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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by HimAgain

  1. JG,

    Sounds like a titanic struggle. Lotsa fun too I'm sure. I envy you multiplayer types. I'm stuck playing against AI becasue I can't comit to time needed for multiplayer.

    Real life opponent must add a whole new dimension to SC2 or WaW.

    So i live vicariously thru message boards.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences one and all.

    It would be nice to see an auto diary function included with game. Would make for a nostalgic look back at old games or just to share with others.



  2. Hi Billy,

    Glad you liked them.

    I'm working on a version which displays the transport when infantry units are mechanized and they move. There will also be variations in the tanks & planes e.g. JagdPanther, JSU152, Su76, Hs129, HMS Nelson, etc.

    More leaders portraits (Rundstedt, Manstien, Kesselring, Bradley, Wavell etc.)

    Considering putting in portraits of famous fictional characters for Special Ops forces too. Such as Sgt Steiner(Cross of Iron), General Colt (Kelly's Heroes)as a General, LeeMarvin (Dirty Dozen), Col Steiner (Eagle Has Landed), Sgt Maj Peacock (Devils Brigade) the list goes on and on, but I'm afraid I'll be crossing the line here.

    What I find is that I get somehow more attached to the units when I see a Special Ops portait and manage to loose them in my test games.

    All the above will require me to over-right the existing 3D Counters.

    The real problem is time. Do i do the SC2 World Mod and include the Japanese or continue continue with WaW 3D replacement

    FeedBack is always greatly appreciated.



  3. I thinks i should re-state my beef.

    It was somewhat muddled.

    The game shines because you have such flexibility thru the editor. No Problems there.

    Your right PzGndr, my views are prbably skewed because of some of the games we've all played in the past. (A3R, Clash of Steel, etc.)

    Liam, I have no illusion about the eagerness of the minor axis allies to volunteer, but lets face it, they were strong armed by Hitler and had little choice and less motivation.

    When comparing a German unit to any of the Axis minors it's no contest. The German unit is always the better unit. Why shouldn't the cost reflect this? When looking for something to plug the lines on the Eastern Front, you should be able to get the less efficient Minor Axis units in there at a reduced cost. Without even factoring in the additional costs for upgrades, the identical base costs are identical. This means you would never purchase a minor axis unit.

    My argument only extends to basic Infantry units. Political considerations aside, basic infantry should be available cheap to the Russians too. I mean, "Grab a rifle and go" was all it took in these cases.

    There, I feel much better now, even if it's not much clearer.




  4. I don't like playing with hard build limits because it limits the "what if" factor.

    Currently all infantry units have the same costs regardless of which country is buying.

    Clearly some countries valued the lives of their soldiers more than others and so were given a bit more training.

    (You could also argue that some gave them plenty of training but still didn't value thier lives)

    What gernally tends to happen now is the minor axis allies are used for garrison/anti-partisan duty.

    To add some colour to the battles, and rather than relegate all the minor axis allies to garrison/anti-partisan duties, i would like to see their build costs come down. They are already almost useless in any serious battle, and lets face it, unless you play with hard unit build limits, why would you ever build a Romanian, Finnish (with all respect to our Romanian & Finnish friends) or any other minor ally when you can get more bang for your buck by just getting the equiv. German Unit. In actuality I'm sure the Germans were eager to enlist the help of any of their allies and then drop them into the front lines on the Eastern Front. Even if they were just cannon fodder.

    This would be offset by reducing Russian infantry costs.

    The Big Red Machine was all about strength in numbers and they had a total disregard for soldier’s lives.

    Training came cheap and so did their infantry.

    I propose the following:

    Reduce all Axis Minor Ally (all axis except German) Infantry Costs by 15-20%.

    Reduce Russian Infantry Costs by 15-20%

    Restrict Partisan Activity to random disruption, but no actual physical units appear on map.

    Interesting, right now the deployment/use of Axis minors reminds me of the current situation in Afghanistan.

    The Canucks, Brits and the US (even if only with their itchy trigger fingers on their bomb pickles) are doing the heavy lifting.

    Meanwhile, the rest of NATO is on guard duty in some quiet sector. (Hmm... Simulation imitates reality????)

    I'm sure that Hitler would not have accepted axis troops with such strings attached, but i digress.

    I know the editor lets you do this, but it would be nice to see it as a standard modification to the game.



  5. Hi SeaMonkey,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    My original intent was to reproduce a hybrid PanzerBlitz-Third Reich boardgame look to the counters, but I do see what you mean about the terrain being hidden.

    I used the original military counters shipped with the game as my template for the counter dimensions. This would ensure the proper alignment of the unit strengths, and upgrade attributes etc.

    What you are suggesting would improve the map view but man, I’m not sure if I’m able to tackle all you are suggesting.

    I’m currently working on an expanded WaW counter set to introduce more variation.

    e.g. LRDG for Special Forces in the desert instead of the current SAS insignia.



  6. Personally, I like to first take Gibraltar by bending a few Spanish arms. (aka diplomacy)

    Then thru superior tactics, muscle the Brits out of Egypt. Only then do I have a look at Malta.

    All verse the AI of course.

    IMO, it’s just not cost effective to amass such a huge force to take Malta head on at an early stage of the game. Given the time and resources, you may have only a small window to try a Head On Full assault before Russia beckons.


  7. Hi Everyone,

    THANKS once again to Hubert for making such a great game and Philippe for all the pointers. My apologies to all the purists who may be offended by some of the Level 5 Aircraft included in the mix.

    SC2 France 1940 Sample:


    WaW Russia Sample:


    Both SC2 & WaW Counter sets are posted at: http://www.cmmods.com/web/CMMods.nsf

    Look for postings made by VonScurg.

    I hope you like them.

    Any comments are welcome.



  8. Hi Everyone,

    THANKS once again to Hubert for making such a great game and Philippe for all the pointers. My apologies to all the purists who may be offended by some of the Level 5 Aircraft included in the mix.

    Operation Husky Sample:


    Both SC2 & WaW Counter sets are posted at: http://www.cmmods.com/web/CMMods.nsf

    Look for postings made by VonScurg.

    I hope you like them.

    Any comments are welcome.



  9. I’m not sure what’s going on but I may have found a problem or a script is running which I don’t understand. Using SC2WaW ver1.02 playing as Axis against Allied AI.

    The situation is that Oran is Axis occupied but the port Mers El Kebir remains Allied controlled?


    Is it significant that the city and the port each have a distinct name?

    Allies landed in Algeria but failed to take Algiers (heroic Vichy French defense)or move into Oran. Axis then tried to quickly reinforce by transporting in units only to find Mers El Kebir port under Allied controlled.

    Was able to operationally move Spanish Tangier garrison to Oran (Spain had just joined Axis a few turns before), but port remains Allied controlled.

    Hubert, I have the game saved and can email it to you if required.

    Please advise.



  10. Hi Richard,

    Thanks for your encouragement.

    I'm struggling with trying to decide what to include or exclude.

    The Flak 88mm vs. PAK 88mm or 75mm for the German AT units is another dilemma. I had to choose the Flak 88 version because of its fame/numbers produced even if the others might be more accurate. Problem is it’s the size of a barn door and dwarfs most other AT units. :(

    Not sure what to do.

    I'll try and get something up soon.


  11. Hi Aesopo,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    I'm not finished the WaW counters yet, but an early version of the SC2 counters are already posted in the mods section. Once they are ready I'll post them for everyone somehow.

    I haven't got plans to do the global counters at this point but i guess that depends on how well these are received The process is very time consuming. (I haven’t even had time to play a complete game since the WaW release!)

    Some of my current problems are:

    Artillery units.

    I've currently got the Russian 203mm Howitzer to represent Soviet artillery, but the 152mm might be better representative of this arm. Ditto for the Italians. I'm using their 210mm verses the lighter and more numerous guns in their park.

    Bombers vs TAC & Fighter units:

    I'm trying to figure out how to distinguish them more clearly. Especially the early 2 engine bomber models which are too small when compared to some fighters and most 2 engine TAC bombers. (this is my fault for sticking to a scale) The current bomber set has a slightly larger national marking. It may have to be made a bit bigger still, as it's barley noticeable now. Or I could simply place a bomb icon on the lower right of each Bmbr counter similar to what I'm doing with the TAC units.

    Anyone with some opinions on this is welcome to weigh in.



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