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Posts posted by Dr.Fusselpulli

  1. The same system exists in CMCW already with the TOW jeep.
    But it's not correct, they can dismount an mount again without problem.
    The think is just, the TOW in the vehicle, and the TOW used dismounted by the crew are in fact different TOW launchers with their independent ammunition, which can't be interchanged.

    So, if all missiles of the TOW jeep are fired, they can dismount, and fire 5 more missiles with their dismounted launcher.
    But it's not very useful for the Swingfire, because the dismounted team can not shoot the TOW launcher of the vehicle, while dismounted.

  2. It's a workaround for an engine limitation. Vehicle weapons can't be rearmed within a mission or dismounted.
    But certain vehicles, here the Jeep, can dismount their weapons.
    For this reason, they have a second TOW launcher with it's own ammunition as their team weapon, while the model of the TOW disappears, when no crew is mounted.
    As this is a combat vehicle, only the original crew can mount it.
    As the TOW launcher carried by infantry, and the TOW launcher mounted on the vehicle are independent weapons, they can't share their ammunitions.
    It also works the other way around. If you dismount and shoot all 3 three missiles, they jeep will still have its original 5 missiles loaded.

    But this way, it is possible to simulate the team to dismount with the TOW launcher at least in a similar way, as it would be in real life.

  3. I would suggest for scenario designers to place their setup zones with caution and not blindly paint it on a map. There is no reason to make massive setup zones, if smaller but reasonable setup zones can have the same effect. And I have experience with a very detailed map of maximum size, on a regimental scale attack.
    Sure, I would wish for the ability to plant more trees, as I had to skim out my forest a bit so the map loads without issues. And I do have some problems with LODs and performance as well, but over all, I'm quite satisficed with the outcome. It works and is playable from my side.

  4. @BFCElvis what about a patch for the onmap mortars?
    They are so inaccurate, that I assume there might be a comma mistake or something like that, because it feels like they're inaccurate by the factor of 10. Which makes them almost unusable, as the rounds land all over the place.

    And I think there is the same Problem for onmap mortars in Black Sea as well.

    I would also like to report another bug with the lighting.
    The shadows of the Terrain is switched. When you have a mountain in the morning, the sunny side is shown in the shadows, and the shadow side is very bright.
    This is a bug in all CM titles. Maybe it's easy to fix, by adding a minus somewhere or something.

  5. This is correct. To be a bit bland here, Battlefront was lazy.
    ATGMs rarely can be fired on the move, so what Battlefront did, to check if a vehicle is on the move or not, is to check if the vehicle still has waypoints available. And if it does, then the vehicle counts as on the move, and it will not fire it's ATGMs.

    @Brille describes the work around perfectly, this is how I would do it as well. You can get berm drill with an ATGM vehicle, if the shooting cycle is at the end of the turn, and you just reverse at the beginning of the next turn.

  6. 54 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

    Inside multi room building I can assure you the units had to be inside the building before they can spot the other side. Inside they spot right across but not diagonally. It is up the scenario designer, it already exist inside the editor.Image

    The reason for why they can't spot diagonally is, because units can only spot into the next building and never through buildings engine wise. The Diagonal building would need to have a LOS crossing one building completely. This is not covered. I discovered about it, when I tried to create a building with an open passage in the editor, where the first floor was like a tunnel for some parts. Units could not spot through this tunnel to the other side.

  7. 8 hours ago, Centurian52 said:

    I believe the Bundeswehr was using the Panzerfaust 44

    Yes, Panzerfaust 44 is the same as Panzerfaust Lanze, just a different name.
    But as far as I know, they had the Carl Gustav at the same time. Maybe as "Panzerfaust 84"?

    Yeah, that might be confusing. The Wehrmacht used those numbers to describe dates.
    But in the Bundeswehr, at least for the handheld Anti-Tank weapons, it's mm. Until the Panzerfaust-3 came and it seems to be a succession number?

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