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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Ithikial_AU

  1. Not to derail the thread but thanks. I'm still await feedback (hence why it's over at the proving grounds) so please feel free to PM your thoughts. Two years of on and off work so really want to hear what others think. Tip - read up on Operation Windsor and you'll probably get a sense why those pixeltruppen just won't budge.
  2. Great news indeed. Looking forward to some solid winter combat... in the middle of summer here.
  3. Must admit I'm in agreement. Having different files for each nation or in the German's case organisation would be nice. I noticed it the most in Fortress Italy where you have scenarios with mixed Italian/German forces. Would be a lot easier to recognise who is who quickly if they didn't have the same colour icons.
  4. Here we go... With this and some other TOE comments that were listed below about best way to purchase units to max point expenditure... I'm in the camp of seeing this as a little bit 'gamey.' Definitely not in the realm of cheating but the idea of having unique TOE for a range of nations or organisations in a game like this is to experience the sometime subtle differences between them. If you were taking Luftwaffe Field Division force would it be accurate to beef them all up to Crack level troops? I guess my preference for scenario/campaign play over QB's is shining through there. Can't fault that, it worked! When going up against Commonwealth based TOE, going after armour is probably always a good first objective. Their firepower diminishes very quickly unless they have plenty of off map support which you could also expect with some Commonwealth lists. It was the same for the Hotel on my side of the river which surprised me a bit. Could get good view around the Church but couldn't get LOS to the entry point SLIM used to get his infantry into the town. Goes back to me earlier point about needing the extra firepower to back up my infantry. I knew there was no way I was going to win a small arms fight against the Germans at close ranges dictated by the weather to some extent. This was even during the fight prep and the fight itself when I didn't realise I was up against dismounted Panzergrenadiers with their extra firepower per squad. Rushing all my armour to one flank to take on the tanks would of I think been a waste. One extra Firefly yes, but also one extra Sherman III which is useless against the front armour of two of the three armour pieces SLIM took. Also by splitting my armour, I hoped this would also force SLIM to split his own and react to my push on both flanks. True. The fire at the Hotel I suspected was area fire since it kept up after my squad pulled back to safety. The fire going after the Vickers that almost took out a Sherman I thought was the other way around. I thought you were going after the Sherman with the rounds instead falling short to hit the HMG team. Yep worked a bit but I knew I'd have to run the gauntlet regardless. Funny, I could spot your initial AT gun position with my tanks as I raced down the railway track. I just didn't area fire fearing it would send up a 'flare' in the poor conditions saying "Shoot Me!" Just watch out as mortars firing are pretty easy to spot in my experience. If you can see me, I can probably see you (and the little puffs of smoke as rounds leave the tube). Very true. Your split squads in the town threw me in their initial push. I'd say this depends on range. I got lucky with the Vickers against your Panther TC. Personally, I also think the TacAI for TC's buttoning up needs to be adjusted a bit. They are a still likely to go a bit Rambo under small arms fire. Yep. I was surprised to encounter one actually. I'd just add to this that if it can't be resolved inside the game itself, don't let it be a reason to throw the whole game. Just push on if it can't be fixed and report the bug. As for my thoughts, most of mine are at the end of Part 3 of my video series. I'd just add that it was a good choice on SLIM's part to take Panzer Grenadiers. Their firepower is brutal with the extra LMG. Knowing he was up against Commonwealth TOE, meant (I assume) he could rest easy knowing he'd win 9/10 straight infantry only fights. One less thing to worry about is an amazing thing for a tactical commander in my experience.
  5. I thought it was my own mortars finally starting their spotting on that area next to the church.
  6. 4 Part Video Series has been created and will be uploaded to my channel. First two parts are already available. Though most of the battle was cat and mouse between our tanks in the end there was no way I could get across that many Panzer Grenadiers swarming over the objective areas. I think I would have required at least a couple of Shermans remaining to deny the Panzergrenadiers the free reign through the town at the end.
  7. I'll step in then. Game over. Well played SLIM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NnzrEyrp3Q&index=1&list=PLR0_ESlvYtKJrZMJulprzQ-f3UXTE3vX-
  8. If it's any consolation in reality it took the Canadians by surprise as well and helped make the southern attack a nightmare scenario. However I think the open terrain and poor planning from higher up was ultimate factors for the outcome on the day.
  9. Yeah if you are following your orders in the briefings it's more for environmental effect than anything else. Help make the map a cratered moonscape which will become important in later battles in the campaign. Windsor opened with an enormous creeping barrage that was described by some as 'World War 1' like. Wasn't the best option for a late WW2 battlefield but hopefully you're running into that now and trying to overcome it.
  10. Cheers Fuser for the Stuarts. Much appreciated.
  11. Here we go. Stuart III with the Commonwealth forces in CMBN. Here's a picture of a Stuart III alongside one of your Shermans. Canadian forces. I think you did this vehicle for CMFI as part of your big Stuart pack for that game but missed it for CMBN.
  12. There are no Battlefront HD Graphics Packs if that's waht you are asking about. The modding scene is very active however, including graphics mods. Best bet is to head over here and take a look for each game: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/
  13. Good to see your return Fuser. Bit of a 'gap' I've noticed over in CMBN is the earlier M3 Stuarts for the Commonwealth. Any love for the Honey tanks similar to CMFI?
  14. OP Interlock - Great little firefight and already given thumbs up over at the The new Scenario Depot. You really need to appreciate the idea of covering fire to get through this one in one piece. Looking forward to more of your work.
  15. Another one for mid-early war titles with this engine. But in the short term I understand why BF is going forward to '45. I think the minor nations will get some love, even on the East Front. It's a bit hard to ignore them, particulalry if an earlier East Front game is made. Minor nations add variety to TOE's, which is key to the long lasting appeal of the games. My guess the first module will cover the southern offensives through Romania, Hungary and Slovakia. Then a second module will go through to Berlin. First module, maybe a bit more of more content for the Axis side, especially if the minor nations are included, but I don't think the quality of a module is necessarily dictated by having a 50/50 split between the two sides.
  16. PC specs? It is a monster so does your computer have enough grunt to handle it? Edit: Oh and you need everything to play this, a fully up to date 3.0 CMBN copy, all modules and also the Vehicle Pack.
  17. Open testing for all. Grab a copy at the Proving Grounds and please provide feedback! http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tpg2/cm-battle-for-normandy/the-lions-of-carpiquet-v1-0-beta/
  18. Thanks mate, hope to get more online soon once RL eases up a bit.
  19. It's impossible in Australia unless I give up going to work Monday morning. Always entertaining though for a Monday night's viewing on YouTube.
  20. Mmmm, any reason for no AI plans? Could take a look if you want. If you can provide a rough idea about what you expect the AI controlled forces to do I'll see what I can do. Need a few more later Normandy US scenarios.
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