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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Hev

  1. I think the point is gentlemen, there are many things in the world that are worthy of starting convos about, big problems that affect massive amounts of people, when THEY are all sorted we can start the "Is it ok to play games that imitate real world current events" convo.

    Until then, ill be playing shock force safe in the knowledge that if me enjoying this game is insencetive, then im still better off than the guys that start real wars!

  2. People, its you that has missed the point, you'll sit around your tv and watch films and tv shows that mirror real life very closely, and tread some very dodgy ground with regards to how close to home some of these shows/films come.

    Untill you're campaigning about all those other forms of media that "apper insensitive" you should keep quiet.

    And as for those imaginary games you cited, being an open minded person i would happily play them ( "columbine" in particular is it does indeed exist as a game ) if they were actualy trying to achieve something senseable. Ie a near future combat simulation in a beleivable situation!

  3. I realy hate arguments like this, its people that cant seperate fiction from reality that realy cause problems for the games industry.

    People like Jack Thompson, who makes some big waves about our beloved pastime, can only do so because of people that cant seperate the entertainment from real life.

    Get a grip, you dont complain when authors write books about "possible future conflict" or about "Horrific murders and unwanten destruction"

    And as a parting note, you dont even complain when your own country continues to be the worlds largest polluter of the planet, therby speeding up the destruction of the very plannet on which we live!

    Lets try not to give all those nutters out there more ammo as to why games are the spawn of the devil.......


  4. Again, all complaints aside ( lets face it rts/wargamers are a picky bunch ) I love what BFC have made combat mission. The series is the light in a very dark gaming tunnel and is one of the few games that shows games are not just for kids.

    And if we get down to the brass tacks not many people do what bfc do and deep down we all thanks god every night that companys like BFC ( and introversion :D ) still exist.

  5. Howdy all

    I just had a thought that might explain our spotting woes, could the US troops have a hard time spotting due to the civilian density setting?

    IE: spotting them is not the problem, picking the combatants from the civies IS.

    Id love some clarification from the devs or test team about this. Might help people understand the beast a little better aswell :D

  6. In my experience the whole M1 weapon system is lacking in game.

    Just using the first campaign mission as an example. During multiple replays a stationary tank on my flank ( firing at between 500 - 1100 meters iirc ) would often miss, and im talking 50 percent hit ratewhen targeting enemy heavy units.

    The Abrams is garunteed to have a better fire control system then ANYTHING in the syrian arsenal, yet in the first scenario not only do syrian tanks hit pretty much every time (funnily only once destroying a tank) while my M1 frequently misses and can even hit a T62 without killing it!

    ( i can live with a t62 infrequently surviving hits, but an abrams missing at less then 1500 meters seems unlikey )

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