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Posts posted by scoang6777

  1. Can anyone give me the trigger-Army B reinforcements attack rect-1.also whats the trigger to have my reinforcements move to a rect.Any help would be much appreciated.The Uchroniemods first mission has enemy airborne troops dropped on the map that would also be an good trigger to know.I played that mission 3 times and got my butt kicked.It was a challenge but really enjoyed it.I dont understand my objective because its in French.everyone should try that mod its excellent.

  2. I dont know if its because its summer or what,But the Theatre Of War forum has really slowed down.I am going to start uploading the Missions I have been working on just to share and possibly start waking up the best group of modders online.I use to look forward to all the new things people modded and to help me learn.I still think the first Theatre of War is the best and WILL continue to try to improve my missions and campaigns.I am going to start putting more time into it myself.I practice what I preach!Right now I am working on a Battle Of The Bulge Campaign.I will upload as soon as I think Its ready.I am now running a 1900 x 1000 resolution.This just keeps getting better.I downloaded a 4-part mod off a website that had a large group of maps.One of them was Berlin.It was all city.I cannot get that map to work.I wish I could to Modify it to make A Bridge to Far type Campaign.Any advice would be appreciated.Im sure other people downloaded it.How did you make it work?

  3. Thanx Arzok your always there to help,I really appreciate it.Using the triggers makes the theatre of war series endless as far as what you can do.I hope in the future they make a Pacific War game for Theatre of War.Island fighting,Jungle,beach assaults ect.I will continue to ENJOY the games I already have.Theatre Of War to me is still the best military games out there,and this is still the best Forum.Thank you to everyone who contributes.Have there ever been groups that mod together or create campaigns or maps?

  4. I have been working on my own missions.I am wondering if anyone can tell me a simple trigger for making the AI attack my forces.Army B to attack Army A.I want my forces to defend.Same thing with reinforcements.How to make reinforcements attack a certain Rect?:confused:

  5. I feel these are the best RTS games available.Sorry you feel that way,is there a reason you dont like it?There are so many different things you can do with the TOW games.I was frustrated when I first bought them.Now I feel they are the most realistic rts games available.

  6. Arzok is correct the Polish Campaign is tough.The second mission in the Polish campaign in my opinion is the toughest in the game.Yes you do have to eliminate all the German soldiers and Tanks.Check your Options.If you check ignore campaign loss the missions sometimes continue longer.Hope this helps.

  7. I will send Arzok the mission and I think I have all the missions everyone has posted so far.Im still playing your British Bulldogs campaign.I think im on the tenth mission "hold out".I have went over the docs they send you with the game.I dont know why the triggers are confusing me.Im usually working on the game or playing 1 or 2 hours in the evening.I just got a set of videos on world war 2 Called "The Apocalypse".Exellent footage and very infomative.Its all in color.

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