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Posts posted by scoang6777

  1. I will send you the complete mission and you can figure out whats what Im assuming I mad a mess.The docs they send us with the game are confusing to me.But I have every mission I could find on the net downloaded in my game.Im still playing the British Bulldogs.Having a Blast with it.Im actually on the "Hold out" mission.I just bought a new graphics card so its a lot more realistic.I still like the original TOW because of the amount of nations you can use and it seems easier to work with.The Kursk TOW has the battle Generator but its still not really my design when its finished.I want to make my own.Personalize them.

  2. Im not sure how to send it to you.The last time I tried the mission I did not hear the sound with reinforcements.But tell me how to send it to you and I will.You will like the campaign I am attempting to make,Its called "French Power".If you can look at it tell me what I did wrong, then I can actually get the reinforcement problems solved and start working with Rects and points ect.I really appreciate the help.

  3. I did get the message rienforcements and I heard It.But,my Reinforcements are already on the battlefield when the mission starts.I did check and they are in sleep(True).Thats the part I cant figure out.Does it matter where you put the reinforcements in the editor on the battlefield before the mission starts.When you do your Trigger tree do you delete the ones you are not going to use or just leave them?You always have a basic set-up of triggers at the start with the editor.When I run the link from INIT to TRIGGER which one should I use.Runtrigger,calltrigger,runtriggerinstance.I know this is basic to people who know how but once I learn these things it makes the game endless.I appreciate the help.I still think these are the best WW2 series made.I also have a question about the maps.I have a map in the editor called Berlin.But when I try to find it in battle generator it's not there.

  4. Has anyone figured out how to create new maps for TOW Kursk yet.Every generated battle or campaign I make has trenches in it.I know if I position the battlefield just right I can avoid trenches in my battle,but there is areas with them I would like to use.And my map editor constantly locks up or stops and sends me to desktop.I wish they would create a random map maker,It would make this game endless,or a way of fighting winter battles.

  5. I was just curious what im missing when I try to run the Trigger on my previous post.Everyone is right,its a tough learning process but I will keep trying to figure this out.Once I get the hang of it I will be able to use my knowledge on all three games.I wonder if anyone is figured out how to make maps for TOW Kursk yet?

  6. Im trying to create reinforcements.

    in "init" i write -RunTrigger " Reinf1 "

    The actual trigger i write-

    Delay 50000

    SetWorkArmy ( Army , 1 )

    ReinforcementLand ( Group , " Reinf1 " )

    RunCommand ( Group , " Reinf1 " , move , RECT , "A1" )

    SendMessage ( Reinforcements , 15000 )


  7. I asked a while ago on making my own campaigns. i dont have a clue on how to use triggers at all.I need to learn the basics of reinforcements.Do i need to type everything in by hand or do i use a triggers thats alredy there.Could someone give me the basics and how to call reinforcements.What would i do step by step to get 4 tanks or 4 infantry. I would appeciate ANY input.Thanx.

  8. This campaign is very deep and accurate.I am very impressed with all the realism.I am just having a lot of fun.My hat goes off to you gnasher.You put a ton of work into the history and the maps.I will enjoy this over and over again.Battlefront should take notice that we still enjoy the original TOW and they should still put out new maps and campaigns for this one,WE WILL PAY to continue to play the best wargame ever made.Thanks Gnasher for keeping a classic game (FUN).Some of us really appriciate it.

  9. I am on the 4th mission.The maps are great. the battles are perfect.I liked the first one where you assault the hill with all the anti-tank guns.I am still learning about everything to create my own also.I am trying to make some battles and possibly a campaign about The Battle of the Bulge.I will keep working on it and my defects.Great game and missions you have created.A lot of fun.......

  10. I reinstalled kursk 43 and reinstalled the 2 patches and now its working right.This time I installed outside of Program files.I installed directly into c drive and it seemed to work.Thanx for your help.I was wondering why the option isnt there to have a tank commander outside of the hatch in the tanks.That would look realistic.

  11. It says end.so I need to go into the editor and change the success field to mission 2 in the campaign tree?I have done this in my first campaign I created and It still wouldnt let me into the next mission.If I can figure this out I can make 10 mission campaigns real quick.Do you think they will ever create a campaign creator or a random map maker?

  12. I have made multiple missions in a campaign,but when I finish the first mission it wont let me into the second one.There is still a lock icon on my next mission(user campaigns).Is there somthing I need to do in the editor?I know on the other two games(Theatre of War and Africa 43) I need to connect the missions.Does the new generator in Kursk do it automatically or do I have to edit them?

  13. i have also been trying to figure out the basics for adding reinforcements.I would just like to have the very basic setup for adding reinforcements.I have seen somewhere you can have up to 250 units used in 1 mission.??????If gnasher reads this he seems to know alot about editor issues.

  14. Its all going to take a little while.I have been doing a lot of reading and a lot of mistakes but that is how you learn.I believe once i get the hang of it it will be fun to create new missions and campaigns.Its becoming a full time thing to learn.but in the end it will be worth it.I will upload as i make progress so i can find out my mistakes firsthand,and i will make them.I still enjoy TOW 1 the best.Seems to be a lot more to work with.

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