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Posts posted by costard

  1. Hey Sarge - the film article is discussing exercises conducted with live ammo. If I was looking to make a good guess I'd suggest that the heavy base (the tripod) was being used to provide a more accurate floor on the beaten zone whilst still allowing the operator to use his weapon (Commando's weren't taking Viickers heavies along for this battle._) So as not to kill or maim too many of their own guys during the exercise sort of thing. "Pentapod" might have been the coining I was looking for, but the illiteration...

  2. I hear you about the memory, John. I suspect you're a tough old bugger.

    At some point the saturation of information leads to relative paralysis of analysis (generation of synthesised knowledge). Generalists suffer sooner - and require more mental horsepower in order to contribute in a timely fashion. Development of the capability is true work - thus we have institutions of tertiary education, and further. Also required is the wealth and socially held mythology to enable someone to effectively (in terms of supporting themselves) sit on their arse and do nothing but have an idea (synthesised outcome) every four weeks, of which one in 20 is not bad. The problem being, of course, if s/he's so smart, how would I know if that's a good idea? Reproduction of the process of synthesis into the shared language is an "open books" policy - a writer must be willing to have themselves exposed, has in fact already exposed themselves, if they contribute to a general discussion in the same way a speaker does. 


    We (English users) have the biggest library - we stole an awful lot from wherever we could find it, Apparently the reformed (or red shift) Roman Catholic Church, i.e. Protestant mythology has the content to provide the systems of wealth generation to support otherwise (in regions less socially developed, those that haven't undergone a red shift). The canons of English Common Law is the library. Filling it full of **** isn't, in my view, the best use of the technology.


    Deepest apologies for the threadjack - back to your regular show (good pics, btw).

    Hi Michael. Good to see you're in spirits - but did you check to see if I got the past perfect correct? I think I cocked up, again.

  3. On 10/29/2016 at 10:19 AM, John Kettler said:



    Spartacus fuit clarus servus qui habitabat in Capua.

    "Spartacus was a famous slave  who lived in Capua." 



    John Kettler

    Pig latin.

    Spartacus, clarus servus, in Capua habitat. fui is understood (depends on what your definition of 'is' is, really) and the referential verb comes at the end of the sentence (and with the correct tense - not imperfect.

  4. 'White man speak with forked tongue.'


    Well, yes. In fact, this is an extremely astute observation of a man and the language he uses.

    'Doublespeak', '.govspeak', Orwell and the dystopias,

             The Tower of Babel and the inefficiencies inherent

                      in complex, multiple-meanings language.

              - what the collapse in the structure of [in]efficiencies

                      underpins. Commerce, for example.

    Tho', there is a realised value in the conveyance of double (or even more) meanings, /s

    and sometimes that value is negative


    'White man speak with forked tongue.' Irony, scope, understanding and wisdom. Perspective. Likely outcome.


    Hi y'all


  5. snip

    Now to that list of most influential people, he has it all wrong


    #1 The person who first harnessed fire.

    #2 The person who first learned to plant crops

    #3 The  person who first domesticated animals.

    #4 The person who first thought up writing- okay that is likely a bunch of people so we'll call 4 a group win.

    #5 The person who first realized shell fish are damn good eating - okay that probably doesn't belong there, but this is my list.


    For Kohlenklau

    #1 The genetic forbears of Kate Upton.

    #1 is the guy who worked out that if threw a rock you hurt the other guy without hurting yourself, and you were far enough away to run if you missed. #2 is the guy who saw it happen and asked the question "How did you figure that out?"

  6. JonS, yeah - "Changing the way we work changed the way we work." is the meaning of the sentence. PR bull****, trying to capture the essence of dynamism (pro-active is an out of fashion term) and impart it to the workforce in the slogan. If the author went on to describe the changes, how they were measured and so on, it could be a fluff line to introduce the topic and account for another fifteen minutes of "work".


    There's also the chemistry term - "dynamic equilibrium" - gives another clue as to the meaning of dynamic.

  7. Kniggethood? What did I ever do to you?

    Here's the thing - no possible good can come from knighting you. This is understood.

    But, you've been a squire for some time now, freely abusing the power of the position, fighting various nobodies in pissant, pusillanimous, pas de deuxs.

    Time to put down the piss-bucket, I say. Where's Boo? How do we make this thing happen? (May God forgive me.)

  8. A couple of quick thoughts. Yes, I do Peng, but only in moderation.


    Lobsters - can move themselves by flipping (think 50-150m jumps), crawling, burrowing (tunnelling cockroach types? really fast, hard to see, pathing issues, sweet! Sorry Charles.) This introduces a "new" tactical environment and lends itself to the possibility of the "Kungai" lobster attack - if a squad is bunched two might get squashed while one gets his **** ****** off and **** **** ** ****. So surprise possibilities are good here.


    Few machines - limited resources (seriously, if the invaders resources aren't limited in some fashion there is no hope beyond germ warfare. That is not the greatest game concept to make the rounds, right there.) Maybe the back story takes out oil supply infrastructure, something like that? Humans vs Lobsters, not machines vs machines.

  9. In Australia, lawyers and doctors represent the pinnacle of humanity. This is because the people who actually own the place don't live here - we don't get to mix with them and the lawyers and doctors are the best examples of humanity for tens of thousands of miles. So, we're a sad bunch who look up to tradesmen and middle-class professionals. Intellect, integrity, wholesomeness - what earthly use are any of these if the fruits of virtue are to be stolen away by our masters? Truthfully, many of us recognise that our most successful international role is as the rabid attack poodle of the west: the rest of us just want beer.

  10. I'm not sure the Dniepr is an obstacle for Russia - they have the US Navy locked out of the Black Sea (and unless Turkey wants to be fighting the Russians in Turkey, it'll stay that way) and can(will) use the river for supply. It's a major highway in its own right. This is true of all the big rivers emptying into the Black Sea, they provide access and supply routes with Russia being the only state that can make use of them (how do you bomb a river into an unusable state?) The Danube? Combine this with labour movements in Western Europe effectively blockading ports (and sabotage if the strikes are put down) and the US/NATO supply situation becomes a real pain. Air? I think missile tech has pretty much nerfed that aspect of war, for now.


    If the West decides to go to war in Eastern Europe, it is going to have to shut down the internet. It should have done it three years ago: the populace of Europe is not inclined to reason that it has anything, at all, to gain from a war with Russia. Being fed into the mincer for the benefit of the US/Anglo MIC is not going to go down well.

  11. You still here? Done playing squat tag in the asparagus patch are ya? In all honesty I want to know when we start voting people off around here because you are in contention for first place in that category, a ranking I’m confident that has never been experienced by you before. When you are dead, you don't know you are dead but other people do. It's the same Stuka, when you are stupid, and given the evidence presented if stupidity was a disease you’re in the terminal phase.

    Comprehension is not your strong suite is it? The post was obviously way over your head. But then when you’re nothing but a worm with limbs anything is over your head. See if you can comprehend this you spazmatic toe jam licking zit sucking waste of human flesh. If I have ten cakes and you ask for one how many do I have left................that’s right 10.

    You drooling picking pork rinds and juju beans off your I love Dora tee shirt pocket pen protector wearing retarded crackhead. Many geeks have a suboptimal sense of personal hygiene, but you reek to a level normally associated with mass graves. I’m sure you used to live an active life- played football, tennis, did car racing. Sometimes played poker and pool. But when your computer broke, everything ended.

    Your idiocy, and that of Justicar Joe, far exceeds anything I've had the displeasure to encounter before. Why you both weren't executed at birth I'll never know. I’m still expecting one of you to post a.... make $75 hr at home ad.

    Not bad. Your punctuation and phrasing need some work, but not bad at all.

  12. The Ukrainian Army isn't fighting its own people, nor is it fighting the Russians. Quite a few Ukrainian military personnel have found gigs fighting for the rebels (and they've taken their equipment with them) the rest are doing the bare minimum to keep from being labelled traitors and are not engaging. On top of that, the Russian military has more than a few Ukrainians serving - people who have family in the civil war zone - these are the guys taking vacations and they're taking their kit with them. Kiev is being bled white as its available mercenary base is destroyed and no-one, certainly not the US or NATO, is going to save them. 18 pairs of used boots - that's what was supplied by the Ukraine Army to the mercenary battalions.

    Azov and the rest cannot move from their positions: while it suits Russia and the rebels to have them in place (there's a narrative to sustain), they will remain alive. If you want to know what the narrative is, its all about ethnicity - the Slavic people. The second question in the interrogation of captured Kiev forces is "How much are they paying you?" The third question is "Are you a Slav?" The fourth question is "Who is paying you to kill [your brother] Slavs?"

    On a side note, Saakashvili is now based in Ukraine. All the **** is gathered in one place and the embarrassment to the US is prepped to be flushed.

  13. The really sad part is that it doesn't seem to have curbed the population much.

    Your Leige,

    Sir Joe Shaw JFLPCT

    Sure it has - Noba is our version of a "survivor". He is the prime example of a desperate gene trying to make it any way it can, with whatever it has to hand. In other words, he's an Australian. Snakes and spiders and crocs and sharks and box jelly fish and spiders and stingrays and stonefish and snakes and dingoes and - by the way, the Austral indigene learned which three or four of the 1200 species of available vegetable material wouldn't kill you in hours, then went on to populate one of the largest pieces of waste land you'll ever come across. Thinly populated, I grant you, but the environment is pretty harsh. It didn't get any easier for them when shotguns arrived, not for them nor the snakes.

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