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Posts posted by Skwabie

  1. Thanks guys. Maybe large reinforcements in exile is not the only option though? One of the no-surrender scenarios I've played is "Route Recce" in the Semper Fi Syria campaign, and the RedFor has no reinforcement for them. Another one IIRC is Dumayr Riot in Highland Games, the reds have reinforcements but they all arrive due time. I wonder if something is done to the victory conditions, like parameters and the points. Or is it something more complex? I've opened up both in scenario editor but couldn't find any pattern in there. Woulda test it myself if only I know how...

  2. I've ran across 1 or 2 scenarios where the enemy force is wiped out from the entire map. Yet the AI does not surrender unless I cease fire or time runs out.

    What's the trick to do that (I suppose it's via scenario editor obviously)?

    Reason for it is, I somehow enjoy mopping up weakened enemy units with infantry, instead of blasting them to pieces with artillery and cannons. Now I've done the heavy job proper of securing the objective and victory, I'd like to light a smoke and have some fun in the "after battle".

  3. I'm curious: what does your attention do to help a bogged vehicle? I just leave them to it and they either free themselves or bury their wheels to the axle... Is there some method of extricating them?

    I don't know the underlying game mechanism, but multiple repetitive experience has led me to believe: If a vehicle's bogged with a movement order, it always immobilizes. But, if I cancel the command when it's bogged, issue something else like reverse or a normal move, 9 outta 10 times it drives out.

    Dunno, maybe it's the Fast movement command i'm usually using causing the bog -> immobile, but I'm close to ruling luck out.

    Only time limits are no more arbitrary than map edges or rarity points or victory locations or conditions. Or the requirement to board a vehicle to acquire stuff from it. I don't know how you play the game.

    well yeah exactly as I hate all those, especially map edges. Fully dynamic campaign on a entire theater is THE STUFF. If only one can wait another... say 200 years for better quality entertainment...

  4. I play real time... It's impossible to advance on multiple flanks. Tried but doesn't work, even a bogged vehicle requires my attention (or should I say especially a bogged vehicle. There's no worse way to lose a tank like this!). Let alone hearing an explosion, saw my tank blew up and wondering WTF! Therefore I generally advance on one side, when they're far enough ahead and in overwatch, I divert attention to the other flank.

    This unavoidably takes more time. I can easily imagine WeGo being much much more time efficient. I could try it but... perhaps not yet.

    That and I really dislike arbitrary game limitations. Fully dynamic campaign ftw! No? Then it doesn't bother me to take my sweet little time to finish this RPG guy. It's not like we're due in Baghdad tomorrow or anything..

  5. Again I think the TacAI is at some fault.

    More often than not I get the following situation: the halftrack sees a threat to its, exaggerating a bit , 2 o'clock. The traverse arc of the machine gun is limited, therefore the hull starts to rotate. But we know the hull rotates very, very slowly for CM vehicles. But during this process, the gunner has already stood up, manning the gun and attempting to lay it on target. Meanwhile the large gun shield is unable to protect him because its slightly sideways. And he gets taken out.

    Had the gunner stood up later when the hull rotation is finished he might've survived.

  6. I've got all 3 TOW titles and it's not too bad.

    The thing I love most is, they are all highly moddable contrary to CM series. There's even a guy that ported everything from tow 1 and 2 into 3. I can adjust everything from what kinda toys a guy in a squad carries to how fast a tank can rotate its hull or turret to a gun's penetration and damage or even add entirely new vehicles/units into the game.

    But TOW's biggest problem was "abandonware". Firstly it never acclaimed to much popularity during its peak, and nowadays its support is nil and nobody ever plays it so its community nonexistent.

    Secondly, like all Russian made games, or at least the ~a dozen I played, TOW's gameplay is a bit "bland". Once you get the basics down it's not very atmospheric to draw you in further or offer some deep stuff to keep you intrigued like CM. Seemed to me in its later days it was more of a modding platform than an actual gaming one.

    However, TOW can still be a fun game, especially for tank vs tank combat. (In comparison CM is much more infantry centric, understandable as CM is made by and many sold to the yanks and friends:p) If I have more free time I'd probably port TOW 1/2 into 3 as well, get some datas right according to Rexford's book and get some armor action going. But that continues to be my wishful thinking atm.. It's a game with good potential but imo never came to full fruition.

  7. Just a quick update: I've added the original name to the individual campaign scenario files as per your request, works like a charm.

    I will wait for the release of CMRT to add this into the tool and will then release v1.5 - so you shouldn't have to wait for too long (and I can always blame BFC for any delays.. ;)).

    Somehow missed your reply Mad Mike... Looking forward to both releases for sure. It is imminent, the force within me senses it! Meanwhile the suffering of the F5 key goes on...

  8. Mate of mine once said "no game is perfect unless I make it myself", maybe to a lesser extent "no spotting is perfect unless I spot it myself".

    We need a first person mode. Put me in that TC's seat and.. what I see is what the tank will see.

    Actually make it a 3rd option following Wego and RT. For the next 1 minute, you can jump into a particular tank or a soldier in a squad and control it, but you'll get no 2nd chances unlike wego.

    I think it should be a good cure for this... "Infantry, God on the battlefield! And tanks are just another kind of targets!" mentality....

  9. Steve,

    While it can be argued that tanks still see too much infantry, which is all the arguments till now all about, it is my opinion that their ability to spot enemy tanks is toned down too much. I've been doing edits on scenarios and had to do some tests in scenario author test mode. It is astonishing to see how long it takes a tank, unbuttoned even, to spot an opfor tank right in front of him. The one most memorable for me was, in a BN scenario for almost a minute both tanks just sat there, 100 meters away, on flat ground, with no obstacle in between them whatsoever. I'd say both TCs are day dreaming up in their cupolas instead of keeping an all around look out. Few days later I replayed the scenario and same thing happened again. It does strike me as very odd, for if the TCs didn't see each other, the driver or radioman would've for the other guy's right in front of their vision slits. I dunno about how the spotting system actually works, but I think it is reduced too much to cater for tank vs infantry here and tank vs tank got hit too much...

    Oh and of course Steve, it is a game for fun, for if it's a job you get paid.:) My previous gaming experience was being a "realism fanboy" and doing it like a second job. Not any more of that, at least for now.

  10. Yes they should be able to pivot faster. But they should *know* they have to pivot a *lot* slower. Situational awareness in real tanks is way, way below what we routinely see in CM. It is much harder to know what is going on, to pick the items to focus on out of everything that might be seen 360 degrees around the tank, and select a course of action to address the most salient problem. Real tankers screw up such things all day long. And take their sweet time making up their minds which way to screw them up. The least realistic thing in CM armor combat is not how slowly the tanks rotate, but how borg-fast they know everything and make godlike perfect decisions instantly, about what to do about them...

    Right... And at the rate this is going, tanks are gonna be rolling steel bunkers and nothing else, since they can't see anything, can't shoot straight and can't even properly turn to face a threat. Actually why don't we have them roll for 50 meters and bog down, since they are also too mechanically complex to handle and maintain in a sound tactical manner. How's about having all the infantry march up in a line and acting as human meat shield instead... Extremities aside aren't what you're saying applicable to all AI in CM and not just the tank crews?

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