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Posts posted by Dragon67

  1. //I think the fuss is because this was never about the relevance of the M113. That was just the initial attempt at justification for it. The real motivation was to have far more than the M113 and have no reason to justify any of it.//

    I started this thread and going back through all my posts I don't see the plot you allege.

    //Insults are the best sign that the person arguing for X has run out of intellectual ability to justify the request.//

    Show me where I insulted you here other than the fact I pointed out that you keep saying ideas are irrelevant to a Syrian scenario when in fact in all irony your own grand designs are on a WWII mod in Europe centered around the King Tiger. I bet once you get WWII every little vehicle suggestion gets a positive response and you have like 6 different trucks and the duck and everything else...

    //It's a challenge to deal with people that insist on being a part of the problem instead of the solution, but some people just don't have the intelligence to know the difference or the skills to do anything other than be negative.//

    LOL- At least you admit there is a problem.

  2. Mine cost 19.99 on sale from 39.99 at Best Buy. As for Amazon.com, you can add s&h and wait two weeks to get it. I have Paradox.

    I still believe that paying more for the Marine mod then what I paid for the game is a steal though because I rate the game and where it is going above 90% satisfaction.

  3. Forget it. They probably already regret doing the Marine mod.

    Next stop will be WWII and Syria and the rest of the ME will be the "old days".

    The new inside joke won't be about tripods but M113's.

    Remember we said M113 and the answer was King Tiger ?

    Personally, that is my take on it when the answer to our questions about adding equipment seems to be always that it is not relevant to a Syrian scenario. I think what they really mean is it is not relevant to Beyond Overlord.

    The strength of this game is not "Syria" actually, but imagination of the modern battlefield. I spend more time creating Iraq scenarios and could care less about Syria.

    [ May 16, 2008, 08:53 PM: Message edited by: Dragon67 ]

  4. Originally posted by tiny_tanker:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dragon67:

    This is an interesting new vid on Youtube. Check out the two shots of M113 followed by a Stryker at 4:24 and 4:27 consecutively. I had to do a double take on the Stryker because with the wheels gone I thought it was a LAV without treads at first. Very sad.

    Ummm... Those are both M113's. </font>
  5. Explode the files and look for the text file.

    Copy either the American or Syrian name file.

    Paste in the zfolder.

    Load a scenario.

    See the name of the soldier you wish to change.

    Go back to the file in the zfolder and change the name.

    Whenever you reload the scenario the new name will appear.

    Important- do not change names other than in the notepad document, it will screw up the entire edit and loading of the game if you alter the file in Works, etc.

    Also, remember to exit your game/CM and then restart the game because names will not change in realtime.

    A first and last name can be used with a space between names.

    [ May 16, 2008, 10:29 AM: Message edited by: Dragon67 ]

  6. Okay, you must be right because I copied the file in the exploded file and then pasted it in the z file. I then deleted all the names and simply put in <E> custer five times then created a new scenario and ran the game and it worked. All the soldiers were named Custer. I did use Word but I did not think I used it every time. Also, this time I exploded version 108 while before I did it with version 100 ?

    At anyrate it works, thanks.

    I am going to try something, create a scenario and see who the highest ranking commander is- then I will go back and change that name on the list and then see if it changes the name in the scenario.

  7. This is an interesting new vid on Youtube. Check out the two shots of M113 followed by a Stryker at 4:24 and 4:27 consecutively. I had to do a double take on the Stryker because with the wheels gone I thought it was a LAV without treads at first. Very sad.

  8. Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

    I dispute this. I had got it working a while ago so I tried again today and it is still working.

    For my first test I added three names to a copy of the file and pasted in my "Z" folder. It did not crash the game but when I created a scenario with a Stryker battalion in it, I couldn't find any soldiers using the added names.

    I suspected this was just because I'd only added three names and so statistically it would be rare for a soldier to get one of the new names. I therefore went back to the file and deleted all the other names. When I created a new scenario, every soldier had picked up the new names as expected. I also tested the "Fistfull of Doodads" scenario and it was still working, with the soldiers having picked up the new names also.

    Are you sure you haven't edited the file wrong? Every soldier name has to have <E> in front of it. Also, I didn't pack the file as it was only 7k.

    This did not work for me at all.

    I did not always add names either, but changed them too. To be sure I copied the txt doc. then went through and pasted the <E> with the name Custer for every single name. In this situation every name in the unit should have been Custer. It did not work.

    I have the Paradox version.

  9. Originally posted by M1A1TC:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:


    Will it be possible to remove the M32 grenade launchers from a Marines unit, perhaps by using the equipment quality setting? I would like to simulate OIF battles such as "An Nasiriyah" (Ambush Alley) using the new module but the M32s weren't available in 2003. It would be helpful for scenario designers if one of the quality settings effectively produced OIF-era Marines units.

    I would also like to have an anwser to this question </font>
  10. .



    [edit- read thread it does work]

    I went through an old thread where someone asked if they could change the names of the soldiers in the game.

    Okay, so I decided to experiment and the answer is no:

    1)I exploded the the files and found the text file that contains the txt doc. with the names. I changed names and copied and saved and placed the new file in my z folder. The result was the game would not load. Not only that, I had to unplugg my computer to reset it as it was stuck on the load screen.

    2) I noticed that the custom hotkeys was in the data folder and not in the z folder so I pasted the folder with the names thinking that would work. It had no effect.

    3) I repacked the folder as a new crz file and then placed that in the z folder. I went to the game editor on OMG- On the purchase blue my stryker units had been renamed as uncoms !! Seriously, instead of a stryker battalion there were fighter groups and when you opened the the tree it was a hodge podge of stryker names and IED units, etc. I tried to load an edited game and go it jammed again and I had to unplugg the computer.

    End of story- don't place a txt file in your z folder or the scenario will not load.

    Why you cannot edit names and place them in the data file the same way you have hotkey editing which is also a txt I can only guess that a program matching the keys to commands is set to use that file.

    Deleting the crz and txts from the z folder brought the loading back to normal.

    [ May 16, 2008, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: Dragon67 ]

  11. Originally posted by Hoolaman:

    Dragon67, I agree, the auto-surrender in this and earlier CM games could be annoying when you have an vindictive desire to hunt down and destroy every last straggler on the map.

    Not remotely realistic, but fun as an option to keep playing, maybe after the score is calculated.

    If the enemy wants to quit, let them surrender and face the music.
  12. //@ Dragon

    DPICM duds would be more important to model because (a) they're relatively common, and (B) they create a significant battlefield effect. We're basically talking about 2-5 landmines laid per 155mm shell detonation.//

    It is not as relatively common as a rifle jam turning yer shorts into a mobile latrine. To say 5 out of 100 is significant in a real war is one thing, to state it is significant in a two hour or less simulator is not.

  13. Originally posted by YankeeDog:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Adam1:

    DPICM may be out of favour with the political figures but it is not out of favour with the military and is an extremely important part of modern warfare. It's exclusion in CMSF marks a major omission, and has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with coding. American military doctrine is tactical defense relying on indirect fires, particularly ICM, to kill the enemy.

    While there are certainly political groups that would like to see DPICM banned, my post was about military/tactical drawbacks to DPICM, not the political issues.

    If BFC is going to model DPICM use in a realistic manner, then it need to model the fact that DPICM has a 2-4% dud rate, meaning any movement over which DPICM rounds have been recently detonated carries some risk.

    Like I said, my understanding is that, for this reasons, it tends to be used more for deeper fires away from friendlies or terrain friendlies might need use for maneuver, and not so much for the close support stuff you see in CMSF.

    Personally, I think MRSI and Arty-delivered smoke higher priority additions to CM:SF than DPICM.


    YD </font>

  14. Originally posted by Fizou:

    This game is supposed to show realism, not an enemy that fights to the death at all times...

    Well, maybe a feature where individual units surrender like in CMBO would be better ? Which do you think would show more 'realism' ?
  15. Originally posted by Combatintman:

    Most units that go below 40% combat effectiveness lose all cohesion - the AI is right to surrender.

    No, about half the enemys remaining force was not damaged and had not seen combat. The chances were slim, but the possibility to turn it into a draw or win points wise was there although very slim. That is why I doubt a human opponent would not have folded especially after having destroyed two infantry squads. With 20 minutes remaining the computer could have countered on another objective while holding the final one and inflicting enouph casualtys/points to have turned this around.

    This is like when someone asked the devs why a two hour time limit and everyone said that was unrealisitic, etc,- which is true. But why limit the possibiltys of the game ? There is little point of that. In my situation with the computer pussing out, it really harms the playability of the game for me.

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