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Everything posted by repsol

  1. Hello ! I used to play shock force on a laptop but now i have bought a new computer with a monitor that can handle full HD resolution 1900 * 1080... However the best resolution i can have in the game is 1280 * 960..!!??? This really sucks..For sure i have to be able to get better resolution than that..? what is wrong..? Any help would be appriciated !!
  2. What difficulty level are you playing on ? As i understand it delays for artillery support, reloading, buddy aid and some other things are shorter at difficulty level below ELITE...
  3. I like this game as much as i like CMBB. One thing that i´m not that happy about though is the fact that the US squads and teams that fire the javelin missile are not targeted by the AI the way i feel they need to be..I have only played this game for 2 weeks now so i might be wrong...But my experince with the game is to use the javelin equiped squads first to take out all enemy armour they can and then bring up your own tanks and AFVs and use them ´many on few´ against the few remaining enemy tanks and AFVs and take thoose out. I don´t rember who it was but it was in a discussion about CM:normandy i read in a post something like "I miss thoose AT-guns ! The only combined arms tactics you need to use in Shockforce is - ´bring up thoose javelins´" I couldn´t agree more...In most games i have played so far i have placed my javelinshooters on hills and woods and let them do their thing - Take out enemy armour..Only on few occations where they fired upon by the enemy AI. With their very high kill capability one would think that it would be in the enemies best intrest to take them out as soon as possible by any meens possible. If they cant actually se them areafire the hell out of the area they came from...I think it would be nice if you atlest had to repossiton thoose guys once they have fired a missile..but no..they can just sit there and fire away...
  4. hello ! I had one thought..If you want to target a specific enemy unit with the sniper units and not use the target command...Will it work to put a narrow target arc around that unit to get the sniperunit to target that enemy and only the guy with the sniperrifle to fire ?? That way you could choose your targets and still have the sniperunit work th way it should..??
  5. Hello ! I bought this game a week ago and i like it alot. I look for tips in this forum and do some test my self to try and get some basic understanding of the capabilities of the blue and red equipment in the game..I now play battle 3 in the campain - route lightning. I can´t get my recon HMMWVs to work. I keep them unbuttoned. One is hull down on the hill to the right and one is on the road but they don´t find any enemies befor they a knocket out. What are you supposed to find with them ? weichels ? troops hiding in buildings ? troops in the open ? At what ranges does this work ? how long time does it take ? Any help would be appriciated..!
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