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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Hev

  1. I agree with dynaman, both groups shout just as loud.

    The thing is people will remember all the "Its broke" shouts over the "it works" shouts because,quite frankly, the game SHOULD work.

    Personaly i love the fact that even now, four months down the line, people are still screaming about the same bugs and issues ( leaving aside the fact that these bugs are taking a long time to squash )

    To me it shows that the comunity still love and care about the franchise, the latest edition and above all Battlefront!

  2. Considering how in the dark we are with regards to game mechanics and design descesions i dont see what possable harm it could do to allow SOMEBODY to answer any constructive questions, anything that might help improve our enjoyment of thier product has got to be a good thing!

    lets be honest, if we knew a little more mabye people would feel more at ease with how the game is progressing.

  3. Do i think BFC will continue to patch and work on Shock Force until the comunity is happy (well most of us) yes i do. I certainly dont think theres anything they couldnt fix!

    I would guess by Battlefronts absence on the forum and the few hints weve had that the .05 patch is going to be big.

    Personaly ive got a niggling feeling that they are going to throw a surprise our way, something big and shiney to put the smiles back on all our faces (and remind us why BFC are the best developer out there)

    And on the flip side, youve only got to look at all of Ubisoft's recent games to see how bad after support can be -.-

  4. What panzer says here is spot on. The (for want of a better expression) WOW factor of the CMx1 games was off the chart, and after cmbo we new what the series offered and how it arranged this wargaming nourishment on the plate.

    Granted, the plate was not a silver platter, just one of those cheap paper jobies you get at weddings, but we loved it all the more for that, when you get 6 star food who gives a **** about the plate!

    Now i find myself comparing Shock Force with Beyond Overlord wondering why the latter hit all the buttons the former missed. It cant be just the bugs so what is it?

  5. Ok, i dont know of a way to do what you want but FYI everybody was having problems with using the keys to move the camera after launch so all the beta testers convinced us of the power of using the mouse.

    My sugestion is to keep using the mouse to control the camera, eventualy it will become second nature.

    PS I just noticed your post count so i thought id welcome you to the forum. Howdy :D

  6. Im not sure what you mean by reverse, but if your having problems with moving the camera, use the mouse buttons.

    Hold them down (right is for panning the camera and left is for moving it) that way you can finely tune the position of the camera. moving it this way is much smoother.

    Hope that helps

  7. The action spots have to play more of a role then just checking to see if LOS is "possable"

    Most of us have seen outgoing fire "snap-to" the center of an action spot so i imagine something deeper is going on.

    The thing i realy dont get is this: If the action spots in CMx1 were 20 meters and the CMx2 spots are 8 meters, why did we never see this sort of thing in the previous games?

  8. Wait a minute captain, if your going to use THAT argument then the spherical explosion needs to go too.

    I realy hate people who argue a point with one argument, then when that gets disproved they just think up a new argument. You sir are an idiot.

    We NEED an explosion graphic, it SHOULD be as realistic as possable and there MUST be visable signs for the player.

    Now then private adultery, we know YOU dont like the cone graphic but the fact is ITS THE MORE REALISTIC OF THE TWO.

    Rolstoy: id like to see the cone bcak with some ground effects as well, be nice if your arty kicked up a serious sand storm when it hit :D

  9. Im still quite anoyed that (for some unknown reason) BFC changed the graphic for the artilery from the vanila version.

    I realy wont that cone graphic back, we know its more realistic then the "ball" explosion and BFC should never have changed it in the first place.

    For me my first "Holy **** how cool was that moment!!" was when i first saw a 155 barrage with the cone of death. Now its just a distant memory :(

  10. Love the original post, very engaging and thoughtfull.....

    Now for my two pence worth, I reckon the differences (the things that they changed between CMx1 and CMx2) are irelevant (bar one), its the fact that none of the new fetures work properly.

    If guys moved between buildings properly and the fire from your guys looked realistic ie: thier individual fire hit individual locations (and all the other niggles were fixed) we would have a game that was SIMPLY THE BEST (needs to be read in best tina turner voice :D )

    Imagine what the CMx2 ww2 title would look like with fixed mechanics..... OMG! Im getting wood just thinking about the massed artilery and the heavy machine gun barrages ;)

    Now to back track a little, the only thing *I* think they did wrong was not to include the QB generator.

    Before if you wanted to test the defence capabilties of cooks with heavy tank support you could set it up in seconds, now you have to build the WHOLE scenario first!

    Gone are the days of filling your spare hours with spur of the moment "what if" scenarios :(

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