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Posts posted by haouai

  1. Actually ive a had a re think of the CMBN side of the operation after reading all the responses about the venture i think i will be going to implement a QB method to the tactical resolution side of things,

    For example instead of giving each player a set amount of troops that have to be tracked gthrough the game they will recieve a point allocation for the whole operation (to be worked out later) and every time they take part in a CMBN game after contact on the operational map they will fight a QB where they buy whatever units they want (rarity permitting) with the map and deployment parameters conforming to the terrain and battle type.

    There will be a single battle points limit to avoid ungainly force sizes for the purposes of fast CMBN turn rates.

    This would remove a lot of work for the Admin and give the players an added element of interaction and avoid the infantry heavy battles you mention.

    If the battle is a stalemete and the forces involved wish to carry on contesting the map in the next operational turn the QB can reflect the combat effects of the participants in a generalised way with losses being made up with the spending of more points from the individual players points allowance.

    Of course this is all dependant on getting CMBN and messing around with the QB system to test it out but i think its an elegant way of circumventing a few pitfalls :)

    That's what I'm trying to do.

    A player have a KG, or a Task force, with (for exemple) 3 Inf Battalions and 3 Tank Compagnies (1 sheet = 1 Inf Bat or 1 Tk Co on the operational map) that he can move as he wants to.

    Each Battalion (or compagnies) have a CM points:

    ex: Inf Battalion is 1200 Inf Pts and 300 Support Pts

    Panzer IV Co is 2200 Armor (only Pz IV) pts


    According to the operational rules (simple is better), when a battle have to be resolved, a CM QB is creat.

    Even if there is a lot of sheet on this battle, the CM OOB is made with few units (as 1 inf compagnie with support, depending on the available operational units on this battle)

    It's represent only a few part of a big battle on the operational map.

    So if 6 inf. Battalion (player 1) are assaulting a simple Inf. Battalion with a Tank compagnie (player 2) in the operational map, the CM battle will be a QB with 500 inf. pts against 500 Inf AND Armor pts.

    the CM result is equal to a roll dice on a classic CRT (Combat Result Table in wargame words) as: total defeat is a 1, a draw a 3 ... and a total victory a 6.

    If Player 1 have a total victory (player 2 is strongly pull back as the operational odds want) and if Player 2 have a Total victory his forces was abble to repulse the Player 1 assault, according to the CRT result.

    Casualties in CM is the base to calculat the total casualties for Player 1 and Player 2 operational units and in a futur battle, this units will have less CM points to make a CM OOB.

  2. Hello,

    I was asking myself the same quetion and the answer was: "do it yourself" :D

    So, I looked for a paper wargame with an operational level and make some rules to do a "bridge" from operational to CM tactic level.

    Then, I had to creat a module with one of the Virtual Wargame Engine (for building and playing online adaptations of board games) which doesn't calculat combat resolution and lets the players do it.

    So, you can move your forces at operational level and when there a combat, you resolve it with CM.

    Some simples homemade rules allow you to simulat a available OOB for CM (which depend of the operational situation), casualties, ammo ...

    I'm actually finishing it.

    I didn't find a Normandy wargame for our futur "favorit Pc Game" yet (so if you know one ...) but I find one for CMBB (in french)


    - 2 SS Division against 2 Guards Mec

    - Batallion level for sheets

    - 8 turns

    - 2 pages only for the wargame rules

  3. hello,

    I'm trying to find a system to creat a small operational campaign for 2 players with CMBB PBEM combat resolution, and I need to evaluat the casualties odd at the end of each combat.

    I would like to know how the game does the points countdown at the end of a game.

    for exemple, I took a german section (112 points), play, and loose all my mens (it was for the exemple, normaly I always have 2 or 3 survivors :D ).

    In the final Victory tab, it appear that I have 31 casualties, 7 KIA and the Ennemy points for my opponent show 135 points, more than I paid for my section (112 points).

    Is the calculation is 112(points) / mens (31) (around 3 points by man) ?

    Is it the KIA who "cost" more than the casualtys, as the prisoner does ?

    How does it work for armor or mortar and HMG (the vehicul/piece and the crew) ?

    I looked for the answer in the rule book but didn't find anything about this.

    Thanks you


  4. Thanks for your answers even if I'd prefer an other one :D

    As I'm really impatient to play to CMBN and creat some scenarii, I started to read about Normandy campaign since I heard about this new game and that's why I asked you this about the German OOB.

    The few things that I learn about this Invasion was espacially with SS, FJ or mixed forces KG (Heer/SS, Heer/FJ, SS/FJ)

    So, I was looking for some normandy scenarii with US Army vs. Heer in CMBO and I didn't find a lot, 4 or 5 only.

    What will be the campaign battles (the road to Cherbourg, to St Lo ...) ?

  5. First of all, I would like to apologize for my English, I didn’t practice for a long a time.

    I play CM for 7 years now and I bought all the CMx1 and CMx2: I’m what we can call a big fan (and I’m so impatient to see the next one)!

    I understand that making a wargame is not an easy thing, and to make money with it as well.

    So, I’m totally ok with your module’s policy and, as a CM fan, I’m ready to buy all of them.

    But there is a point, and a important one, that I don’t understand:

    For CMBN, you’re going to do 1 basic game and, at least, 1 module:

    US vs. Heer (basic game)

    CW vs. SS and FJ (1st module)

    Why do you want to split the German forces like this and do not include all of them in the basic game (US invasion vs. all German forces)?

    - In a technical way, the only difference between Heer and SS or FJ is the number of men by Squad, clothes (camo, helmet …) and chain of command if there are different forces in one KG ; the equipment is the same (weapons, tanks …)

    - In a historical way, since June 6, US forces had to fight against a patchwork of all the German forces (Heer, Luftwaffe field Division, SS). I don’t understand very well why we’ll have to wait the 1st module to play, for example, the battle around Carentan; as we all know that this battle was a very important strategic city for Us Générals to unite the two US bridge head.

    - In a financial way, I’m not sure that the “casual gamer” will buy the 1st module just to have the StuG from the 17 SS PZ or the Von der Heydt Fallshirm Rgmt (a “Command a Conquer player” doesn’t care about it :eek: :) ). On the other hand, the CM fans (as me) or the historical aficionados will buy it for sure, even if they already have all the German forces in the basic game, just to be able to play the CW around Caen (Arrrrg, Pegasus Bridge or Battles around Tilly …)

    I know that is what you’ve done with the CMSF modules (A new Allies forces with a new Syrian Opponent) but as it was a fictional conflict, it wasn’t a big deal to play without the Syrian Airborne in the basic game.

    With the WWII CMx2, it’s look very very weird for all of those who know a little bit about the Normandy battles to imagine the US forces without FJ or SS in the basic game.

    I’m just talking about the OOB, not about equipment.

    Of course, in the basic game I would like to be afraid to find a S35 hiding behind a church when my Airborne coy is occupying a village during the night of the 6 June or to destroy a strongpoint with flamethrower on Omaha beach.

    But I also understand that there is a lot of work to do so (game engine, ballistic …) and it’s not a good economical choice for you to spend time on it to be able to include it in the basic game (it’s could be a dangerous choice, as for CMBB)

    This kind of “exotic or rare equipment” could be on the future module, or why not, include in a kind of a “paid patch” for the real aficionados who want to have a totally complete Normandy TO&E …

    To resume, at this point of the CMBN development, is it technically possible to have a historic basic game which cover the entire US invasion vs. all the German forces?

    The US, WC or German “exotic or rare equipment” could be add with futures modules (or/and new US scenarii to add something else than “only” a new Allies Army if you think peoples won’t buy a module just for CW forces) or by “paid patches” for the ones who really want it.

    It could be a good balance between financial, historical and playable points of view.

    Merry Xmas and happy New Year


  6. it seems that it may be a fifty/fifty chance to mark mines or not.

    For me it's look like NO chance to mark mines because I can't select the "mark mines" button (it stay unselectable on the mocment order like "fast" when mens are tired); that's why I tried to crawl throught it (in CMx1, that's how it's work if I remember).

    Do you mean that sometimes it's possible to select it (because I tried a lot of time).

    thanks for the quick answer

  7. Hi

    After a didn't like this game one years ago (I use to play at CMAK and I had some difficulties to change my CM logic) I decided to give it a second chance ... and know I dont't want to come back on CM1.

    The BF forum is a bible to find answers about CMSF and I want to thank you all.

    I'm playing the USMc campaing and I can't marking mines by the command orer in the 5th mission.

    I tried to crawl throught the mine field ... bad idea !

    I tried to watch it cautiously ... nothing (of course !!!)

    In every situation, mark mines button wasn't selectable and I don't know how to do it.

    I'm alone in this case ?


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