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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Skwabie

  1. In fairness, there were serious ammunition issues with the MP44. There were plenty of stocks of standard rifle and MG ammunition since they had been producing it for thirty or forty years. The kurz round was new and there was never enough ammunition to go around. German soldiers were known to bury or hide their MP44s and grab a different weapon rather than run around with a weapon that only had a magazine or two. So having an MP44 with no reloads is probably more accurate from a historical perspective.

    Come to think of it it's like this.

    If you are playing against the German squads you don't need to care about it. The AI doesn't use area targeting and the MP44s won't run outta ammo. Hence the AI's fighting power doesn't really decrease.

    OTOH, if you're playing with the German squads it becomes an inconvenience cause suddenly after 8 clips of mags you've got a few dead meats in your platoon. To make matters worse, better pray that the MP44 guys don't die. Otherwise their empty rifle's gonna be picked up by someone else and they in turn ends up useless.

    If I have a way to tell the pTruppens to "bury or hide their MP44s" while buddy aiding I would. It's one reason I somehow preferred FI to BN cause the best they had there was ... G43s.

  2. I'm holding off on RT yet to see what issues have crept in..

    I lied... damn this impulse buying thing.:mad:

    I still prefer late war West front for tactical wargames. Two reasons. One is that Soviet infantry is annoyingly weak against armor (no rocket-propelled tank killers). Second is that on the West front you have 3 major powers with distinct differences vs. only 2 in the East.

    But for operational or strategic level games it's East front all the way.

    Come on Vanir, still looking for more tests from you yet!

  3. It's interesting to see how tastes have changed over the last 30+ years. When I were a kid, you practically had to PAY someone to play the Soviets in the cardboard wargames we had at that time.

    EVERYONE wanted to play the Germans, and particularly with the lovely white on black SS counters. It was also very hard to get anyone to play the Western Allies (or any west front game for that matter, aside from where the Germans were attacking, eg: Battle of the Bulge). Any of you "old timers" remember all that?

    Yep, at first I thought here comes the eastern front, some love for the Germans at last.

    But nooooo, turns out not the case at all.

    What changed? Cold war's over, is that it?

  4. What's the reason for german tanks to have a 4 or better in the TURNING field in the encoclopedia and most allied tanks only have a 1...?

    The manual isn't showing true in-game data I believe. Here's the test that I dig up made by Amizaur:


    Times of 180 deg turn for CMBN:CW tanks

    Tank......In place.........Moving









    Tiger E........60s.............20s

    King Tiger...168s.............13s

    As you can see the disadvantage of the german afvs. If the manual lists it like that it could be a typo of sort?

  5. Not necessarily a bad thing. I find in many scenarios my FO is useless because he can't get LOS to anything, and by the time he can the AI is just about to surrender.

    And for realism's sake the "point target" CAS is very CMSF-ish. It would specifically require the JTAC/FAC to have a GPS module / laser designator which ain't common till the late 90s. Before that he'd still have to talk on target which ain't accurate to the exact point. But.... the 9-line CAS transmitted via Link 16 thing nowadays sure is sweeet!

    Time Traveling Skwabie

  6. Apparently, even in modern times, some anti-tank missiles apparently exploit this by first ascending, then descending on the top of the tank.

    Yep the Javelin in CMSF takes that "dive" if target is beyond a certain range.

    For WW2 tanks, the Tiger I Late has top armor increased to 40mm from 25 on the Mid far as I know, in response to intensified Allied air raids. However no tank in the game can survive concentrated arty barrages. 155+ howitzers kill Shermans, Tigers, T-72s and Abrams alike! (done by my tests)

  7. Question Skwabie "vehicles are no-go for SF"...

    Are you not getting HD resolutions on the Abrams & Bradley using Ryujin's HD Mod?


    they're working very well. Only that I thought vehicle texture randomization doesn't work for SF.

    But later found out... it actually does. I now have Ryujin's mod mixed with default skins, so e.g. a plt of abrams can have different skins on them. Pretty nice.:)

    otoh I've dropped the uniform texture mods, as in one scenario (Valhalla) fps loss was about 40%.

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