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Posts posted by Arzok

  1. Infantry is useful to 2 tasks :

    1/Spot ennemies. So you need to hide them, and hold the fire.

    2/When there is no more tanks, to fight ennemies. So if there are still ennemy tanks, hide the infantry, and hold the fire.

    So if you have understood, hide infantry, and hold fire, 90% of the time...

  2. Here is the link for the "provence campaign", french 44.

    Don't be desapointed, there are few tanks for this campaign (as it was in reality, the provence campaign was not a big tank battle...)

    Two single missions are also corrected in the package (St Mere crossroad and take the bridge) for EWM 1.5.5 v5

    the link :


    @johnW, did you succeed to play the mission 4 ?

  3. @Arzok, yes the missions are two! sorry. But the first is too difficult, mortars are a game killer in ToW.

    I think you speak about [la_ravit]

    There are 2 mortars, I can suppress one or even these 2 mortars, and add one or two more tanks and one more squad for germans

  4. Yuve finished the last version of his mod, for Kursk+Caen.

    It is a complete version of the mod "Eastern Wind", version v5.

    You will find a complete polish army :)

    And more, YuVe imported all statics for the polish campaign, sou you will be abble to play the polish campaign of TOW 1 with this mod.

    English version of the mod made by me.

    English version of the polish campaign made by JohnW

    Thank you again Yuve, it was a great pleasure to play the polish campign with TOW 2 :D

    Here is the links :


    Statics Domiki

    To be installed like a mod with JSGME

    And the Polish campaign

  5. Yuve finished his new mod, for Kursk+Caen.

    It is a complete version of the mod "Eastern Wind", version v4.

    You will find a complete french army, from 1939 to 1945 :)

    You will find one campaign inside, 'Fall Rot', germans vs french, 1940.

    New campaigns are under work...

    Here is the link for the english version. Interface is translated at 99%.

    Fall Rot campaign is translated with google...

    Eastern Wind Mod V4

    Thank you Yuve for your excellent work, and for all who worked on the "Eastern Wind Mod"

    And stay tuned, polish army will probably follow

  6. Yes, sometimes, with array, vehicules stop with no reason. So runcommand move must be used with point, but the point is comming from an array

    In fact, the best wat is to re-use an already existing trigger by 1C, like move_tank.

    For exemple, I adapt this one for the mission UC_Sud_04


    PARAM IN @unit

    PARAM IN @path

    PARAM IN @army

    SET @Check_Point = 0

    SEt @element_of_array = 0

    SetWorkArmy ( Army , @army )

    SET @Array_len = ArrayLen ( @path )

    label begin

    Delay ( 108 )

    Set @point_ofpath = ArrayGetElementName ( @path , @element_of_array )

    SET @unit_live = GetNUnits ( UNIT , @unit , spg , "OK_ENGINE" , "NOT_EMPTY" , "OK_WEAPON" )

    If ( @unit_live = 0 ) Then

    firemode ( UNIT , @unit , free )



    If ( @element_of_array < @Array_len ) Then

    RunCommand ( Unit , @unit , STORM , point , @point_ofpath )


    set @element_of_array = 0

    runcommand ( unit , @unit , defend )



    label wait

    delay 20000

    SET @unit_live = GetNUnits ( UNIT , @unit , spg , "OK_WEAPON" , "OK_ENGINE" , "NOT_EMPTY" )

    If ( @unit_live = 0 ) Then

    firemode ( UNIT , @unit , free )



    RunCommand ( Unit , @unit , STORM , point , @point_ofpath )

    Set @Dist = Distance ( Unit , @unit , point , @point_ofpath )

    If ( @Dist < 15 ) Then

    ADD ( @element_of_array , 1 )

    goto begin


    goto wait




    In this trigger, the IA checks regularly the distance between the point and the vehicule. When the distance is lower than 15 meters, the IA uses the next point.

    you have to adapt it, replace spg by car, and storm by move.

    You have to launch this trigger for each vehicule with :

    delay 10000

    Set @army = 3

    Set @unit = 481

    RunTriggerInstance ( "move_spg" , @unit , @unit , @path , @army )

    delay 10000

    Set @army = 3

    Set @unit = 482

    RunTriggerInstance ( "move_spg" , @unit , @unit , @path , @army )

    and so on for each truck.

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