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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Rokko

  1. Damn, always hide units under barrage at the end of their waypoints I've found that maked entrechments much more useful.
  2. The only situations I find WeGo inferior to RT is when trying to carefully move tanks into good positions to spot enemy tanks and when having troops in very close proximity of the enemy. But compared with the serious drawbacks of the RT mode I found WeGo to be the better alternative. I think CW NorMons was the scenario that made me switch to WeGo. Trying to play that in RT would be simply insane. Normally I prefer a more careful approach with extensive recon as well, but this campaign is developed to be played in a very swift and aggressive manner, as is stated in the briefings. You are expected to carry very fast mounted attacks agains badly prepared, motivated and equipped enemies (at least in the first and - a little less so - the second battle). The 1st was perfect for bulldozing Some smoke on the left flank preventing unwanted fire from the orchards on the left and lots and lots of MG fire into the enemy lines. I tried to keep my men mounted during the attack on the first enemy line, but I did dismount them for a few minutes because of heavier fire than expected (and HT MGs being too dangerous to use). After I was 3/4 through the allotted time I decided I didn't want to clear the large orchard objective and simply ignored so I had enough time for the other 3 objectives and for exiting my force. The orchard was nonetheless very much controlled by fire and there remained no cohesive defensive in it only some stragglers and I felt mopping up and taking casualties from single dudes lying in wait wasn't my job.
  3. Having just recently switched from Realtime to WeGo, I believe playing in WeGo leaves you with more time than RT. Way to often did I have units not doing anything and just idling in RT because I was busy with something else. In WeGo I have all the time to check every single unit every minute if I wish to do so. I have only finished the first mission so far and I found the time limit appropriate, I exited my entire force and touched every objective except the one in the big orchard. The American defenders were ridiculously bad in this one, in fact they were uniformly equipped with Springfields instead of M1s and ran at the first shot. Something I did learn very quickly was to give every halftrack a short coverd 360 arc so they wouldn't fire their MGs, with the increased vulnerabilty of HT gunners (which is too great IMHO) firing the MG is really suicidal. Also, I remember in CMSF I would always keep light vehicles at least 300m away from any possible enemy position, now in the WW2 CM games I always button up every tank within the same range or their TCs get sniped. I think with the increased small arms accuracy, TCs need button up earlier when under fire, not only when they come under really heavy fire.
  4. Also, handgrenades are quick to grab and throw. I'm rereading Storms of Steel by E.J. atm and there is one incident where he describes a shadowy figure appearing in front of him in a nighttime action and reacts by instantly throwing a grenade after him. It happened to be a friendly NCO who luckily wasn't hurt by it.
  5. Well seems like that was an isolated incident. He used his grenade first despite having a Panzerfaust on his back and got killed quickly thereafter. It's definately no general issue. And yes, it was definately a 30k in my test.
  6. I just tried it out and the 30k was used and it did grill that Stuart. They don't use it at ranges past 30m though.
  7. There is a Maltot mastermap in the repository and some scenarios based on it in the CW module. Hill 112 isn't on it though.
  8. Well in fact they did fix that alongside the patch that came with the 2.00 update I believe :confused: Kingtiger, Marder I, Lynx, Wespe and some others maybe were given much better textures and 3D details on model. Also, maybe some CW tanks were also improved in a way that they now have random 3D stuff on them which wasn't the case when CW came out. I might be mistaken on the last part though.
  9. They don't offer pre-order for download only buyers. It usually doesn't put you at an disadvantage, because someone always spoils the release news when actually only the pre-orderers are supposed to know, thank god I would also like to pre-order, too, though. Also from BF's perspective I suppose getting money is better than getting money later.
  10. sometimes you have to blow to holes through to make it passable for vehicles. So use one blast command to the other side and then another one from there back. That does the trick for me.
  11. Did you pick one of these all-Mp44 PzG units or just some standard ones?
  12. I am also reminded of that lecture by Christopher Browning regarding the memories of Holocaust survivor memories. The introduction is in French, but it goes on in English after that. I found that lecture very interesting.
  13. Wow, how could an award to an entertainment unit which it got for being entertaining in 5 campaigns so easily be confused for an individual award for outstanding valor on the battlefield? Anyways, its a good reminder about not taking all war stories at face value and that it is adequate to question some of the more, lets say "outlandish" ones. Just recently I read about that German artist, who was a radio operator in a Stuka and claimed that he crashed and was subsequently saved by Crimean Tartars who kept him for several days, which somehow should explain he used fat and felt in his pieces so much (which they supposedly used to heal him). Turns out, the crash happened, but he was actually picked up by a German patrol soon after.
  14. The timeline in this comment section strongly suggests that he never actually saw real combat. Got of the boat in mid-june, got wounded by shrapnell behind the lines and was a replacement until March 1945 or so, not being in combat units or units-in-combat afterwards. So how did he get the Silver Star? Or is it actually possible that someone's headstone/discharge papers/military files are THAT wrong?
  15. Nope the timeframe only gets extended to September 1944.
  16. Good to see my nagging hasn't fallen on deaf ears also, this should read Company I suppose?
  17. I think I have understood what you tried to explain, but I am not sure this is really true for type of PzAufklAbt that fought in Normandy. Again, using 12th SS, the structure of its recon batallion was: Abteilungs Kdr. [stubaf. Gerd Bremer] (Batallion CO) Adjudant [Ostuf. Kurt Buchheim] Ordonnanz Offz. [ustuf. Gauch] Nachrichten. Offz. [ustuf. Schenk] Tr. Artz [Ostuf. Dr. Schudok] Tech. Führer Kraftfahrw. [ustuf. Ernst Schäfer] 1. Kompanie [Ostuf. Hansmann ] 2. Kompanie [Ostuf.Hauck] 3. Kompanie [Ostuf. Keue] 4. Kompanie [Ostuf. Beiersdorf] † 8.7.44 5. Kompanie [Hstuf. v. Reitzenstein] Assuming this was true for the other German PD recon batallions in Normandy (12th SS's recon batallion seems to have been fairly regular which definately wasn't the case for many other of its subunits), each company has its own CO (an HQ unit in game terms) as well as a batallion CO with his own HQ unit. So I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to another company between 2nd and 3rd company that is also armored infantry, just like 3rd company.
  18. That is good to hear. Does that mean this is not going to change? If this is true wouldn't it be appropriate to have the Stabskompanie ingame? Panzer Batallions DO have a support-company (=Stabskompanie) ingame. Also, according to Zetterling: Pz.Lehr: 5 companies 1SS: 5 companies (one left in Holland according to JasonC) 2PD: 5 companies 2SS: 5 companies 9SS: 5 companies 10SS: 5 companies 12SS: 5 companies 21PD: 5 companies (4 SPW & 1 SPW) 116PD: 4 companies Also, any comment on the Pionier issue? Because I am not entirely sure about that one, I just found some numbers of LMGs in Pionier platoons that indicate 2 per squad instead of 1 despite the platoon being motorized rather than armored.
  19. First, thanks for replying to both of you. Jason, for clarification, regarding recon that was what I was trying to say. I reread my original statement and it was somewhat misunderstandable. A five company set-up with 2 PSW, 2 SPW and 1 Hvy company was exactly what I was asking for. Right now, in the game we have 2 PSW, 1 SPW and 1 Hvy company. I did not know about how 17th SS recon batallion was made up, but there is no recon batallion specially for the WSS Armored Infantry branch in the game. The way you describe it, it seems to be much like a motorized infantry batallion with 3 motorized infantry and 1 heavy weapons companies. As for the, appearently irregular, 6-gun towed artillery battery that only 12th SS had, it could be portrayed by using a 6-gun-self propelled battery as a work-around, performance would probably be the same (in game terms, although I am not sure if there are any other differences other than the picture in the artillery menu), but adding a 6-gun-towed battery to the Artillery branch for the SS forces in game would probably require very little work, just saying. Interestingly, I just checked something ingame real quick and actually found another TOE-bug. In the 4th (heavy) company of an SS-recon batallion the ATG-platoon is manned by Heer personell instead of SS.
  20. I appreciate that noob! I really enjoy seeing people playing on this map because it means I didn't do it for nothing. Take note that I didn't call it Caen Map Project for nothing I have some more maps from the area in the works with some nearing completion. Of course with it being a the nicest summer since a long time is kind of hindering progress right now obviously. Also, most of what I write at my TOE problems threads comes from my research about the actions of 12th SS in this area and the problems with recreating its organization with the TOE ingame.
  21. I have kinda been talking to myself here so far but srew it, I'll roll with it - German Pioneer Batallions for both Heer and WSS should have an option whether each company should be motorized or mechanized. Not all armored pioneer batallions in Normandy had only one mechanized company in it, some had two, the PLD even had 3 (all were mechanized). - All Pioneer units from the Armor or Armored Infantry branches should have the option of having 2 LMGs per squad. Again, at least the 12th SS had 2 LMGs per pioneer squads in all its pioneer units.
  22. Awesome! Really following with interest. Note that I made Buron to be as much like it was in 44 (from what I could tell be the aerial photos) as possible, so it is much more realistic than most of the other city/village maps in the game.
  23. Also the SS Regimental Cannon companies should offer options for having 150mm heavy infantry guns instead of mortars or light infantry guns. Also there is no option for 6 gun 105mm howitzer artillery units, which were definately in action with the II./SS-PzArtRgt. 12. Most of this stuff I came across during my research about the 12th SS which I did for my 4x4km mastermap.
  24. I will make a start with the German armored reconaissance batallion, but Heer and SS. It is already the one unit the user can modify the most with many options to choose which vehicles should be in which company. But unexplainably it has a four-company-set-up which, as I understand was very uncommon in Normandy. In fact I believe only the 116th PD had a four company recon bn. All other PDs had a five company recon bn with one additional armored infantry (SPW) company. It would make sense I believe to set this as the standard and let the user delete the fifth one if he wishes to do so. My second issue is the armored Panzergrenadier batallion of the Waffen-SS. I am not entirely sure but I honestly believe this is a bug, because it has 4 PG companies and 1 weapons company. I have NEVER heard of any German use such a set-up and never read about ANY of the SS armored infantry batallions (there were only like 4 or 5) that used such a weird organization (weird for the Germans, only the British have such organizations).
  25. Hi Folks, we have a similar thread for uniform and texture problems that has been stickied. I thought I might be feasible to make something like it for the Tables of Organization and Equipment that are implemented in the game for the sake of historical accuracy, also considering there is a new module about to be released that will change some existing TOEs as far as I have understood (to add integral AA guns for instance). Usually these kinds of requests/reports have gone largely unnoticed but I personally have some interest in it considering I also use the game's editor very much. I don't know very much about Allied TOEs unfortunately, but I have noticed quite a few oddities with German TOEs, which of course is somewhat understandable and sometimes maybe even unavoidable given the highly heterogenic organization of theoretically identically made up German formations.
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