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Posts posted by unclebob

  1. Duh!!!! Simplest fix of all!!!

    Edit out the type-o at the end of the campaign.xml file in the "MP_LIST" folder.

    There are eleven missions numbered 1-11.

    well the SID can be what ever you want, but the numerical listing has to start at zero (0) for the game to read it right.

    If you look at it they literaly didn't finish typing the comand line out. It must have been late in the day on a friday! LOL.

    Just go to the MP_LIST folder and edit out the following at the bottom of the campain.xml

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> <Mission>





  2. Is the top of the map required to be NORTH?

    I am unable to find any refference to changing the North yaw to a direction that makes the battle plans make logical sence.

    I have setup several missions that I have the attacker and defenders coming from what would in reality be the wrong direction.

    I don't really care, it dosn't bother me. But others may become confused.

    Is there a code setting for the maps that will point North to a specified cord or is it allways straight up??


  3. These are my question from the text below.

    (To help show you were I am going.)

    Tanks will not cross the bridges in some stock maps?

    Are there weight limits to some bridges?

    Can it be set the the artiliary dosn't have a firing arc well being towed?

    I have been building a few single player missions to test how the game engine works.

    I noticed an issue I had way back with CMBO.

    Tanks will not cross the bridges in some stock maps?

    If I remember right the issue was that the bridge was too light for the weight of the tank.

    However this was a heavy stone bridge, I don't see how it couldn't support the tank?

    Are there weight limits to some bridges?

    Also I noticed when playing the Germany Camp on the dunkurk mission that the opel trucks towing the Pak-35/36 that arrive as support, if you select them with the area tool rather then click on the opel its self the Pak-35/36 is used as the primary point to path vehicle. Meaning the Opel trucks try to drive backwords well pushing the Pak-35/36 towards the direction of the guns aim!

    Can it be set the the artiliary dosn't have a firing arc well being towed?

    Again if I remember right this is a contiueing issue from CMBO. (Think I was told that the arty is hard coded to the tank turret system and they couldn't be turned off well towed, without major cahnges to the code.)


    [ June 14, 2008, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: unclebob ]

  4. To start off, Yes I am running the dreaded Vista.

    No I have had no other problems with the game or its tools.

    In the mission-Camp editor. The mission side works fine. The Campaign side however will give the following error when I save.

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Could not find a part of the path 'C:blah blah Theater of war\missions\MP_LIST\MP_Mission21\briefing.xml' </pre>

  5. It would depend on the exact nature of the scenario you are posting. If it is just a single mission then YES you would have to ether use a mod loading tool that adds the info to the text.utf8 and Campaigns.xml files for you in the SINGLE_MISSIONS folder, or go in and add them manually.

    (Change the file extensions to .txt to edit)

    Now if you are doing as you stated and are making a whole new campaign like that of the Panzer Lehr Campaign that has a whole list of missions that run consecutively one after the other. Well then just copy the file structure from Panzer Lehr and rename everything so there are no compliance issues.

    If the game dosn't read the new files in the new campaign sub folder, go into the mission-campaign editor and open the first mission. In the mission tree it will show the name of the mission file. (the senerio for that map)click on it.

    Now in the properties window it will show the name again and below that it says Campaign. If its blank or says Single_Missions, change it to reflect the new campaign folder you have the files in. This should correct the game not reading the files in the new subfolder for your mission/campaign.

    I have found over the last two days that many ppl are stating there needs wrongly,

    A mission is one battle!

    A Mission set is a concurently runing set of battles!

    A Campaign is ether a group of missions or a detailed group of mission sets that evoles from multiple concurently running scenarios.

    I am not yelling at you about anything, its just I am having a hard time reading some of these posts and understanding exactly what ppl are asking for or about.

    Ppl need to learn to proof read there posts before asking questions that just cause others to ask more questions.

    Again I am not yelling at you. I am just trying to be sure I have the same though as to what you need answered.


    Oh P.S.

    If you manuelly edit the files and go in the game and now see nothing listed, dont start pulling out hairs. Just go back out and change the files types back too .utf8 and .xml

    I closed and opened the game three time before I realise I had forgoten to switch one of the files back.

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