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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Top, those are the ones I did while I was modding the, at the time, brand new CMFI. I don’t know if they have been transferred to the new Mod Depot, and I can’t get to my files on the external HD until tomorrow . When I do, I can send them by Dropbox.
  2. Lol, I should check my own files! My ‘puter fried itself 3 days ago (probably just couldn’t take all those pixeltruppen being slaughtered like sheep under my command) so I can’t check my files. I do have every CMx2 game and mods and whatnot backed up on an external HD. edit: Oliver ‘n’ Cromwell: I *think* I redid the earlier CMBN versions when I was doing the CMFI uniforms when that game came out. Who knows? Obviously not me! It’s so nice to slowly lose one’s mind. Definitely better than losing ones head, though, eh Ollie?
  3. Topkick, those mods were made under version 100 I believe, and the uniform models and naming conventions changed significantly since then, so they simply won’t work. I never redid them...too much work, too little motivation. Sorry.
  4. Did you play solo? I ask because that’s a head to head scenario and I don’t think those have AI plans. Happy New Year to you too!
  5. I say, ‘ol chap, have a spot of tea? Bob’s your uncle! Pip, pip, cheerio and all that rot. Tah!
  6. Lol, I thought Barking (mad) was 3 stops short of Dagenham? Maybe Bedlam is 4 stops short? Either way, yes, I guess I did.
  7. Wow Sarge, where’d you get a pic of my first wife??? To be fair, she was a lot better looking, but that expression is dead on!
  8. Oh, sorry, my bad. I thought you had known about the CMA situation. Btw, I’d love to see BFC pursue obtaining the rights to it.
  9. Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and have your pixeltruppen die!
  10. Nope, no CMA module soon, and likely never. BFC doesn’t have the rights to it, “Snowball” does. So BFC has to obtain the rights from them/him and IIRC, he/they are defunct.
  11. WP is modeled, but pretty subtle. You can cause casualties with it, but I’ve rarely encountered it. Possibly because I usually use smoke in an areas that are more open in order to provide cover and usually not many enemy troops around. Not sure what you mean by terrain depiction, but the high and low bocage, and hedges, are all visually distinctive.
  12. I can tell you aren't joking, are you, nik. Poor bahstahd!
  13. I still don't see a problem with this because if you run the movement cursor over the terrain in question it will show you if it's passable or not. Sometimes you have to move it slowly, but I use that method constantly when moving armor or other vehicles over any questionable terrain. I use it for checking for fords for both infantry and armor anytime there is a water obstacle of any sort. A redline or whatever on the map will kill immersion immediately, and if you're thinking of a pop-up indicator of some sort, the Movement cursor already basically does that. Maybe I'm missing something here?
  14. "Honey, would you mind making some more eggnog while I load up the Daraya Tank Raid AAR? Don't worry, that's the better one from CMSF2, the one with that awesome, nearly impossible RPG hit on a T-72AV. You know, the one that didn't have a TURMS-T fire control system. I'll explain that system to everyone while the first turn is loading."
  15. If you're playing WEGO, save every turn. Never know when you'll want to show us, or just re-watch later. I have hundreds of complete saved games on an external drive just for that purpose!
  16. Depending on how far away you put your waypoint, that tank might just have figured it's easier to get to it by another route. That happens all the time with longer distances between WPs. How is the game to know you want to go through, not around, that clump of trees, or around the left side of the house, not the right, unless you direct it more carefully to do so? Short WPs in close terrain are your friends! (Btw, could it have been low bocage? Run the tank's Movement cursor over it to to check. Solves the second problem.) As to your No. 1 complaint, can be a pain when done by mistake, but easy to double check before pushing the Big Red Button by double clicking a unit of each command (HQs are easiest to find so easiest to use). I often double click an HQ to move longer distances, then while all units under that command are highlighted, click on a/the WP of one element and you can move just that one element's WP for better positioning. Regarding #2, the game engine calculates the moves for a turn when you click the Big Red Button, so as it was developed, the engine simply can't show the paths your moving units will take. I supposed they could have a system where you do a pre-final BRB click to show you the pathing, but that would just be more annoying to have to essentially wait for each turn to calculate twice each time.
  17. I agree that excitement/action with a favorable outcome is probably the most common determining factor in most wargamers' minds. I know it is in mine! And yeah, what constitutes a raid, anyway? Regardless, I'm going with St. Nazaire. But Pearl Harbor comes to mind, if it can be classified as a raid. Successful in the short turn only, though.
  18. Hi Bootie, thanks, I used Google Chrome, so I’ll give that a try. Is it a new with setting from Chrome? Just asking cuz I’m sure I’ve dlownloaded from the Depot before. ...just cross posted with you, Ted. Thanks!
  19. @BootieDo you (or anyone else) know of a reason why I am unable to dld any scenarios from the Depot? I tried yesterday and no luck, but didn't have time to pursue it. Today, same thing. I hit the title/name which is highlighted like a link, nothing. I tried the oblong black button named "Download", nothing. I tried a half dozen or more scenarios from SF2 and BN both times. Any help would be appreciated!
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