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Posts posted by SNAFU

  1. I settled on a system that works, but it wasn't much fun to use. I would start the turn with the lead vehicle. If it wasn't already on the road, the first waypoint would have it moving to the road. Then I would plot the necessary series of waypoints to follow the road. As has been noted elsewhere, on a curvy road, this was already a PITA. Then I would follow exactly the same procedure with the second vehicle, but starting it with a pause. The third vehicle got two pauses and so forth down the line. Since pauses were of 15 second duration, this meant that there there was more space between vehicles than really necessary, but at least they weren't running into each other.


    That's the same mothod I've used. It's the only method that seemed to have a chance of avoiding traffic jams. One important thing to factor in though is the initial facing of the vehicle. If it has to pivot to get on the road it is important to allow extra time for the following unit (and so on down the line). There were times when I would have road marches set where the later vehicles in the colummn were plotted to start their move over 90 seconds from when the lead vehicle did.

    It worked reasonably well in scenarios like "2 Pounders and Tigers" where I wanted to rush a platoon of German Inf in halftracks forward to the woods. Usually though, I tried to avoid road marches where the column could be fired at except for very brief glimpses.

  2. I've always wondered about a certain scene in "Band of Brothers". I forget the episode. It's towards the middle/end of the series. It occurs after Bastogne and after Foy. Both sides are at a short stalemate and dont want to cross the river because they both have warm places to stay and the war is slowing down (they believe). Captain Winters is ordered to send men across to capture prisoners. The men are picked who will do the job. They cross the river and quietly sneak up on the building which is housing German spotters for mortars. Before entering, one of the soldiers shoots a rifle grenade through the window (and then a frag grenade!). I could not believe my eyes.




    Hollywood or true?

    (Sorry if I'm too vague and short. I'm on lunch break and in a hurry.)

    I just finished reading Dick Winters' book "Beyond band of Brothers".

    Regarding the very action you mention: Page 198 "To accomplish the mission the patrol had to reach a point close enough to the outpost to lob rifle grenade in the cellar window. (...) The patrol would then then charge to throw additional hand grenades in the cellar window."

    So not only is the portrayal of that event actual (except it wasn't a cellar in the mini-series) it was planned that way before the patrol crossed the river. The Rifle grenade blows out the window and stuns the troops inside which make it easier (and safer) for others to toss grenades in the same--now blown out--window.


  3. Sequence of events when game is received:

    1. Install while twitching and palpatating in anticipation.

    2. Double clicking desktop icon (automatic due to twitching and palpatating)

    3. Start with tutorial scenario (assuming there is one)

    4. Laboriously do everything wrong and get my clock cleaned

    5. Start a small unit action scenario

    6. Realize I have forgotten the few things I thought I remembered from the turoial

    7. Endeavour to retreat and save the few surviving troops under my command

    8. Weep at the carnage and write a letter for each casualty

    9. Re-write letters omitting all references to inept leadership

    10. Try scenario again (see 6-9)

    11. Glance at manual cover

    12. Think about manual

    13. Try different scenario (reference 6-9)

    14. Curse myself

    15. Curse my parents for not drowning me at birth

    16. Pick up manual

    17. Go to latrine

    18. Read until I have lost all feeling to my legs

    Lather, Rinse, Repeat

  4. I've always preferred WWII sims as well. The modern battles hit too close to home for me as my son is currently in Afghanistan on his 3rd tour. Talked to him yesterday for a while and it doesn't sound like they're having any fun at all in the Argandab Valley... It'd be nice if the media would give those guys a nod once in a while but...well, I won't start that here! ;)

    I'm looking forward to getting this game soon and look forward to some PBEM matches in the near future.

    Thank You to Battlefront for making great games which have consumed a notable percentage of my life when I could have been getting a tan, a date, eating, making money or doing something socially productive. :)

  5. I propose that between now and the release of CMBN, every Friday become Boneday; each Friday BF gives us a small bone to give us happy thoughts and put us in a good mindset for the weekend. Doesn't have to be a big bone. Doesn't have to be a femur, even a little stapes bone would do the trick.

    Yep. Boning on Friday is always a great idea! It relieves stress that has built up through the week.


  6. Remember that a PC is the sum of its parts. Many PCs appeared to have balls, but their subsystems were utter crap. Since a PC is only as good as its weakest link, many PCs that appeared to be good actually had significant bottlenecks. Because these subsystems aren't on spec sheets one could make a computer look just as fast as another, but in real world performance tests it would lag far behind a computer with apparently slower main components. This was one of the big scams of low cost computers, especially in the 1990s.


    Spot on. That's the main reason when people bring a stock, store-shelf system to me and ask to put in a honking video card, I try to talk them out of it. For one thing, they'd typically need a new power supply and--more important--the motherboards chipset usually isn't capable of allowing the system to be a good gaming rig. The moral is, If you want a good gaming rig, buy a real one or build it yourself! :-)

  7. I think they are holding out to do multi-core and 64 bit in one huge rewrite. Given that 64 bit does not have any thing like complete market penetration, and it will probably take several months of programming time to sort out, you can't blame them for waiting as long as they can.

    In my opinion may be best to wait until the ability to offload non-graphics functions to the graphics card becomes more common. Given the programming and memory management hassles in getting two cores to work on the same thing it might or might not be worth the effort.

    A game company has to wait for fairly widespread implementation of a new trick like this before they design the whole game to work around it.

    Very good points. Making a program multi-threaded can be described as running trains all in one direction. If they are going the same speed on one track it's no problem--just line them up one after the other. But when you're trying to merge 2, 3, 4 (or more) tracks all leading to the same destination it can be very tricky to avoid collisions. One minor bump and the whole line is jammed ie--the program crashes. I certainly understand why CMBN would be written as a single-threaded application. It saves a lot of programming time, avoids potential pitfalls with future hardware/software changes and keeping it 32 bit means it'll work on the widest range of existing systems. All this equals stability and fewer nasty forum posts about the program crashing when the air-support arrives ;)

    Past experience with BF programs would lead me to believe that a video card of moderate power will handle the game fine. I'd be leaning more towards a new monitor (well--actually I just upgraded to a 23" Samsung). As far as CPU's go, the multi-cores are better than single cores even with single-threaded, 32 bit programs. If considering a CPU upgrade, definitely go multi-core. Prices are great right now especially with Intels release of its new Sandy Bridge line. The older models fall in price and AMD's are a fine alternative as well. I would imagine a good CPU will make a tremendous difference with the new sighting/LOS system...

    I won't presume to claim what hardware requirements will actually be but I'm betting a bottle of Leininkugel's Amber they'll be very reasonable. No doubt those stats will be revealed before the actual release of the game.


  8. I've been playing the CM WWII series for years. It was so much easier than handling all those Squad Leader chits and--frankly--more fun than watching my buddy roll snake-eyes 4 times in a row. The news that the series is headed back to WWII has me pumped up enough to actually post instead of just lurking about!

    No doubt I'd preorder right now if I could but it's better that the team take their time and get it right (and I have faith that it'll be plenty "right" when released). My hope is that this installment of the series will post higher than 35th in ten years and that the devs will make at least 50 bucks more a piece than they are hoping for ;)

    If I measured how much I paid for CMBO, BB and AK with how may hours of enjoyment I received in return--well--it'd be an investment of roughly 2 cents an hour.

    Waiting--like breaking up--is hard to do...


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