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Everything posted by CaptRio

  1. Yeah! I thought we would see TONS of campaigns once CM:N was released. But that's not the case....
  2. Great mod!!! Do you guys prefer the closer or far efects? I like far a lot!
  3. Thanks for the tips guys! I just started the marines campaign, and the first mission is a blast with such a small recon force. Good stuff!
  4. Hey guys! Just got the MArines+Brit+Nato bundle, and being new to the series, should I play marines then british then nato or play nato right away? Thanks.
  5. Should I keep my hopes high for tomorrow?
  6. Will we see more of these scenarios or maybe entire campaigns in the repository?
  7. OMG, I canĀ“t wait anymore..... Im new to the game and have only played the demos, but im afraid to buy the current bundles (Marines+British and NATO) and watch the big bundle (Marines+British+Nato) being released the day after. QQ: Im considering buying the CM:SF from GamersGate for U$9,00 will it work normally?
  8. Is the bundle release still too far away?
  9. And Im still waiting for the super BUNDLE (Marines+British+Nato) release
  10. It sure will be a long week! The countdown has started....
  11. Hey guys! Im still holding my money waiting for the MArines+British+Nato bundle. Any updates on this would be appreciated. ty
  12. Actually Im holding out to buy the Marines+British+Nato module! Im new in the game
  13. Just press that big red button and release this!!!!
  14. Let me ask another question..... When CM:Normandy releases will it be the end of ToW series since CM:N will be real-time and we-go ?
  15. This kind of information and damage details would be awesome in the CM series:
  16. That's cool guys! Thanks for the insight
  17. "know" or "no" ???? :confused::confused::confused:
  18. It is real time only, and theres already one sequency on the works. ACHTUNG PANZER: OPERATION STAR.
  19. Ac ouple of gameplay links: http://www.paradoxplaza.com/games/achtung-panzer-kharkov-1943
  20. Best damage details in any game are the one in ACHTUNG PANZER.
  21. Too bad.... It would be really nice to see the replay and check out exactly what hit the striker, or at least by seeing vehicles damages graphics. Thanks for you time.
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