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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by kojdog

  1. It seems that even Steve is able to rapidly update things like this (see the thread reporting IBCT showing up with advanced SA80 family weapons). However, the game adheres to a surprisingly rigid 'did they have this during the period' attitude despite the fact that this is a game. All sensibility tells me they will keep things the way they are considering their historical adherance to other conventions despite the fact they're not fun (i.e. all US units use M4 despite vast amounts of issued M4A1 and even vehicle crews using firing port high RoF low magazine size weapons regularly for close in suppresion/protection). That's life.

    That being said, CMSF and modules are the best modern combat games/modules around. I just wish they'd open it up for more modification. What they have, however, is very highly detailed and for the most part accurate.

    Still, it seems that the 3-round clips in the Warrior/Scimitar RARDEN's stretch into 5-6 occasionally but what'ev... ;)

  2. Then I assume you must down a keg of hard liquor every day.

    Interesting observation. Truly vicious and vindictive people those Japanese.

    It's possible that exposure to the combination of denim blue jeans and hillbilly music permanently deranged them. How else to explain all those Mothra movies from the '50s?


    First, he must be a secret AZN. It takes much less than a keg depending upon geneology.

    Second, karaoke is actually the revenge of overweight redheads upon society. Not wanting to draw any more negative attention to themselves, they decided to put up a cover campaign to make it appear as though asians were responsible. However, they did not anticipate the virus like effect it would have upon asian culture (much like beer in vending machines) and we have been witnessing the epidemic spread of the disease continuously over the last 30 odd years.

    Third, anime is what you do when national acting talent is restricted to animated media due to not looking nearly as bad ass as the characters you are portraying (mostly due, however, to a misconception that a hero must look like Butch McManhood or some crappy teenage vampire from 'Twilight'). I cannot explain the cases of anime where the heroes look like young asian boys... perhaps those cartoons are just hentai pornography with the good bits cut out.

  3. Just pulled out my CM2 (BB) box... no ESRB on this which makes sense since it's not US. However, I am curious about whether or not the US versions need to get rated or not due to the 'by request only' business model of BF (i.e. only in your face because you came to our website and tried to order it... had to present a credit card or paypal account to even get it... etc.).

    I'm presuming they're still not giving independent credit card accounts to US kids under 18... maybe not. If your government doesn't trust you with smoke or drink, what business do you have with credit?

  4. I noticed something odd about the BritModule box art posted on the main page... there doesn't seem to be any o-so-familiar ESRB tab on it. Is that only necessary for media that actually sits on a shelf?

    Just curious, has little to do with your great game. Congrats on the latest release, Cheers!

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