Had he been deposed a separate peace may have been pursued with the Western Allies but a separate peace was unlikely to be accepted. The Soviet Union would never have accepted, if a peace was even offered to them.

  9. You can apply that to an awful lot though and pretty soon we're not allowed to have anything at all.

    You don't need games, movies, books, television, the internet, holidays, nice food, sex or anything like that, so we shouldn't be allowed to have them?

    I realize guns are dangerous, but so are knives, stones, cars, and people. You can't take away everything that's dangerous, and even if you had a magic button that could: who on earth would want to live in such a world? It would be boring beyond imagination.

    I think you might be over reaching there just a bit. I would have said that the things you list, games thru to sex, are actually vital to modern humans for a variety of reasons.

    Knives, Stones, Cars and people whilst they can kill things, it is not their sole purpose.

    If you take away knives you cannot eat you dinner, take away stones and you cannot build houses from them, take away cars and you have to walk, and a whole host of other things they can be used for.

    Guns have one use, to kill. Take away guns and the only thing you cannot do is shoot.

    I don't think a world where people aren't concerned about their children being shot because of the ubiquitous nature of firearms would be a boring one.

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