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Posts posted by ZPB II

  1. Yes, war is an ugly hell.

    But still, I have never ever watched a scenario like this unfold...You get to know this guy during the course of several interviews and then you see him get blown up, captured on video both by his own side and by the enemy.

    Boggles the mind. Seeing a video of the same firefight from both sides view is very rare.

  2. My 2 cents...Personally I am struggling with CMBN and there is one reason for this. Bocage.

    If you buy CMBN you need to be ready for bocage. As is to be expected, it is everywhere. Most of the scenarios and campaigns revolve around it.

    I can't take it anymore. Once you see one hedgerow, you've seen them all. Feels more like a puzzle than a wargame. It is boring, tiresome and limiting. Not to mention that constricted spaces are not the best place for the AI to do it's thing...The tight terrain highlights small annoying issues with the engine like LOS/LOF, action spot placement of guns and MGs and pathing.

    Now, this is actually praise for CMBN. Few games convey the feeling of "hedgerow hell" so vividly. But consider if you find it fun personally.

    PS: I would assume a lot of the content on the repository features more open and varied terrain.


  3. This stuff never ceases to amaze...Feels extremely macabre and fascinating to watch a war unfold in HD. Seeing the same firefight from both sides views (the interviewed commander's T-72 hit by the RPG-29) is quite rare. Not to mention the human impact, seeing that sympathetic seeming guy in three interviews you've watched suddenly turn into charred shreds of flesh falling from the sky... :(

    I wonder how many rebels have left this plane of existence because a soldier threw a grenade over a wall guided by the chanting...

  4. That was painful to watch...The amount of shame you start to feel for these two...

    Trying so hard at "comedy" yet failing so hard, ouch. Repeatedly saying "****" in an attempt to look cool lost it's edge maybe 20 or so years ago.

    In conclusion, they are stupid for missing the point and plain bad at being funny.

  5. I haven't been able to start CMBN after playing Gustav Line. Even though it has a bit more toys to play with, the terrain is such a bore. It looks a lot more plain than Italy and bocage fighting gets old really fast.

    CMBN is the best game to play if you want to get a glimpse of what hedgerow hell means. :D

  6. I've seen it make rounds on Youtube as a full-length subbed version.

    I wouldn't bother though, seriously bad movie. Bad acting, dialogue, boring at times...the combat scenes are the worst, it's worse than Hollywood trite, the Mujahideen are depicted as somekind of ninjas who jump 30 feet into the air in slow-motion from underground tunnels in their black ninja uniform. The final "climactic" battle is ridiculous to watch. You have tons of Muj walking up a hill in somesort of "300" ripoff scene and the Soviets shoot clips loaded with a thousand rounds at them from 10 ****ing feet away without hitting anything. (the whole "you can't depict a battle in movie format unless the combatants are hugging eachother" BS is just an explanation bad directors use when their talent has ran out.

    Stay far away from that turd.

    Would rather watch Afghan Breakdown, even though IMDB rates 9th Company as better than it... But yeah, it's seriously bad. It's like a Russian director wannabe has spent his entire life adoring and watching C-movies from Hollywood and tries to emulate them but somehow fails horribly.

    I did get a jolly good laugh out of the Full Metal Jacket & 9th Company comparison, that was a joke right? :D

  7. I bought a butane+alletrine insect repelling device thingy for 30 euros. Money well spent, it works flawlessly. Can sleep easily without even a tent or a net under the sky in a forest. Mosquitoes, horseflies, you name it, it'll stay 20 meters away from you. I nominate the inventor for the Nobel Peace of mind prize. Everyone should get one.

    What was it we were talking about?

  8. I prefer the Bren due to the larger magazine and changeable barrel. It's also a bit awkward to stay on target with the BAR while changing mags.

    I don't know how this is taken into account in game though. I have a gut feel that the Bren pumps out more casualties and suppression, but the semiauto M1 Garands even this out.

    The best part about the BAR is the bark it lets out with the sound mod I am using (SLIM's Day of Defeat sounds.) A really forceful sound. :D

  9. That is strange. Do you use area fire at all? I use area fire very liberally. When moving to the station I have 2 sections pouring out nonstop area fire into the central building where the FJ are, while the rest area fire the LMG team and what is left of the sniper.

    The 81mm barrage is either a point target into the central building or a linear that hits all 3, the accuracy and results are usually similar. Heavy/Maximum. The light mortar shoots direct with a Target Smoke command right in front of the LMG.

    My sections are situated on top of the tracks, one in the bend and the other right next to it, towards my starting location. Stray mortar rounds almost never reach the farthest tracks.

    The breaching HQ team inches it's way to a waypoint next to the wall between the central and closest building, then enters the closest one from the door facing the tracks. I do not lift the area fire until the men are inside the closest building.

    I have several illustrative pictures but I am having trouble uploading them. I will do a video if I manage to acquire a quality microphone.

  10. ASL Veteran, truly there are inherent advantages with being a Finn, such as being better than everyone else. But I try not to flaunt it. My toothpicks and pinecones are in a box on the the east side of my house, waiting, just in case.

    usgubgub, the timing has to be precise. Wait until the barrage is just about to lift, then order them to move. When done correctly your guy with the Tommy gun will be busting the door mere seconds after the last mortar round has landed.

    I find that I have plentiful firepower (two sections and HQ team suppressing the station and the rest shooting at the farm) to make sure that the few guys over at farm won't be lifting their heads. The sniper team usually dies within the first 10 seconds of the battle.

    If the 2 inch mortar smoke isn't enough, pop smoke with your sections.

    I have found this method to be the most reliable for me, I have now won this scenario more often than lost. Sample size being what it is, this still doesn't negate the aspect of luck.

    Shooting it out with the farm first and then redeploying to the stone wall just outside the starting zone towards the farm is far less reliable, if even one guy survived at farm he will take out most of your men from behind.

  11. Right, the best I could do is a Total Victory with 5 casualties vs. 12 Axis casualties. All this in under 5 minutes. Block the farm with smoke from the light mortar, nuke the station with 81mm mortar. While mortars were falling I rushed 2 sections onto the rail embankment from where they kept area firing the station while a HQ squad rushed in. All the defenders were killed as they were still cowering. Then it was an easy firefight with the couple of Krauts up on the farm.

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