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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by costard

  1. It's hard being stupid. I just can't figure this **** out!

    Nah, you're not stupid, you're just having to learn how to think along very rigid lines, using language you're not familiar with. Keep it up, it turns out that all effort is rewarding.

    "If you are not confused, you have mis-understood the question."

  2. ..to simulate that men will do stupid things and die?

    Ye..es, and, well other stuff. The effects of stress and confusion can quite often be taken for stupidity and it is for this reason that militaries train their soldiers. However, no training is perfect, not all reactions to physical and mental stimuli can be predicted. Welcome to the uncertain world.:)

  3. meh. Inordinate amounts of meh.

    Righto Boo, you just put your collection of smelly underwear away and indulge yourself in a true, manly hobby for a change.

    I challenge you to a contest of facility of wit, one where your nose's ability to differentiate between the naturally fecund and a hormone enhanced shemale is only good for determining exactly which class of ordure I shall beat out of you.

    'cause you're you're not going to be able to tell by colour, see?, having being blinded by the radiance coming from your own fundament as your head is shoved therein, it first having been removed from it's rightful place in Joe's.

    Come get some, you four legged, gotch eyed, leprosy infested excuse for a k-nigget!

  4. well these ballistics are something that the devs need to look into for CM:SF and all upcoming games and mods. I mean in CM:SF .50 cal rounds bounce off of buildings!


    I'm sure this is an exaggeration - I've rubbled buildings with the M2 in CMSF (or at least knocked out walls). Sure, ricochets are modeled...

  5. Let's try him on this one: What is the sound of one hand clapping?


    Lend me your earhole for a moment and I'll demonstrate with vigour.

    Joe there's no level of incompetence I can't reach.

    What news of the fishermen - did they drown (happy thought), or were they arrested by the Coast Guard for "lewd display designed to terrorize local inhabitants." Maybe we should get up a petition to have them extradited to Mexico for their jail terms.

    Cesspudlians, I still have not challenged any one of you successfully. Now, while I know that none of us is particularly fond of receiving a beating (oops, forgot about Boo, sorry Boo) I feel it behooves one or other of you to receive the inaugural thrashing. Well?

  6. You have that backwards—and who could be surprised?. In Australia, only criminals are allowed to vote. It's an old tradition.


    No no no, you have it wrong - again. (How very proletarian of you, Michael.)

    In Australia we vote for members of the criminal class, who then pass all sorts of laws to further their nefarious purposes. (Actually, it reminds of another nation, on the tip of my tongue.. oh yes, what a coincidence. Your bankers would know where I'm talking about.)

  7. Good thread topic.

    I sort of like the "You get what you get give: work with it." That said, I also like to compose my own force, making up the most functional fire-brigade company or assault group from limited set of resources.

    Force selection managed by the player avoids the problems of "The computer gave me a crap force to work with." and "Man, I've played this particular set of units so many times already - time to give IL2 another go." A player managed force selection also gives the greater likelihood of tactical surprise being exercised as certain options are chosen in preference to others - a commander playing to his own strengths and, if he knows his opposition well enough, his opponent's weaknesses. This is where I'm hoping there is an option to view the battle map as part of the force selection process - I believe this would be a valuable piece of data for any commander given his 'druthers.

    Most of the complaints about the QB system in CM:SF seem to be about an undeveloped system in place. My understanding is that had Battlefront waited until this was "perfect", they wouldn't have been able to release the game for another two years or so, making the exercise uneconomical and therefore moot. We've been told to watch out for an improved system in CM: Atlantic Wall, if we live long enough, we might see what goodies they have had planned for us all along. :)

  8. Between the lines - the Iraqi army wouldn't be able to cope with an invasion from, say, Iran (certainly Saddam viewed the threat from Iran as real - its the reason he gave for not letting the IAEA view his dismantled nuclear weapons research facilities). It's possible that if the US Army wasn't actually present at the time such an event went down, a more reliable relationship between the US Army and the Iraqi could be forged, but unless such circumstances dictated, nothing will improve. It doesn't make sense to withdraw piecemeal as you give the opposition the information they need to hurt you on the way out in terms of men, materiel and morale. My take.

  9. Financially and politically, could these democracy adventures ever really happen again? The Iraq and Afghanistan wars will be oddities in U.S. History a hundred years from now.

    Just like how today it would be impossible for a Vietnam type of war to happen in our culture, it will be impossible for an Iraq type of war of war to happen 30 years from now. People simply wise up.

    ROFL - brillliant.:D

  10. Those Hummer armed with TOW's are mostly cannon fodder as far as I can tell. Even parked and waiting for the enemy to show they frequently get whacked without ever seeing what hit-em.

    The Marines trade anti-infantry firepower for anti-tank firepower though they do seem quite capable once the enemy tanks get closer.

    Atago, the TOW Hummers are awesome anti-armour in built up maps - nimble and light, perfect for navigating tight alleyways.

  11. Ahem.

    'Beer', 'girls', kayaks.

    Only unrepentant feck-sticks are into 'fast cars'. And most 'girls' have figured out that guys into fast cars climax as quickly as their over-powered automotive 'I'm sorry, usually it doesn't even take me that long to cross the finish line, honey; I'd make it up to you, but you're just kleenex to me' pieces of ****e.

    And as for the 'beer', part, well, of course, the gods have given us an entire cornucopia of spirits with which to toll out our evening song of joy to them.

    And as for girls...well, I've had girls. I prefer women, because at least afterwards, you can talk. And, quite often, cook a good meal. I mean, there's only something like 100 ways to do it, short of starting to repeat yourself in ever stranger locations, and adding in increasingly disturbing sock-puppets, but the experience of food is almost infinite.

    Costard, you're under 40, aren't you?

    It shows in the sloppy way you address the human condition.

    Good pick, oh Gnome. Old enough to have a genuine appreciation for the beauty of youth, young enough to believe that the appreciation could be honestly reciprocal. Old enough to know that fast cars require more engine rebuilds than I have time for. Young enough to prate about the fixability of the world, if only it weren't populated by such a bunch of unspeakable, inedible morons, old enough to suspect that it ain't broke, that the problem lies with myself and my lack of ability. Old enough to see that time is a curve - heh, perhaps some sort of e^x - young enough to have no real idea of how fast that left remaining to me will disappear. Like you would care, but I married for cooking ability. At best, I'm a fool of a fraud, at worst, sincere in my voiced observations, but unwilling to take responsibility for them.

    But enough about me - Elvis has it right, and that charming threesome of piscine delights is only further proof. Onanists to a man.

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