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Posts posted by ZPB II

  1. beelzeboss, these two don't represent this forum. I've reported both of their posts and it's a matter of time that this issue will be settled. Guess I was wrong about this forum not having that many trolls.

    I remember reading iMolestCats being 16. That explains a few things. BLSTK is an enigma. Maybe a friend of his?

    EDIT: beelzeboss, funny, that picture was pretty much what I had in mind. The few people I know who engage in this kind of behaviour look pretty much like that. Bitter at their own shortcomings, they just want to make others feel as bad as they feel about themselves.

  2. I always find it funny when people are being told to be quiet on a discussion forum.

    People are told to be quiet when they either act in an impolite fashion or spread outright mis- and disinformation even when being informed otherwise. (ie. the ongoing loop that the MG module only contains a bridge and a windmill, this is being spread on Youtube and on other discussion forums)

    I don't see any problem with that whatsoever. The distinct lack of flaming and trolling has made this my favourite forum on the internet. Your mileage may vary. There are different norms for social interaction, but this is pretty much the basic Western model.

    Like I said earlier, I would love a link to a thread where constructive discussion is being silenced. So many people act like it happens regularly on this forum so I assume it is easy to find an example. ;)

  3. I'd love to know. :(

    Got started on these forums when CMBO came out, but I've lost my original account (oneirogen, later the first ZPB)

    This kind of retrospective made me feel really old. Being 26, 13 years feels like half an eternity.

    Someone should write a script that collects all of Emrys' posts into a single text file.

    EDIT: Found this, nostalgia overload, Space Lobster Origins: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=46912&page=2 :D

    (172 + 610) / 3962 days = roughly 0,2 posts a day or one post every five days.

  4. It's been ages since I played CMx1, but the old Hunt command was resumed after contact was lost.

    Move to contact was the same as Hunt is now.

    I sorely miss this command, but my guess is that it's not implemented (yet, hopefully) due to it being difficult to define exactly when contact is lost with the new relative spotting mechanic.

    (Unit sees nothing. Sound contact at 120 meters. Resume moving or not? Proceed. Stop. Platoon HQ reports contact inside LOS/LOF but not spotted by unit, resume moving or not? Battalion HQ reports a contact 5 meters behind unit, not spotted. Continue or not? Atleast this is how I see it as being troublesome.)

    Even just the normal hunt command is a bit tricky. Sometimes a tank stops hunting because a mortar round lands 100 meters from it.

  5. Speaking of Call of Duty, they just released a new map pack for it.

    4 multiplayer maps for 15 dollars. For a 60 dollar game.

    The most touted feature of the new CoD is a photorealistic Navy SEAL german shepherd dog. How it differs from having just a normal german shepherd dog with the Navy SEAL paraphernalia tagged on has not been explained. And probably won't. Because it doesn't.

    About Battlefield 4, I haven't been following it but the only new feature to rise up on the radar screen is being able to customize your loadout from your tablet/smartphone. I read but can't confirm, that they took away the ability to change your weapons when you are dead ingame. You have to get the app to be able to do that. No idea if it costs money. So, taking away features that have been in games for a decade and sprinkling them on smartphones is considered a new feature.

    It is no wonder that Activision was sold off to venture capitalists and EA has been looking for a buyer for years.

    But nobody wants to touch those companies with a ten foot pole, they are dead in the water.

    In comparison, BFC is like Gandhi snorting crystal MDMA.

  6. Nobody thought of the possibility of SAA defectors manning the SAM? Or foreign backed mujahideen? Besides, the war has been going on for years, plenty of time to sit down and read the operating manual. You do not need to be a scientist to operate military machinery. (otherwise wars could not be fought)

    I have seen atleast one video of a SAM launch where english chatter could be heard in the background ("Did they hit it?" etc.) amid all the allahuakbaring. Not definite proof, but does indicate towards foreign advisors.

  7. Ah, then I would like to compliment you for having good ears. Sound mods for many other games I have played suffer from issues like wildly different volume, sample rate, masking etc.

    So doing a sound mod without excessive mixing and touching up the sounds in question is by no means easy.

    I'm not doing sound mods because it requires a patient and organized mind to set all the pieces together. Something I'm lacking.

    So, keep up the good work and ignore our "advice." As long as it sounds good all is well. :D

    And thanks for doing this!

  8. The biggest problem with this thread is probably a language/culture barrier.

    I do not think waclaw & togi intended to sound rude and demanding, but to us this is exactly what it sounded like. The words that were used and how they were used conveyed this.

    This is why the reaction was what it was. It was not because of criticism, heck, I could criticize CM all day long because I love it. It was because this criticism was like a guest coming to your party after two bottles of vodka, pissing on the carpet, yelling that your wife is an ugly whore and then demanding free booze. ;)

  9. Sounding good, new mods are always welcome. :)

    Sound engineering is rather intriguing. As a crappy amateur music producer, I've always been interested in how sound effects get made and processed. What kind of effects are used, compression methods, envelope shaping, equalization and so on.

    I'm wondering if typical mixing techniques apply, for example you say the G41 gets drowned out, would parallel compression help the problem or is a new sound source required? (mixing together the same track both uncompressed and then heavily compressed, sometimes with very light gain distortion to give it more harmonics)

    For me it is a go-to fix whenever some sound is drowning in the mix and it's hard to fix with EQ.

    (I know there are audio/music guys on this forum, they have better tips than me)

  10. There has always been a free patch associated with a new module. Every single freaking time.

    Some people conveniently sidestep this fact.

    Also, consider that BFC provides patches for a looong time after a game's release. Look at the patch history for Shock Force. Typical developers drop support for a game a few months after release and that's that.

  11. everything is correct, BF clearly define what will be in the module, and we have defined our expectations tiny (really tiny) - it is very simple, there are no significant improvements, it will not be our money - it works both ways.

    and if someone does not have any expectations, you will be happy with what you get, it's simple.

    They haven't even released a feature list. Yet you act like a child and flame.

    Insinuating that BFC is ripping people off by selling a bridge for 35 dollars and not including a 0,000007% rarity weapons system will just get you laughed at.

    Also, I wonder why someone always defends the troll brigade. Always the same pattern, someone pops up, trolls and flames, gets what he ordered and then someone chimes in and says we are all a bunch of blind BFC fanboys who try to silence criticism. I challenge anyone to provide a link to a thread where actual mature criticism gets shot down by flaming fanboys.

    Being well-mannered and polite is one thing. That doesn't mean you have to swallow everything. That's called being a pussy.

  12. Seriously, what is it with the flamethrower fetish? A marginal weapon system that saw marginal use. You get fuel for a few flame bursts and that's it. Wow, totally a feature worth the time it takes to implement, wait, not...I can understand a gripe about flames, they're tactically important, but flamers? Puhh....

    Sometimes you get a feeling people play too much Call of Duty and try to drag one of the few realistic games out there into shallow Hollywood waters. Flamers and visible air support have to be some of the most laughable feature requests when you consider the intensity and volume. Flamers and Jabos twisting, circling and diving over an active, high intensity combat zone is very rare, trying to present these as somesort of critical features to model a realistic battlefield only mean you have a unrealistic view of history and combat.

    Guns that aren't moved after setup enjoy a camouflage bonus anyway, so it's kind of moot to complain that it is a missing feature.

    Should I be throwing a tantrum because Nazi occultism is missing? No zombies, no flying saucers, no Spear of Destiny...If Soviet troops in Bagration don't practice proper Sambo moves in close combat, I will be mad as fukuk.

  13. I have tried, as far as I know, every sound mod out there. I've spent several months with them. Each are good and have their great points.

    Right now I am preferring the latest and shiniest, I don't know if it has to do with actual sound quality or simply the fact that it is new and thus interesting to the ear. Or the fact that I upgraded my sound gear. :D

    Still got all of them on my HD.

    Also, it's always fun when someone comes out of lurking and posts again.

  14. Wrong. This video explains the differences between nice guys, bad guys and the good guys. Also, the girl doing the explaining is very attractive.


    EDIT: Damn, now that I watched it again after a long time, I remember this video being possibly the single most important dating/pickup advice that can be said, worth watching even though I assume most people here are married men. This is slightly offtopic, but since the original topic was so bad...

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