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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Jak170

  1. If i don't run as admin, it still has a popup that says "an unidentified program is trying to access your computer blah blah blah" That's fine. When I deleted the vid it worked only when I ran the game from the C drive. IF i click my desktop shortcut, it still freezes. When it freezes, i can hear my computer simply stop working all together. the fan cuts and the whirring stops.
  2. Yes I was running the game as admin but I have been doing that for a long time. Ill try both of your methods. thanks
  3. I have Vista and just yesterday, i got the the day before, i had gotten the mod. Well when i hit "ok" on the little popup that asks for permission, the screen goes black after a few seconds of disk loading. The screen remains black until i restart by holding the power button. Nothing moves and nothing responds during the time that the screen is black. I did notice however, that iTunes could finish playing a song but couldn't continue playing something. Can someone help? P.S - Sometimes, the game does load, but its ussually on the 3rd or 4th restart and its getting to me a little. so basically, it has loaded with the mods i have.
  4. lol no i had a problem with the darker grass mod that some1 made on cmmods. but i fixed it now.
  5. The LOS tool is drawn and calculated from the ICON of the unit. So you can see that the icon is behind the building and therefore, there is no LOS
  6. I really hope that somehow I can get sniper teams in QB with only small or tiny battles.
  7. Kinda wish that the reload sound was louder. I didn't even realize there was a sound until i read that there was supposed to be. Still couldn't hear it though. Slightly more accurate JAVs when non-specs use it. Standing when back against a high wall or building instead of kneeling or laying down? Also, vehicles move faster than infantry when the vehicle is at slow and the inf is at move. Aren't they supposed to be coordinated?
  8. I kno ur supposed to give ur javelins to the specialists but sometimes, i need another guy to shoot it. A few times i did this (first time trying it), the javelin popped out of the tube and fell down a few yards away. The tank was a few MILES away. I think that's kinda weird. Sure, it adds to the realism, but comeon, i don't think they will suck that bad.
  9. ok. I'll try it out tonight when i get to my game.
  10. I have a lotta lotta mods for 1.08 (skins, voices, sounds, mord's chatter base...etc.) and I was wondering if those mods can be used when I get 1.10 without changing anything. What kind of mods can cause problems and what kind of mods will not in the new patch?
  11. Thanks for the info yall. So If i use the target line and target something and it says "Partial hull down" does that mean that at the point im targeting, if a guy was there, he would only see my turret and have a hard time shooting at the body of the tank?
  12. I read in the new patch readme file that soldiers will not move out of good cover to poor cover just to shoot at enemies. I never noticed any soldiers moving at all to shoot at enemies except if the soldiers were in buildings. How does this work? Also, what is the whole concept of "hull down"?
  13. Lol steve. the release of the patch was just in time for me to go back to my long lost laptop and download the patch to try it out.
  14. very nice dude I like the M4 better cuz the black box on the handguard doesn't pertrude the camo as much. Lookin forward to this. (I hope there's a way for you to randomize the color of the weapons just like the uniforms and stuff
  15. I wish that you could choose the "tanks to infantry" ratio. Like uhhh Only Tanks Lotsa tanks and little inf Equalish amoounts of both, Lotsa inf and little tanks Only Inf I also had problems like Asso's before but like him, i dont have the 1.1 patch yet so yea. It seems that the AI doesn't mount infantry up and move them out or anything. They tend to just walk over to the center of the map and ussually get mowed down by my already positioned forces. Is this issue addressed in 1.10?
  16. i think the people who pick up the specialty weapons have to be specialists. I have tried to get people to pick up sniper rifles but they fail to do so. I don't know about RPG's cuz I havn';t gotten a guy killed with an RPG yet. It could also be that these just can't be picked up??? i'm not so sure However, i do kno that anyone can pick up a SAW or an M203 launcher.
  17. I still don't have 1.10 but I am really looking forward to the new function. I've only seen glimpses of the spot display in the Town Assault video but I think they were darkish squares (unless that has changed). I hope by 1.11, BFC can change the colors a little more and as you said, make them more pronounced
  18. I just thought of a few more. 1. selecting all units on the screen/ selecting all units of that type on the screen/ selecting all units in the battle/ selecting all units of that type in the battle. I dont really dig the way that double clicking a unit selects the platoon that it belongs to because I tend to not care too much about the platoons. Maybe there could be an option to change that so that when I double click a unit (e.g rifle squad), all rifle squads on the screen will be selected. and maybe a hotkey CTRL-something that would select all units on the screen no matter what. 2. Assigning Units to groups. - I think this is quite prevalent in many RTS's. I select a group of units and press "CTRL-#" and they form a group so that whenever I press "#", the units that I assigned to that group would instantly be selected. This could be used to make mixed teams that I can keep track of instead of cherry-picking each 1 after they get mixed in battle.
  19. In one of the newer maps in cmmods, I saw a picture of a marine assault force coming from water onto a beach. Was that a custom thing? Another thing that would make this game more realistic but probably won't come out anytime soon is peeking around corners. If I set a squad at a building corner or a wall corner, the guy closest to it can have a little animation where he is kneeling but looking around the corner so that his head is sticking out. Possibly shooting too?
  20. Iron mode is exactly the same as the former Elite mode. The new Elite mode now shows all friendly units. you can find this info in the new Marines handbook
  21. That is a tight picture. It does bring me to think about how BF has carefully made each and every thing in the game as realistic as possible without topping Crysis.
  22. hockay. sooo when you blast a wall, you want your guys (with detpacks) to be standing on one side of the wall. You then select the BLAST thingy from one of the command menus (i forgot which 1) and you set the waypoint on the OTHER SIDE OF THE WALL if you want your men to blast the wall and move through it. You can also just set the waypoint ON THE WALL if you just want a nice explosion and a hole in something. You can do this with buildings too but in 1.08 (njot sure bout 1.10), there are a few problems with this. When you blast a wall, it will take a few seconds to blast it. If you need to know if you did it right, just click on your men. Some of them should be "hiding" and "spotting" randomly. If that's the case, in a few seconds, the glory of detpacks will come down. yeap
  23. But the point of me wishing this movie recorded existed is to watch the sheer awesomeness of this game from any viewpoint I want, at any time. Reducing the units to circles wouldn't cut it for me but it might for certain people who just want to learn tactics.
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