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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by ZPB II

  1. I remember reading that Hitler took meth on a daily basis from mid-43 until the end. That would explain a few things.

    Also read an article about the first amphetamine overdose in Finland, happened during the war, an LRRP patrol was being pursued by Soviets and a trooper decided to do what he had been told, take one of the new Pervitin pills issued to them. Unfortunately he was skiing, under fire and wearing mittens so instead of pouring the 2-4 pills he ended up chomping down a couple of dozen. In the interview he said his next memory was that he was skiing very fast a few hundred kilometers from the location. He was lost in the woods for quite some time, eating bark and a bird he found frozen solid. IIRC he weighed under 40 kilograms when he finally reached civilization.

  2. Always been crap, presumably they want it to stay that way. I don't know if it's good for business though.

    All kinds of proxies and internet anonymity is and will be the wave of the future. Companies who neglect to care for their customers privacy will lose them. Remember this when investing. ;)

    Look at Facebook slowly slipping the more they intrude on their customers' privacy. They can get away with it due to sheer volume, but smaller companies can't.

  3. Not to argue but when was Hezbollah ever constrained by the usual niceties of 'civilised' warfare?

    He means Hezbollah is used to fighting the IDF, which is constantly picked apart by mislead and manipulative peaceniks while trying to fight a war and thus has to exercise extreme restraint in it's operations.

    But when fighting the FSA no media baiting, human shields, stockpiling arms in orphanages and shooting RPGs out of hospitals will amount to anything.

    Completely offtopic, but I had a good laugh about reading some sensationalist article when the IDF used dampened bombs to take out targets in Gaza. The idea was that Israel is an evil empire because it used novelty bomb technology that "mutilated and maimed it's victims." Yes, normal bombs do not do that. I bet the "journalist" felt real proud of his gem. :D

  4. Ack, this is a tough one. :(

    I had a similar fate on my first try, I thought the MG was dealt with but it opened up on the backs of my men lined up on the wall and took out 7 with a single burst.

    On the next attempt I made sure to keep an eye out for the red crosses. Only when I was positive that the MG was taken out did I make a move.

    I forgot to mention sending a few sections sneaking on the other side of the train station through the opening in the wall. When I was confident that the train station was being suppressed enough (mortar barrage, 3 squads area firing it) I had the teams that had crawled next to the building toss some smoke inside and charge it guns blazing, mowing down the suppressed defenders.

    But, the accessible section of wall is enough to provide cover for some 3 sections, that, aided by smoke, should be enough to win the firefight with the train station posse.

  5. Right at the start, take the HQ team out of the 2-story building with LOS to the hill and put 2 sections on the top and bottom floor. Then setup the other teams so they have cover and a LOF to the hill. Then just have a plain shootout with the MG and sniper team, should be easy. After they're dead, throw some smoke over the wall so you can move your teams to the other side of the low wall so they can shoot the Germans at the other objective.


  6. Spent six months riding on a CV-90. Fiddled around a bit with the controls and gun too. That thing has possibly the most comfortable sitting position in the world, you could sleep in it easily. Swedish design.

    Also rode on BMP-2s, wheeled APCs and on the deck of Leopard 2A4s. I have nightmares about the BMP. So very little space, so uncomfortable and you will choke on all kinds of noxious gases.

    A tank's warm exhaust is a grunt's best friend on a cold winter night.

  7. So you don't count area fire that happens to be in the vicinity of one of your units?

    Or area fire that's not in the vicinity of your unit? Define "vicinity". What about targetted fire that is way off target? Or indirect fire? This game is not like XCom. It uses a completely different paradigm for its engine which is extremely resistant to the kind of logging you're asking for.

    If it suppresses the unit in question, I guess it can be trusted as hitting near enough for it to count. The game already handles suppression from ordnance flying nearby. :cool:

    Frankly, the RT aspect of the game doesn't exist, as far as I'm concerned, as anything but a mode that imposes unwelcome constraints on some of the WeGo gameplay.

    Well, that is bit of an attitude luggage to carry around in a thread about new features, eh.

  8. If you think any large CM scenario couldn't generate several hundred notifications in short order, you may be guilty of the same. :) Customizable filters a la X-COM would be a huge help, true, but then we're getting into a LOT of design and coding time. And still, even then, you'd potentially be talking about huge numbers of particular kinds of events anyway. Remember that we need to support all different sizes of scenarios here, not just small-to-tiny tactical problems.

    I'm glad to see you're chiming in Phil, it's always humbling. :)

    Bit of a communication problem here, I didn't mean CMx2 doesn't generate the events, I meant it would not clutter to player with all that information but instead filter it out in a more digestible form.

    My idea was something akin to a toggleable, scrollable text box somewhere on the screen. Whenever something takes a hit it would print out something like "2Coy 3Sqd: 2 WIA", "60mm mortar out of ammo" "M4A3 Sherman immobilized."

    When you click the text it takes you to the unit.

    The idea of improved icon functionality could bear fruit. As I said before, the flashing is over a bit quickly. The icons could be colour coded, changing color depending on the number of WIA/KIA. Perhaps a small icon that disappears after you have selected the unit to notify it has taken casualties or damage. Anything that gives information to the player at a glance, instead of having to comb through your squads one at a time. There could an icon next to a support weapon that signals whether it is set-up or on the move etc.

    The icon flashing is just a start, there are many ways to convey information fast using them.

    Thanks for listening to feedback! All the best.

    EDIT: I also wasn't criticizing the BFC business model, it was intended as a jab to people opposed to new features.

  9. An AI entity firing upon one another is a distinct event. Tracked rounds landing within a set distance is another. That is the starter. It doesn't matter what the player sees, what the game sees is more important. Spatial recognition and set cutoffs help fill the blanks. I'm not saying it's easy but I'm also saying it isn't as hard (impossible due to opportunity cost) as people make things seem around here.

    As for importance, yes, I'd say it's pretty damn important personally. It's one of those little things that I find myself quitting the game over at times. The needless busy-work. It's one of those things that make the game exponentially better when fixed, unlike other features that are more incremental in nature. Kind of like the AT weapon ban inside buildings, it breaks the game in a way that makes one not want to play scenarios with buildings at all. This one pushes people away from playing large scenarios. It's such a basic feature in other games that the lack of it is glaring.

    About gameyness I have to disagree. Right now, the game plays on the terms of gamey people, this is an equalizer. The kind of people who re-run a turn 5 times to pinpoint where that single tracer came from and look out for positional sound cues, fences breaking... This feature would equalize the playing field against people like this. The kind that take the time to map out contacts that appear during a turn for mere seconds. Someone who obsesses over details has a huge edge over a more casual player and in a very unrealistic fashion, extracting information from the game that should not be available to the player. Anything that combats this phenomenon is good, even if the effect is slight.

    And about the community, the conclusion is as valid as the replies I have got, which includes hyperbole and "CM is not the game for you if."

    There is a clique here that has a certain attitude towards new features for the game. I have spent some 12 years on these forums and I have seen many shapes and forms of it. Typical of the clique is a borderline attack on the suggestions, typically falling back on arguments such as opportunity costs, "spirit of the game" and carefully tip-toeing around the argument and presenting the state of things as such that the current flawed model is somehow inherently more realistic. Some call it fanboyism. But I am a BFC fanboy myself, so...

    But hey, it's not such a big deal. Psychological defence mechanisms and all that jazz.

    Atleast give us improved icon functionality (dynamic, reactive icons that convey more information over a longer period of time than the current without excess clutter), it will work toward the same goal but with less fuss. And to clarify, I adore CM. Always have, probably always will. This is why I'm passionate over seeing it improve!

  10. And if this is too much to ask for, a simple stopgap measure would be to change the way icons behave when a unit is hit. Right now the duration of the flash is a bit low.

    Different kinds of colour-coded blinks and icons that change in shape depending on the condition of the unit would greatly improve situational awareness. Just some simple stuff, like if a unit has taken a casualty that turn, the icon would be different for the rest of the turn. Different colour, shape, opacity, whatever. The point is to give an easy cue for the player that something is up. Without all the meticulousness.

    Also, having the icons blink while paused would be great.

  11. Define "taking fire?" Boy, I shouldn't have mentioned anal retentiveness...A unit fires at another unit as dictated by the game engine.

    Did you guys forget about the whole real-time aspect of the game? One of the big cornerstones? Ever think it might be helpful for an RT guy to know which one of his units is getting shot at without meticulously and anally retentively looking through each of his units suppression bars. It's helpful for WEGO too.

    Sometimes I wonder about this community. Why so hesitant towards change that is positive in all aspects (if you don't like it you can toggle it off and don't mention opportunity costs since it is used to kill discussion around here. It's a bread-and-butter feature that takes far less time and resources than a lot of the stuff that gets thrown around here.)

    If you would be happy with BFC simply making new units and terrain with no new features to improve the game, hey, good for you, but others want to see the game they love and cherish be made better.

    This is a feature that is in pretty much every tactics or strategy game out there. And for a very good reason.

  12. It's a game made in 1997 and they had the technology and/or magic available to make the game understand when fighting is going on (ie. units from different sides see each other and fire at each other.) Thus, the game was smart enough to only give the notification when the first shots are fired. If there was a lull in the fighting, the tag would reset. Even then, the user has almost full control over the notification interface and can tune it to his liking.

    200 notifications? I have this feeling you are deliberately misunderstanding me.

    An enemy unit is spotted by your units. You get a single notification about a spotted enemy unit. By the first unit to spot it. Others are not displayed, since the feature is supposed to bring to the player's attention that an enemy has been seen, not who in particular happens to see him. (Since that information is easily available by clicking the spotted enemy)

    Hah, there! Try to misunderstand that one!

    And yes, the replay function serves this purpose. But it serves it in the most anally retentive fashion possible. Why do we have an UI anyway? Why do units have bases of different colours? All the visual information is there, you can look how many men you have and how many HE shells your Tiger has left by moving the camera inside and having a look-see.

    The whole point is, that is anal retention to the limiter. Some of us want to play a game about half-naked oily men shooting at each other with big guns and wrestle it out after they run out of ammo while explosions happen in the background. Others may want to play a game where they are the company accountant, tracking every bullet spent and when and where Private Nönnönnöö was hit and whether he ate his pudding or not.

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