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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Jonny(FGM)

  1. Aren't the uncons supposed to contain men who faded away into the population after their unit ceased to be (ala partisans after barbarossa) and foreign insurgents who received training at foreign training camps. Granted this should be modeled into the troop quality setting by the scen designer but just trying to show that not every uncon has no military training.
  2. Would it be possible for the infantry to have both commands too (presuming these orders are to be reintroduced, which i actually highly doubt). It's annoying when you want your troops to have high situational awareness but still move the distance. IE you start to move out a squad, they get opened up on by a small (>5 man) unit which they quickly blast away, and then just sit there for the rest of the turn. Obviously if you play real time this isn't an issue, I get the feeling this engine was designed for RT and then fudged to include WEGO (I think the lack of a WEGO TCP/IP mode proves this to me). I find that rather strange as it states in the CMAK manual I wonder what made BF change their minds?
  3. I'd personally just be happy to go back to the good old fashioned CMx1 move to contact and hunt orders.........
  4. I must say i've never really noticed any dodgy LOS issues in the game other than the targeting buildings issue. However i did have a tree stop a 120mm APFSDS round which displeased me greatly
  5. You shouldn't need to find it in the repository, it should come as standard with the game
  6. The strykers seem vunerable to RPGs but i've had AAVs and Brads survive multiple RPGs, even from the side and rear. But yes the RPGs do seem very accurate from quite a range
  7. I think you've got it about spot on there Dietrich First time i ran this through i gave up after 3 minutes as i only had movement orders to halfway down the road and as a result my whole convoy ended up sitting in the middle of the ambush. I redid it again and just gave them fast orders all the way to the police station. I managed not to lose any humvees though, just the men in the gunners seats. Later on i managed to lose most of the humvees and almost the entire delta force and police contingent in the battle, the cavalry arrived late for me
  8. It does seem you got very unlucky. If it happens again id suggest directly targetting the vehicle but i know thats not possible in call cases
  9. But by the sounds of it it was the firing of the AT-4 that alerted the BMP to the squads presence, if they had waited and readied the jav they may have remained undetected and got the jav off in time. I've never seen a jav take more than a minute to prepare. Personally i've never had this happen to me, they've pretty much allways chose the right weapon for the situation. Were there any enemy MBTs known to be operating in the area that might have encouraged the squad to save the jav for the heavier stuff?
  10. How did you target the BMP? direct targetting (ie clicking target and then the BMP), target arc or just letting them do their thing?
  11. Ok i have a video of the zigzagging rounds. This time it's a missile fired from a helicopter. I know its not my graphics card unless im really unlucky as ive switched graphics card (from ati to nvidia) since i last spotted it. I have the PBEM file if anyone wants it
  12. Lmao, everything in that translation seems rather reasonable if a bit nonsensical apart from horseradish?!
  13. This video shows how dangerous it can be to be a gunner in a humvee. I try to blast through this ambush at top speed, i end up losing 3 men as they desperately try to man the .50 cal, one poor guy barely even gets his head out of the hatch before it gets blown off
  14. In this video (taken from 3:10 to yuma scen, great scenario btw) you see an AI controlled technical get KO'd by a red minefield. The AI must have been able to see this minefield but still drove the technical straight through it. I'm not complaining about this behaviour, especially as this minefield is supposed to be very old so neither side would know where it is. Just something for scenario designers to keep in mind when making AI plans
  15. Ok, whats the closest you've managed to successfully managed to call in CAS? By successful i mean not killing any of your own men. Here's my entry
  16. Hmm strange, do exploding vehicles not damage troops then?
  17. Not to mention the problems of accurately modelling the japanese behavior; not surrendering, hiding amongst the dead with a live grenade, suicide missions etc etc etc lol
  18. I'm no expert but i presume the building facing is just for being able to (relatively) quickly create urban maps without having to make sure by going into 3d preview that all the doors are where you want them
  19. I'm sure now this has been revealed to the BF community someone will make a mod : )
  20. Haha Nah i had a lot of fun designing scenarios based around water obstacles in CMx1, i can sorta fudge it in SF with cliffs but its not the same : (
  21. If i remember correctly that was for the MBTs and not the IFVs
  22. I'll take that as we are never going to see any water in Syria then
  23. I suppose it's too much to hope that water will be included with the NATO module?
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